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Instigation needed!!


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Okay, we've got what, like three or four moderators? - I've lost count. - Could I suggest that you guys each kick in a new thread once a week to keep the momentum going? Something fun. Something informative. Maybe even something controversial on occasion. Pump up the volume!
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Once again Dan you are the man. Things have seemed a little dull in the last week or so with all the stuff with Ed. Long Live Ed Friedland. C'mon guys this has been the dullest weekend on this forum since I found it. As my favorite chef says 'Kick It Up A Notch'





Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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You hit the nail on the head, Dan! I tried to start a couple decent threads last week, but it seems nobody gives a hoot about MUSICAL topics like transcription or piano as a secondary instrument. Ah well... it's gotten a wee lame here of late. Too many folks want to jabber about who the best bass player is (for the billionth time!) or whether or not the new 50-string [insert high-tech, manly-sounding name here] bass is cool enough. Still, since I have some faith that the original core of folks that made this forum decent are lurking, I check it a couple times a week. Let's get back to the interesting discussions & make this forum the powerhouse that it was no so long ago!




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Let's hope that everyone had a lot of gigs this past weekend and didn't have as much time to spend on the net. It's natural to have ups and downs. I subscribe to The Bottom Line which is one of the longest living bass newsgroups and there are some lite days as well. I've been fairly over-scheduled as of late but always find time to read all the post but also don't feel it's necessary to always post unless I feel there is something to add. No use being redundant. I agree with dansouth and I'll try to kick in a new topic in occasionally as well. Yes Griff, sometimes you think you'd get action from certain topics and they go nowhere. I replied to a post that had questions about the union, although it was a long post there was a lot more I could have said but thought it could turn into a thread with more questions that I could expand on, but it didn't go anywhere. I'll try a new topic about "recording union" and see if that one goes anywhere.
I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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I think that one of the great things about this board was that everybody had great topics. It all comes out of our experience - look at the response to some of the latest threads, especially about weird gig stories !! Hopefully we haven't gone from gnarly to no-way in two weeks. If there is a lull, it's clear that we all will step in and kick it up. No "suit and tie" attitude here !! :)


The three moderators have been trying to feel their way quietly, and we didn't want to "take over". Even Ed (I'm genuflecting) didn't introduce too many topics - it was usually the membership. Your new moderators have dropped into the areas where their experience fit best.


Ah - fun on the board. I'm not so sure that the moderator change-over took the fun out. I think that for a while we needed to be sure that we covered the important stuff. I think you've all injected a bit more fun now, and I expect that to continue. It's an area I'll try to help out with as well. :P


One item I'll be on the lookout for is pointing our newer members to old threads when it applies. That should limit the number of repeat topics. Although after some time has gone by (and new blood has joined), it's not so bad to repeat a topic.





Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by McGryff:

You hit the nail on the head, Dan! I tried to start a couple decent threads last week, but it seems nobody gives a hoot about MUSICAL topics like transcription or piano as a secondary instrument. Ah well... it's gotten a wee lame here of late. Too many folks want to jabber about who the best bass player is (for the billionth time!) or whether or not the new 50-string [insert high-tech, manly-sounding name here] bass is cool enough. Still, since I have some faith that the original core of folks that made this forum decent are lurking, I check it a couple times a week. Let's get back to the interesting discussions & make this forum the powerhouse that it was no so long ago!




LOL! Well, at least we haven't sunk to the level of the guitar forums that I've visited, or we'd all be debating whether or not it's still "cool" to like Jaco. :eek: Bass players are more independent in their thinking, less "go with the flow." I like that.


I'll try to come up with some better topics and responses. To paraphrase Monty Python, "We're not dead yet!"



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I recall your response to the AFM thread I started & definitely appreciate it! My remarks weren't a slam against you new moderators, just a cranky lament that things seem to have gotten a little dull of late. Your're probably right, it's just a lull & will pick up again soon. I just bore of some of the old threads you see pop up every two weeks on some lesser forums, I guess.

And Tom, I definitely understand where you guys are coming from... it's not easy taking over the forum from the hands of Ed, but you guys'll do swell, I believe. We'll all keep this going & going well somehow!




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I for one enjoy the more musical and music theory type topics. Since I have taken it upon myself to try and verse my self in it. I even sit down at the keys :eek: and apply some of the stuff I've learned here. I love the composition type stuff. Kinda making me realize I need a class or a teacher



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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Hey guys - I'm new to this forum - about two weeks ago.


I thought it was open to all inquiries and bass related topics.

I found some interesting stuff on it - I dont understand your negative critiques



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57P - Yes, this is a very nice forum, but we've been through a leadership change, and we're just feeling our way through the transition period. I wasn't trying to be harsh with my original post; I just want to see the level of energy and enthusiasm stay as high as it's been in the past. So essentially, I'm doing a little instigation of my own. Hope that's okay with everyone!!




[ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: dansouth@yahoo.com ]

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