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Pick hand finger extender/mallet things...


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I saw an old Sat. Night Live re-run the other day with Peter Gabriel and Tony Levin was playing bass. He was getting that sound like on Sledgehammer but what freaked me was he had these mallet things on his right hand index and middle fingers so he was popping the strings instead of plucking them.


Maybe it's old news to you guys, but where does one acquire these things. I just flat out loved the sound he was getting. They looked like sticks attached to his fingers with rubber? mallet tips.



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Saw that TITLE and I thought I was on Jeopardy: "What are Tony Levin's FUNK FINGERS?"


I don't know if he still has them available. But he has in the past sold them on his website. They are basically just sawed-off drumsticks, with some velcro or something to keep them situated on the fingers.

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Originally posted by greenboy:

Saw that TITLE and I thought I was on Jeopardy: "What are Tony Levin's FUNK FINGERS?"



Indeed, Tony did used to sell them on his website and they were basically sawed off drumsticks with velcro -- I think they also might have had rubber coating on the tips. Thru the rumor mill I heard that he was looking for a new manufacturer and hoped to have them for sale again one day.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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My son and I met Tony Levin at Bass Day 2000 and asked him about them-- as mentioned here, he had run out and was trying to find a manufacturer, but doing it all took a lot of time, so he wasn't sure that they would ever be made again.


Here's a close-up photo; you can see that the ends have a thin rubberized coating, and the top area is scooped out for fingers. A slot is there, also, for the velcro loops. Hopefully, from this shot, you can fabricate your own. I think I'd use clear silicone caulk for the coating, or perhaps some of the rubberized stuff you can buy to dip tools into.



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