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Where'd The Band Go???


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The other night I went to a jam night (aka a Chops Festival, don't get me started on that one) and it happened again. Can someone tell me why whenever the band decides to "give the Bass Player some" the guitar and or keyboard player suddenly feels the urge to stop playing!!! Whats the deal fella's, did you forget how to comp? The next tune we played I layed out for the first couple of bars of the guitar solo. The guy looked at me like http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif what are you doin'? I gave him wink and said "exactly" and then kicked in the groove.

This is especially annoying when your playing a "ballad" and your hearing these beautiful changes and you can't wait to make a statement and then poof ....all of a sudden it's you and a ride cymbal.

Can I get a witness?!

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Hey J-Mo,


I completely agree with you on this matter! Nothing irritates me more when the band takes your bass solo as a chance to down a few drinks and flirt with the audience. When I was a teacher at BIT I remember Gary Willis going off on the student band he was mentoring because the band did the Claude Raines bit when the bass solo came up. He admonished them and told them that the modern bassist has more than enough amp power to be heard over a full comp.


Hopefully, bands will quit treating us like unamplified upright players and give us some power to match our passion.


Good post!



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Well, I could take a guess why this happens. Back when we were pounding the doghouse, a solo could not be heard over the rest of the band so they learned to drop out so the bass could be heard. This could explain why it started, we just need to get the word out to KEEP PLAYING DURRING OUR SOLOS!


We could call a strike, but that is what left-handed keyboardists are hoping for.


Gig tonight, gig saturday night, jam sunday, one of these days I'll change those strings...


-David R.

-David R.
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A lot of bassist tell the band to do that. It's like Dave said its so they can be heard. You got to remember it doesn't sound to the audience the way it does to you on stage. It's very hard to get a bass to pop out of the mix if a full bands backing him. It can be done though.



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Many times I would just as soon have the rest of the band drop out. I like having someone comp simply and at a lower volume than the bass. Often, however, during bass solos drummers find the need to play their most unmusical fills and keyboardist and guitarists manage to play loudly in the frequencies which we inhabit. I, for one, hate to beat my fingers, ears and equipment up trying to make a solo heard.
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A great band WILL comp behind a bass solo, but will leave space to make sure the bass is heard in the listener's ear as a melodic line rather than some funny notes in the rhythm section. Sometimes it's as simple as the keyboardist banging a block chord on the one of every change. As always, great musicians service the music.
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For me this falls under the heading "If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Don't Say Anything At All" There are many times I'd prefer to be left alone on my solo for the above stated reasons. Un-musical drum fills, competition for the sonic space, etc. Of course, it's great when you have real musicians that know how to comp for a bass solo, that happens once every few years!


I've mentioned this before, but I dislike it when drummers get the "me too" bug during a funk solo. Nothing like finally unleashing your 16th note triplets to find that the drummer considers it an invitation to play over-the-bar line 32th note quintuplets. Just give it to me straight up and down, it's my turn Jackson!




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