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A-Hole Drummer


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What should I do with this man.


This guys says nothing at rehearsal or when we are going over material for this Latin Artist. However, once we all leave he goes and tells the band leader how bad I play and how his friend could come over and replace me on bass.


No one else in the band has any complaints about my playing but him.


I spoke to the band leader on the phone and explanied the situation and he fully understands and agrees that he's not hearong anything problematoc on my basslines.


Soo... how can I teach this looser drummer a strong lesson on ethics?

"Word to your mother"
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Sounds like he's kind of a dick.

I find a conk on the head with a p-bass tends to remedy this situation.



Just play the gig and deal with him. You definitely don't need that kinda drama in your playing life, but you shouldn't have to give up on something you like just because of this dildo. People always wanna hook up their buddies, but this guy is too much. If you like the gig, just stick with it until he does something stupid enough to get his loser ass fired. Then get one of YOUR loser buddies in the spot. The main thing is this:

Take the higher ground. Making a big issue of it will only make you look small and petty as the guy who started the nonsense.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Obviously the guy just wants his friend to be in the band and is trying to edge you out. It doesn't really have anything directly to do with you - you could probably be Stanley Clarke and he would still want his friend in.


I think since you are not the band leader, and the band leader is on your side, it's the band leader who needs to tell the drummer that the matter is not up for discussion. You're the bass player and his friend is not, and that's the end of the story. Maybe the band leader is afraid the drummer will quit if he tells him that, and is trying to humor him and pretend that it's a possibility. I don't think that's a good idea, it only causes bad blood. Some people just need to have boundaries set for them and it sounds like this guy may be one of those people. The band leader needs to be the one to spell it out though, by telling the drummer he's very happy with the job you're doing. If you do it yourself, it will only come off (to him) like you're being spiteful, even though you're not.


Personal politics suck. :D

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You are in a tough situation.


In many bands, because of the necessary tightness of the rhythm section, the drummer gets veto power over the choice of the bass player and the bass player gets veto power over choice of the drummer.


As someone already said, the drummer may want his friend in the band. He also may not be able to groove with you, but he can't say it to your face.


Try talking with the dude politely, and see if there is anything in your playing he would like to comment about.


Good luck.

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Yikes...that's gross.


As long as the bandleader likes your playing, then that should be the end of it. I agree he's a tool for trying to oust you from the gig behind your back.


I agree w/ CMDN, take the higher ground and refuse to get sucked in.


Who knows, maybe he's got an attitude because you're not playing a baby bass, or because you ARE playing a baby bass, or your bass has more than four strings, or he thinks you're too young. Who knows what goes on inside a drummer's head...even a good one... :D

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Pull the drummer aside and tell him that you're aware he's unhappy because his buddy can't be the bassist and since he's not very happy he obviously can't be at his best. Therefore, you're going to mention to the band leader that the drummer is unhappy and should probably be replaced so he, the drummer, can be free to find a gig he is happy with. See what a nice guy you are? :D
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Wow... JeremyC said "Dude" :D ... hehehe

Alright -my Beavis moment is over... Thats a tough spot to be in. I agree on not sinking to his level, but in order to have a great rhythm section, you HAVE to get along with your drummer. Maybe a way to work through this, would be to find a "sub-in" drummer you like, for when he gets sick or something... Then Mr. Groove steps in at the first oppurtunity, floors Mr. Bandleader, and Mr. Talksalottopoop is history due to his constant complaining... Or, you guys kiss and make up... Meet him 1/2 way... just my 2c's :D

"Suppose you were an idiot ... And suppose you were a member of Congress

... But I repeat myself."

-Mark Twain

http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/63/condition_1.html (my old band)

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Getting along with your drummer is ideal, but by no means necessary. My last drummer was a true dildo (can I say that here?). He disagreed with everything I said until someone else suggested it 2 weeks later. He refused to play shows because he didn't want to disassemble his kit. He always complained that we didn't make money, and never wanted to spend a dime on anything. And worst of all, he didn't want to practice because he knew the material.


Needless to say, I got fed up with him pretty fast. Eventually the rest of the band did, but we kept him because he was a technically excellent and very flashy rock drummer. As a basist, I stood to lose the most from this situation.


I realized then that there is no need for myself and the drummer to be "chummy." In fact, not being asle to work with the drummer helped me learn to isolate his beats faster and lock in quite well.


You are in a profesional situation that requires you to act professionally. Just show up, play your parts as well as you can, and give the audience a good time without resorting to pettiness with the drummer. In the end, you will come out better because people will see that yuo are easy to get along with. Conversely, people will see the drummer as petty and selfish, and won't want to work with him.

...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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Originally posted by Hoagie: What ever happened to boiling people in oil?
I dunno, man, but that sounds like a great idea. I think that went out the window when the Middle Ages were over. Maybe I'm wrong...who knows? I like the idea of sticking his head through the bass drum and beating the little pounder thing on it a few times, then taking his sticks and.....hitting him over the head a few times. (What did you think I was gonna say?) Anywho, I think he should be the one who gets shafted, not you, as you are the cool bassist, and he/his friend is not. I once knew a drummer like that, but he's since moved on to Montana with some of his friends (the band he was in was only to make money). Anywho, just my thoughts.
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yeah, I said Dude, I can talk trash if I want to, but you are all my dawgs, so I wouldn't dis you.


I just want to represent, for my Lowdown friends.


I teach jr. high so I am up on the latest innovations in language. My students also taught me how to dance the c-walk.


My students are always amazed when I know who their favorite groups are.


One student with an attitude, said, "Mr. Cohen, you've never been to Oakland, have you?" and I replied that "young lady, I've been around blocks that you haven't heard of yet."


Little did I know as a suburban kid growing up that what I would learn by professional musician was how to hang.


And as Jaco said, "women and the rhythm section first."

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Originally posted by CMDN:

um... like, fo' shizzle mah nizzle. Word is born, or something.

Word is bond. Get it right willya!? :D



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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Born, bond, whatever. The point is... oh wait... what was the point? Oh yeah, um... nevermind.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Take the high road - - Just show up and play your best.

You cannot let this guy distract you.


- hopefully the band leader and othe rplayers in the band will take notice and tire of this drummers act.



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um... like, fo' shizzle mah nizzle. Word is born, or something.
See what you started? :D We're gonna have to start calling you "G-Funk Jeremy C" now ;):D

"Suppose you were an idiot ... And suppose you were a member of Congress

... But I repeat myself."

-Mark Twain

http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/63/condition_1.html (my old band)

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Well Mr Drummerschmuck did end up introducing his bass player friend to the band leader at one rehearsal. I 've kept the gig so far. I really don't know what was discussed but, I am just doing the best I can with the info given.
"Word to your mother"
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Watch his routines & catch him in the restroom sometime & set him on fire :freak: !

Won't teach him anything but you'll be doing yourself & the world a favor...IMHO...& then you can get one of your drummer pals a gig!

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