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WalMart, the curvature of the planet, and why Voicestream cellular SUCKS

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[quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]At least you could be more entertaining in your personal attack.[/b][/quote]Chip, I went back and read every line CarmenC said, and the only one which he/she presented as an assertion was: [quote]You just dont like it.[/quote]Every other line CarmenC took responsibility and ownership for by presenting it as his/her perception, thought or opinion. That is hardly what I would call a personal attack, which is not something I would say about: [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: up yers you ego inflated prick.[/quote]For that matter, suggesting that someone be more entertaining comes off as condescending IMHO. For what it is worth, to me you do come off as a snob at times in this thread. An example: [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: People suck and so does their music.[/quote]Since it wasn’t specified as a rant, I took this to be misanthropy. If it isn’t, please explain what you mean so I may stand corrected. Now, for some more of what I see as condescension on your part: [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: Maybe you can help me to understand the concept of satiating the lowest common denominator?[/quote]I thought you made it clear in post one of this thread that you had come to understand the concept of satiating the lowest common denominator, and expressed your dislike for it. Again, if that is not the case, what did you mean? I don’t say any of that because I want to attack you, and indeed, I take ownership for all I have said above as my perception, thought and opinion. I point it out only because I believe you are better than that as a person, Chip. You are clearly a gifted, perceptive and intelligent individual. That is why I do not understand when you say: [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: Literally, *every single aspect* of my life is screwed up/aggravating:[/quote]If you feel that is the case, and you don’t like that fact, why not change your perception? I know you are aware of the fact that the way one thinks does affect how one sees and experiences things. Perhaps you do not see or agree with what I am about to say, but I would like to show you an aspect of my personal truth. [i]Every human being, regardless of what I see as their ignorance, stupidity, or sheep-like behavior, is deserving of my respect, my forgiveness, my compassion and my love.[/i] I humbly suggest you look at things differently. The wellspring of bliss is in you, awaiting your acceptance. Why not choose it? [i]You deserve it.[/i]
Go tell someone you love that you love them.
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[b]Every human being, regardless of what I see as their ignorance, stupidity, or sheep-like behavior, is deserving of my respect, my forgiveness, my compassion and my love.[/b] Actually aeon... it's not "sheep" or "stupid people" that I find are not worthy of my compassion, forgiveness or love. Most people really are just trying to get by in life, make things better for their kids, and if they screw something up they don't know any better because they may not have the luxury of introspection that some of us are lucky enough to have. No, what I can't stand is the people who go out of their way to create MORE sheep-like behavior amongst the trusting populace. People like Sam Walton, who became as successful as he did sheerly through preying on small businesses and communities who didn't know better. I have no compassion or respect or forgiveness for people like that, and no desire to have any. I might feel sorry for them, since they are obviously so empty that making more money at others' expense is the only way they can feel good about themselves, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't do whatever I could to damage their reputation or whatever else was in my power to keep THEIR power trip from hurting any more people. Even worse, lots of people try to justify totally evil actions by quoting their sales figures. As if this was the only standard that means anything. I have nothing against business or capitalism, but being a business owner myself I believe being a businessperson carries with it certain responsibilities to the community - your employees and customers and fellow businesses - just as responsibility comes with individual freedom. Individual predators are put in jail; corporate predators are rewarded and touted for their "successes" - success being gauged only by the bottom line, of course. What's wrong with this picture? --Lee
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[quote]Originally posted by aeon: [QB][QUOTE]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]At least you could be more entertaining in your personal attack.[/b][/quote]Chip, I went back and read every line CarmenC said, and the only one which he/she presented as an assertion was:[/b] How about: (quoted from Carmen) "What should retail look like, in your world? It sure sucks to be you, I guess..." ...and "Do me a favor. Stand up, grab your dick, and be thankful you'll never be as fucked over in this life as most black women in this country are. Go back and read your posts in this thread. Christ, you whine like a girl.." He/she started it; I left the first alone in a tactful manner. The second post was too obnoxious to ignore. Sorry. [b]For what it is worth, to me you do come off as a snob at times in this thread. An example: [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: People suck and so does their music.[/quote]Since it wasn?t specified as a rant, I took this to be misanthropy. If it isn?t, please explain what you mean so I may stand corrected.[/b] It's called having an opinion. Note that it's not directed specifically at anyone in particular. Also note that I'm not the only one saying that, and that MOST people assume it's not meant as an all-inclusive statement. I don't care if you think I'm a misanthrope, and I don't care if you call me a snob because when it comes to music I am. On the other hand, like Carmen, I do find it curious to think that someone can say something about me *personally* - such as what you've now done as well, and that person probably thinks I'm to sit here and just go "ok". Amusing (there's some snobbish attitude for you)... [b] Now, for some more of what I see as condescension on your part: [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: Maybe you can help me to understand the concept of satiating the lowest common denominator?