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What's Your Favorite Combo Amp?


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I have a David Eden Travler amp and a David Eden cabinet with 2 tens and a tweeter plus an old Pevey cabinet ('70's) with a 15" JBL in it. I love the sound, but it's a pain in the ass hauling it around to rehersals and studios. I played through an Ampeg combo recently and I fell in love with it, but I forgot to write down the model#. Anyway, whats your favorite combo amp for small clubs, rehersals and recording?
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The amp I presently use is the Euphonic Audio CVL-110 (500WT, 3way 10 speaker system, 64lbs.). They have a new combo with a 2way coaxial 10" driver that was just introduced at NAMM. If I did not already own the CVL-110, I would probably get it. EA has a website in case you are not familiar with the company. I am an endorsee of EA.


EA Website http://euphonicaudio.com






This message has been edited by BassLand on 02-03-2001 at 10:47 AM



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My fave? A combo made of separates ; }  Like the full-range Euphonic, Acme, or Epifani cabs, and the preamp of your choice, with a light but amply {sic;} powered single-space amp like the Stewart World or the Peavey DPC-1400 (I have this 700 watts a channel @2ohms 14-pound beaut).


I could also go for one of the above cabs with this versatile and powerful bang-for-the-buck head: the Carvin R1000 - or its slightly less powerful sibling, the R600. These sound great, have a long useful feature list, and do not weigh too much.


Actually, the R600 can be had in a 210/bullet combo called the Red Eye Tilt Back, and the 15/210/bullet Cyclops", which is more in keeping (but heavier) with my approach to full-range sound. Great packages if you must have a loud combo.



<-- greenboy ---<<<<



This message has been edited by greenboy on 02-03-2001 at 12:29 PM

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Bassland-thanks for the euphonic web site, I'll check it out. Greenboy-any sites on Epifani cabs? I haven't been to Carvin for about a year, so I guess I'll have to check it out again.
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For a while I was using the Tube Works 7200 combo, it has a 15 and a tweeter. BP gave it a good review in the combo shootout. I eventually sold it because it was more than I wanted to carry around for a small gig. My Polytone Minibrute III covers the little stuff. I think P-Tones are indispensible amps, especially if you play upright or double on electric. They are small, loud, pretty tough, and they sound good. Better for upright yes, but with a cheap Radio Shack Piezo wired into the extension speaker you have a "poor man's SWR."


Now I use my Acoustic Image Clarus with a homemade box that contains a Carvin 600watt 15" in it. I put one of the aforementioned cheap tweeters in it and I have a very small, heavy duty rig that puts out 200 watts and is bomb proof. I even use this cab with my Trace 350 head on blues gigs and it kicks butt. But....it's not really a combo is it, so why I am I talking about it???? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif

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Went to post this to this topic the first time, but when I spelled checked my computer frooze. When I went back and did it again I opened the 210 shootout topic by accident. So here it is in the right topic:

I have an Eden Metro and love it. It covers most gigging situations. When I do outdoor gigs I add my Eden 410XLT. I play a Kubicki Factor and a six string Alembic Orion. Switching between the basses is easy with the off-on foot switch, unplugging to change basses in a matter of seconds. Also like the A/B switching, having one set for a nice classic R&B tone and the other for slapping and popping. Great for going back & forth in the same song.

I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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>> Wally Sez........

I have an Eden Metro and love it. It covers most gigging situations. When I do outdoor gigs I add my Eden 410XLT............<<


Very timely post for me to read.... Saturday I stopped at my favorite toy store... Bass Northwest here in Seattle, to check out specifically the Eden Metro.... Do they really need to conduct anymore testing to determine which 2X10 is the best all around combo!!!


I couldn't make the 410XLT purchase at the same time but will be adding it just as soon as I can dump some other gear!!


Blessed Man Mo......

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martyd :

Greenboy-any sites on Epifani cabs? I haven't been to Carvin for about a year, so I guess I'll have to check it out again.


Epifani? (Now this is a tricky one): http://www.epifani.com/ ;  }


Also give Acme serious consideration if you have a good powerful amp; I think I like the basic tonality of them about the best all-around for small cabs.


But a bang-for-the-buck cab or combo can definitely be built around a Carvin 210. I played a gig last night and it was snowing *hard* when I loaded up so I decided not to take a 15 along too. It was a fairly loud gig, but it kept up no problem hitting it hard with 525 watts - though I hardly turned the gain up, I had much headroom. I got it up off the floor and had great clarity and sounded bassy enough - if not as decimatingly righteous as when I bi-amp.



<-- greenboy ---<<<<

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My favorite combo is the SWR Baby Blue. It's relatively light (45 pounds), small and puts out a really good sound.


The EQ is very flexible (3 bands sweepable plus the SWR "enhancer") and you have lots of patching possibilities (sidechain FX loop, pre/post EQ tube DI with level and ground lift, tuner out, headphone jack, etc.).


I never thought much about the flexibility that offered until one gig where it saved the day when we found the "house PA" was blown. We actually patched the mixer through the BB and used it as the PA! Try that with a Peavey TNT http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif


It's only limitation is overall volume, it's not up to rock and roll gigs in my opinion. But I don't play rock anymore http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


SWR also just stopped making them http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif



This message has been edited by brianrost on 02-06-2001 at 12:18 PM

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Hey Gang,


Even though I work for the company, I can sincerely say that the Warwick CCL combo is great. It is a high-end, pro-quality combo that sounds great. I particularly like the 300-watt self-powered sub woofer that you can add to it. (The combo even has a built-in crossover!) It's a cool piece, just not widely used.


