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bizarre bass nightmare (literally)


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Okay, so I had this dream last night...


I went into Guitar Center (though it didn't look like the only Guitar Center in my general area, shouldn't this have clued me in?) and anyway...I saw my bass there. You don't understand...MY bass. I somehow knew this. Then I "remembered" that I had brought it in on a previous visit to test an amp or something and it hit me I must have left it there! So I started talking to the sales people to let them know what was going on...because they'd slapped a sticker on the thing, ready to resell it! I kind of lost track of everything that happened...I remember the headstock of the bass mysteriously morphing, such that it was no longer the same as mine...morphing again...and finally morphing back. I also "remembered" in my dream that I had actually purchased the bass at Mars Music and not at Guitar Center (this is actually true in real life), thus making me worried that GC would have no record of purchase and I'd be in big trouble.


Eventually, I just walked out of the store with it, and no one stopped me. But then...the neck was bent! And continued to bend! It was as pliable as silly putty. I bent it back into roughly the appropriate shape, and things once again start to go fuzzy.


Has anyone else had this experience?!?


Amateur Freuds are welcome to interpret this dream but I'll probably just laugh at you.


P.S. I'm not on acid.

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Seems like you need to talk to dcr. He seems to be the philospher around here. Have you lost a friend or someone special to you recently? I'm not asking this to be intrusive in your privacy or anything, but that might be something to think about. Maybe you associated, in your dream, that your bass is someone special to you, and you lost it. Then it was put on sale, which I can't associate with anything. Anywho, that's my thought, don't take it for anything but an attempt to help with your problems. And acid and other drugs like that take away from your REM sleep, which is the time when you dream the most. A dream this lucid definitely would not have happened if you were on drugs.
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hehe let me try.


You have something that you feel insecure about and are afraid of losing? girlfriend maybe? well thats my attempt.And even if you lose it/her when you get it back it will never be the same..


hehe. Ok I will get back to work now..

There is only two kinds of music , good music and bad music ....oooh and drugs is bad mmmmkay :)
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Okay, the interpretations are amusing but all wrong. :) Anyway, I left out a part of the dream that I later remembered, file under "first fuzzy part"...


In trying to convince the sales people that this was my bass, I looked away while describing some very small nuances in the bass...anomalies in the fretboard, etc. So what's the interpretation of that?


Actually, I certainly have my problems, but they're not that serious, and I don't think a dream is a way to figure them out... My more serious question was, has anyone else had an odd dream (good or bad) about their bass or bass playing?


I forgot to mention that the store that was theoretically Guitar Center but didn't look like it was also constantly changing shape, etc.


Good point about the drugs, BassPhunk02. I only mentioned it (jokingly) because of the multiple times things were changing shapes (bass head, neck, and the store)...a la every stereotype I've ever seen of a trip of some form or another. Alas...I am limited to simple WISHING I was hallucinating most of the time, as I have no experience with the real thing... :)

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Sounds like a power trip to me. Did anyone see Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Gotta love that movie, as it inspired me to not start taking acid for that very same reason: reasoning and judgment are completely lost in a forray of psychedelia that one man should not be able to handle at one point in time. Plus I know secondhand the negative effects of this stuff.
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Interesting that dcr ("the resident philosopher" as someone termed him) had the same suggestion as I (lay off the pineapple pizzas)...whereas everyone else took the psychological (or psycho-illogical!) approach.


Want to have some fun ? Go post that dream on Anderton's SSS forum & wait til you meet "The Wewus"!


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Or send it to me, since people already think I'm a Godless heathen. I'll play the hell out of it (or into it, whichever suits you best). I gotta go with Edendude, man, I've not dreamed about my bass, but in my case I don't dream about much these days (see my first post). I do get cool phreaky flashbacks every once in a while, though, which are always tons of fun.


Peace, love, music.

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First, you'll need a thicker skin if you take George C's advice and post that dream at SSS. Those guys are a lot of fun, but they aren't gentle or subtle....


My limited unstudied experience with dreams is that the setting is rarely accurate (it looks like this but not quite), and I can never figure out what it means. I doubt your dream is exposing some serious problem - more likely just some normal run-of-the-mill fear that we all have. It's probably not about music or basses either - that's just the motif your head was using. I doubt there's much you should do with it beyond entertainment value.


I tend to find myself dreaming about a variety of different things over time. I always seem to end up in a bathroom or looking for one. I have always woken up before the "message" becomes "reality". ;)




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Thanks for the concern. My doctor says it's fine. It comes from drinking tea. Not every night, but no tea = no problem.


sorry if that's more than you wanted to hear...


Back to bass



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

Thanks for the concern. My doctor says it's fine. It comes from drinking tea. Not every night, but no tea = no problem.


sorry if that's more than you wanted to hear...


Back to bass


Think of it as a natural alarm clock. :D


San Andreas,

The hope to save our nation by turning Las Vegas into a seaside community. ;)

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I had a good dream. (sorry about weak english)


I downloaded an avi of one of my favorite guitar player. He was testing guitars on it. I went to bed in few minutes... and i was there. I tried a 6-string (that's the thing i will buy in some weeks), and turned around: he was standing in back of me, playing some testing stuff. For a joke, i started to play one of my favorite song of his band, and he joined! But i only knew the first notes, and got a weird situation when we got near the end. I tried to play it from ear. AND I DID IT WITH SUCCESS! After that, i've put the bass down, made a sign with my hand(i dont know the word:) and gone away to try some keyboards... (as i would in real life 'cause we would have nothing to talk about..) then i woke up and cannot sleep more. i tried to play the song, and some of the notes i played in the dreams was real! i learned some rifs in a dream! In few days, i learned the whole song, and now i can play it. It's the mighty Glass Prison from Dream Theater. I would never learned it if i don't have this weird dream.. I'm too lazy & not good enough at all.

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