[/quote][/b] Hey Aeon, did you NOT READ THE SARCASTIC CLOSE OF CARMEN'S POST I WAS REPLYING TO? For the comprehension impaired out there: Carmen finished his/her post with a missive that said "it sure sucks to be you, I guess", which was a pompous response to my complaints regarding Walmart's bowing to serving the lowest common denominator. Now explain why it wasn't in my karmic rights NOT to fire a condescending riposte back at this person? Or do you not understand this concept? Additionally, note that it wasn't a blatant personal attack like "Christ, you whine like a girl"....[/b] [b]I don?t say any of that because I want to attack you,[/b] Bs, you already have, have you not? You have told me I'm snobbish, and condescending. Someone walks up to you in a crowd and says "hey guy, you know I think you're a snob, and a condescending one at that", what's YOUR response, hmmm? [b] [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: Literally, *every single aspect* of my life is screwed up/aggravating:[/quote]If you feel that is the case, and you don?t like that fact, why not change your perception? I know you are aware of the fact that the way one thinks does affect how one sees and experiences things.[/b] I'm trying to be amusing. I've stated plenty of times I use this place as an outlet to decompress. What goes on in my personal life is too complicated to get into here; at the same time I find it ironically hilarious the manner in which it's complicated. So I say so here. I've been posting online for over 10 years now, and know this is outside the established "norms" for such community behavior, but at the same time it's amusing to me to do so and not against the law, so I do it. [b]Perhaps you do not see or agree with what I am about to say, but I would like to show you an aspect of my personal truth.[/b] I can probably predict/guess what's coming.... [b][i]Every human being, regardless of what I see as their ignorance, stupidity, or sheep-like behavior, is deserving of my respect, my forgiveness, my compassion and my love.[/i][/b] You have just said you think some people are ignorant, stupid, and behave with sheep-like behavior; I did not specify a particular person, WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL? I *always* give everyone a shadow of a doubt. Do you?

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]No, what I can't stand is the people who go out of their way to create MORE sheep-like behavior amongst the trusting populace. People like Sam Walton, [/b][/quote]10 pts. Not to mention those who *like* it, and place their existance on relying on it. That's pure evil; it's taking the humanity out of humans.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote]Good news is that MARRS seems to be falling apart.. I just hope the local stores can ride it out another year... the Office Depot of Guitar stores... now that is scary.[/quote]That really pisses me off. I work for Mars Music, and have been for the last 4 1/2 years. And mark my words. Mars Music is NOT falling apart. I also don't get how it would be a good thing if it was. I have been a musician since age 4. I shopped in Mom and Pop music stores when I started buying synths. Maybe it was because I wasn't in major metropolitan areas, but believe me when I tell you that these stores were nothing to brag about. You couldn't demo the gear, you didn't know what price it was, you didn't get great service or a great price unless you were part of the in crowd - this was my personal experience. Stores like Mars Music, Guitar Center, and Sam Ash are the kinds of stores where I would have liked to shop, but they weren't around, at least not where I lived. I don't think that being an independent or small retailer automatically means that your business has more merit than anyone else. Sure, we all love to find that best-kept secret hole in the wall music store that is a real gem, but I have the feeling that if that store became 50 holes in the wall and was widely successful, that suddenly its image would be much less desirable. I get sick and tired of the widespread mentality that anything with widespread success must be bad. Yes, I hate Wal-Mart, for the reasons I stated above, but I love Target, Best Buy, Starbucks, and other big-box retailers. Hell, I even take my kids to McDonalds once a week for their happy meals. I think that these companies do a lot of what they do very well. I also think that Mars Music does a lot of what they do very well. Do others do some things better? Sure they do. And Mars Music has gone through some very real growing pains that have been well documented in the trade publications and by the CEO himself in a presentation at Winter NAMM. Sorry for the rant, but just because our CEO was a former CEO for Office Depot doesn't mean that he ever intended Mars Music to be the "Office Depot of guitar stores." Mars Music is the largest provider of music lessons in the U.S. and probably the world. We carry band and orchestra instruments in addition to the guitars, drums, keyboards, recording, and live audio equipment. There is a Mars Music foundation for helping provide instruments to students who wouldn't be able to afford them otherwise... I could go on. Mars is just a really big, cool music store that was conceived by a musician who wanted to build a really cool music store and had the resources to do so. I know that many people who frequent these forums have music stores where they like to shop - stores where they've developed relationships with the store owners or salespeople. And that's cool. It's every Musician's right to vote with their wallet, and I encourage you to do so. And if you shop at Mars Music and have a bad experience, I hope you tell a Manager so they can make it right. Because I, for one, believe in what Mars Music does and I hope we get to keep doing it for a long, long time.