With all that said, I also really like the SWR Baby Blue! What a sweet piece. (And it is a lot lighter than my CCL!)


Someday I would like to own a Walter Woods, but it is on the bottom of a HUGE musical wish list.



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If you get that "boo hoo SWR just stopped making the Baby Blue" thread happening here I'll hunt you down! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


Seriously, I did some recording with one as a pre-amp and it behaved nicely. I always thought it was a good little amp, though it couldn't take as much punishmnet as a Polytone! Well, I guess we can expect to see them showing up on ebay as collectable soon!

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Don't worry Ed, no boo-hoo whining in here.


I'm just the king of discontinued gear, I guess: Baby Blue, A.M.P. amplifiers, Steinbergers, Fender Elite P-bass.


If it aint made anymore, I want one http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


This message has been edited by brianrost on 02-07-2001 at 06:06 PM

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Nope didn't see the new Polytone stuff. It would be nice if they used a slightly beefier speaker. I'll dig into that, see if I can get some info.



Well, I was looking forward to some Baby Blue Haiku or something!


Great discontinued gear, maybe a new thread!

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Anybody tried the GK 400RB combos? I'm considering their rockback version with the 12" speaker. Lots of my blues gigs are on small stages in small/medium clubs with no PA support for bass. That means most of the time, I can't hear myself without getting too loud for the others.



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I love my SWR Bassic Black. It's really warm (tube preamp, solid state power amp), and pretty small, and a perfect size for sitting on. I can still remember the first time I played through it at the store. It's only 150 watts, and there have been a few occasions where it I wasn't plugged into a PA and could've used a bit more power, but overall, it's been great. I regularly bring it to studios and use its direct out into the board for a great sound.



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I heard from Rick Jones of Acoustic Image today and he tells me there is work on a new cabinet design from them using two 8's and a high frequency driver. Also, a "beefed up" version of the Clarus with 2 channels, one being a mic input with reverb. No word on a release date, but something very worth watching for!
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May I put in a good word for the Gallien-Kreuger MB-150S? I got a used one for a steal (hopefully not literally) at the pawn shop a few years ago, and it's one of the best moves I've ever made.


It's small and rugged and it puts out plenty of sound for light rehearsals and jazz gigs. I even put it in a box in my luggage, flew with it down to Mexico and did a little outdoor music festival with it.


The tone leans on mid-range, which helps it cut through better. It's not the most flat or high-fidelity tone by any means, but it's an extremely practical sound, one that works well with every bass I've ever plugged in to it.

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The GK MB150 will get you heard. It squashes the hell out of your sound at high volume, but it squashes it into a neat little box that will come through. You can't beat the size and weight, and if you have an extension speaker available, it becomes more potent. I'm not nuts about the tone, but there are those situations where it's just about convenience and it fits the bill for that.
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My recent bargain hunting yielded 2 finds: an Ampeg B248 combo which is the B2 power section in a cab containing four 8" drivers with a tweeter.Got it with a Tuki cover used for $350.Then I found a used Bag End 1x15" for $199.The carpet cover was pretty trashed which explains the relatively low price,but an hour's work with a razor and duct tape(to remove the cat hair)made it look quite presentable.The thing about the B2 combo is that with it's own speaker(s) it's 200w@8 ohms,but with an extension(the Bag End),it goes to 350w@4 ohms.This weekend will be my 1st gig with it,and I expect it to do well.
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Carvin RC210 tilt-back. Haven't played this 600 watt beastie, but have played the 1000 watt version of the head into the Carvin 210 tiltback cab. Will biamp or do full range with additional cab(s). Got nice tone shaping, decent compressor and de-noising, tube/solid-state blending etc.


<-- greenboy ---<<<< Phoenix Developer Consortium [http://phinixi.com]

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Hi, Just wanted to say that if anyone is looking for a very small yet amazingly powerful combo that weighs just 31lbs. theSWR Workingman's 10 is pretty incredible! I've kept up with three electric guitars and a drummer who was pretty much "going to town". I play a 5 and 6 string and so far the 10 seems to take the low B without much distortion at high levels. The piezo tweeter is too hissy however turning down the treble helps. The portability of this 80 Watt little beast makes it a pleasure to own. Headphone practice with CD line in and direct out is included. There is an add on single 10 enclosure that brings you up to 100 Watts. More "hi-fi"-ish than the Polytone mini brute in timbre. Check it out. Jim T.

"When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had, and never will have."

Edgar Watson Howe

"Don't play what's there. Play what's not there" Miles Davis

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The Acoustic Image contra is a great little amp. 26 pounds and 300 watts!! It warmed up my electric upright a lot (Messenger), and it works well with electric basses as well, although I usually prefer to pull out my G-K/Acme rig with that (still small, but not quite as easy on the back in the subway). The Contra is a godsend, though. So light small and loud...
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> My favorite combo is the SWR Baby Blue. It's relatively light (45

> pounds), small and puts out a really good sound.


I'm with you on this one Brian!


On the volume front, I've recently got hold of a second Baby Blue II and find that two of them together are more than the equal to my (non-Super) Redhead http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/cool.gif, so the Redhead will be going soon!




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Hey Bill, glad you could make it down to the Bass Station. 2 Baby Blues? Much easier to carry than a Redhead too. Do you run one from the line out, or do you split the signal before the amp (or does it make a difference?)






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