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Jason Hoyt

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This band :"9mm" "Better Way"

Or this band :"SILT" (here are thier songs) Possible bass position in each band, but probably not in both. :D

"Suppose you were an idiot ... And suppose you were a member of Congress

... But I repeat myself."

-Mark Twain

http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/63/condition_1.html (my old band)

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My soundcard is horked so I just browsed the 9mm site instead. Seems like they have some serious stuff goin' on. But talk about crap writing on the band bio. If you want to be bombastic yo could do it with considerably more panache ; }


I couldn't even get the other site to load during my alloted time. I'll check it out later. But my feeling is 9mm seems to be serious about going somewhere.

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Tough choice, given the music styles are so different. I think you have to decide. If you enjoy both types of music, then look at the dynamics of "membership", and band goals. Let's also remember that if band A has a strong local work and following while band B wants to tour backward asian provinces, you might want to discuss it with your fiance. You might want to do that anyway - women (and people on the outside of a situation) have insight that we often lack.


As to which music this 47 yr old bassist would pick, I'd be mucking in silt...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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i guess i'm the voice of dissent. i'd go with silt. maybe i'm just a sucker for all that punk crap that's out now with the interchangeable names.


9mm sounds like my life with the thrill kill cult, and that scene died with brandon lee.

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Well, heres the deal. One of the bands has some "connections" with a major label band, and the other says they have new material at 20th Century Fox and will be hitting some big shows soon... Last weeks audition got shut down by the police, and since they want to do it there again, it makes me wonder if I really want to raise bail money to practice. :confused: Seems unprofessional. Not to mention, They need ALOT of work, but it really isn't my place to say, being a probationary member and all... Maybe now is not the time to make a descision... :freak: I guess I'll sleep on it...

"Suppose you were an idiot ... And suppose you were a member of Congress

... But I repeat myself."

-Mark Twain

http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/63/condition_1.html (my old band)

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just a word of advice. having connections anywhere or material in the hands of a label means NOTHING. nothing at all. most people just make that shit up anyway after they tried to pick up some chick in a bar who's brother turned out to be an A&R assistant somewhere.
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I agree with you Bastid E. Connections are useless with no talent, unless your connection is the president of the company and he owes you a huge favor. Then, I would say that's a good connection. Now, this is just me talking, I don't necessarily like raising bail money to practice with a band who needs work. But, if I really liked the music, maybe that's the one.
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