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[quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]How about: “What should retail look like, in your world? It sure sucks to be you, I guess...” and “Do me a favor...Christ, you whine like a girl...”? He/she started it; I left the first alone in a tactful manner. The second post was too obnoxious to ignore. Sorry.[/b][/quote]Well, the first one didn’t assert anything as to your person because it was a statement of perception, and yes, while the second one was obnoxious, it made an assertion about your behavior, not your person, so I do not see it as any kind of personal attack. But hey, if you can apologize for it, then indeed, you are the better man. [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]It's called having an opinion. Note that it's not directed specifically at anyone in particular.[/b][/quote]That was why I questioned what you said. It was stated as a universal truth, not as your opinion. [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]I don't care if you think I'm a misanthrope, and I don't care if you call me a snob because when it comes to music I am. On the other hand, like Carmen, I do find it curious to think that someone can say something about me *personally* - such as what you've now done as well, and that person probably thinks I'm to sit here and just go "ok". Amusing (there's some snobbish attitude for you)...[/b][/quote]Chip, I never said you were a misanthrope, nor did I say you were a snob, nor did I say you were anything in particular other than a gifted, perceptive and intelligent individual. Please go back and read what I said. I made all of my statements in terms of perception, thought and opinion, and I even pointed that out so that it was clear that I was not attacking you personally. [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]Hey Aeon, did you NOT READ THE SARCASTIC CLOSE OF CARMEN'S POST I WAS REPLYING TO?[/b][/quote]Yes, I did, and there is no need to shout. I read it, and I believe your response was not in like kind. Perhaps we can agree to disagree on this point. [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]Now explain why it wasn't in my karmic rights NOT to fire a condescending riposte back at this person? Or do you not understand this concept?[/b][/quote]Who am I to say what you have or do not have a right to do? I would not presume, and I am no expert on karma. [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]Bs, you already have, have you not? You have told me I'm snobbish, and condescending. Someone walks up to you in a crowd and says "hey guy, you know I think you're a snob, and a condescending one at that", what's YOUR response, hmmm?[/b][/quote]No, I have not. I told you what I perceived, not what you are...that would be a personal attack. NB the difference. As to the scenario you have just described, I would listen to what they had to say and acknowledge that I had heard it. What other response is appropriate when someone tells me what they think of me? They did not tell me who I was, which would be invalidating...they told me what they think, which they have every right to do. [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]I've been posting online for over 10 years now, and know this is outside the established "norms" for such community behavior, but at the same time it's amusing to me to do so and not against the law, so I do it.[/b][/quote]OK, so I am fairly sure you also understand that when you post, other people are also well within the bounds of law and online “norms” to reply, as long as they take ownership for what they say and do not descend to a personal level in their challenges. [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]I *always* give everyone a shadow of a doubt. Do you?[/b][/quote]Yes, and that is why I did not attack you personally, and asked you to clarify the couple of things that I did not understand. Like I said, I think you have what it takes to live a life that you enjoy, and it makes me sad to know that someone so blessed expresses that they see so much suckiness, that’s all. :(
Go tell someone you love that you love them.
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[quote]Originally posted by aeon: [b]Well, the first one didn?t assert anything as to your person because it was a statement of perception, [/b][/quote]"A statement of perception"? My perception states it was a sarcastic personal remark. Which it undoubtably was; is anyone else here confused? [b]and yes, while the second one was obnoxious, it made an assertion about your behavior, not your person, so I [/b] Ahh, so one can criticize another person's behavior and it's not "personal"? That's a new one for me.... So I can say you're behaving pompous yourself, and that's not personal? Interesting. [b] [quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]It's called having an opinion. Note that it's not directed specifically at anyone in particular.[/b][/quote]That was why I questioned what you said. It was stated as a universal truth, not as your opinion.[/b] Sigh. Another syntactical argument. Ok, here goes: Humans, being humans, do not always speak in absolutes. *This* is indeed a universal truth, and as one is generally acknowledged as a possibility in general conversation. A person gets mad in traffic and shouts "I want to kill that bozo" does actually mean that's what that person wants to literally occur. This is generally understood by most reasoning adults and children alike. Likewise, if I say "humans are stupid" 99% of the population is not going to either feel affronted OR think I mean literally the entire population throughout is actually stupid. However, I think it *should* offend somewhere in the neighborhood of at least about 95% of the population. See, I took a survey of EVERYBODY and I figured that out LITERALLY so I REALLY AND TRULY believe that's a TOTALLY ACCURATE figure, and I want EVERYONE WHO READS THIS to REALLY AND TRULY believe that's EXACTLY what I believe EXACTLY. Geez. [b]Chip, I never said you were a misanthrope, [/b] Despite replying as follows: "I took this to be misanthropy" [b]nor did I say you were a snob,[/b] Again, despite the following: "For what it is worth, to me you do come off as a snob at times in this thread" [b] nor did I say you were anything in particular other than a gifted, perceptive and intelligent individual. [/b] Yes, you said that, thanks... [b] [quote]No, I have not. I told you what I perceived, not what you are...[/b][/quote]"Okkkkkkkkk........". So again, someone walks up to you in a crowd and says "I'm not saying this is what you are, but I PERCEIVE that you are a snob and condescending" then *that* is ok? Or are we just talking existentialism here?

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b] [quote]Originally posted by CarmenC: [b]Go back and read your posts in this thread. Christ, you whine like a girl...[/b][/quote]The only person truly whining here is you. Additionally, you're doing it in a very dull and stereotypical "I listen to Rush Limbaigh, and I wanna be a pompous neo-conservative, too!" way. Meanwhile other people here are echoing my sentiments, yet you've singled me out - which indicates I probably have been particularly effective in my posts. Or personally effective? Have some stock in Walmart, perhaps? Or maybe you have to STOCK at Walmart, and that's the problem? At least you could be more entertaining in your personal attack. But since that seems to be your modus operandi - up yers you ego inflated prick.[/b][/quote]Hit a nerve....Chip.....? :rolleyes: So, you know my "modus operandi", my stock holdings, and my politics? Have we met? No. The gentleman (aeon) who posted after the drivle I quoted above, got the gist of my post perfectly. I might not be entertaining enough for you, sir, but I'm not here to to entertain you. I was just observing that on this thread (which you started, hence the reason I singled you out) that before I posted and since, you whine like a girl, whether it be about WalMart or your own life. I had no idea this was your personal venting area where no one could call you out for whining like a pompous bitch. Now, granted, you can type what you like any where you like. If you state strong opinions, expect them in return from people who disagree. America, remember? I'm sorry, but it says " Craig Anderton's Sound, Studio, and Stage", not " Chip's World and my life and Wal-Mart sucks, and if you disagree, then your a ego inflated prick!" Oh, the big corporations are evil, people are dumb sheep, how can we save them? Read your posts in this thread. Objectively. Try. Maybe you should just save yourself, and leave the poor, unwashed masses at Wally World to their fate. Perhaps, they don't need you're advice or help. Maybe they like WalMart! It all works out in the end, whether you beat yourself up over it or not. I think you're OK. Very smart, from what I've read. Just kill the self pity. It makes for BORING reading. If you want to vent, open up a new document in Word and have at it. Then erase it. IMO, these posts of yours are just public masturbation to get attention. At WalMart's expense. Not that your rants do anything to WalMart's sales. In fact, I'm going to buy some Levi's at WalMart right now (24 hr.Wally World just 2 blocks away). :wave: I LOVE AMERICA!!! Do you? Kisses, Carmen ;)

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

Sir Winston Churchill

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[quote]Originally posted by CarmenC: [b]The gentleman (aeon) who posted after the drivle I quoted above, got the gist of my post perfectly.[/b][/quote]That's nice, as it wasn't directed at him.... [b]that on this thread (which you started, hence the reason I singled you out) that before I posted and since, you whine like a girl, whether it be about WalMart or your own life.[/b] So, just for the record since I'm curious, do you or don't you consider that a personal statement? [b]I had no idea this was your personal venting area where no one could call you out for whining like a pompous bitch. [/b] I had no idea there was someone on this board that was such a prick, but there you go. [b]Now, granted, you can type what you like any where you like. If you state strong opinions, expect them in return from people who disagree. America, remember?[/b] I don't care if you disagree. If you insult me, I have the right to give it back to you. America, remember? [b]I'm sorry, but it says " Craig Anderton's Sound, Studio, and Stage", not " Chip's World and my life and Wal-Mart sucks, and if you disagree, then your a ego inflated prick!"[/b] Can I get a CSM to the cash wrap, please? If Craig doesn't want me here it's easy enough for him to get rid of me. See, it's like this, BOZO, I've got over 2,500 posts to your 60 or so, and have CONTRIBUTED here a "fair amount", and based on my daily email apparently I'm amusing enough to most of the gliteratti here. Also note my member #, and note YOURS; I've been here a LITTLE bit longer than you, so who is better to judge what's "accepted" here? How about this: let's say all 60 of your posts are on topic; now let's count how many of my posts have been on topic, hmm? I'll take the time to explain it better, though: there have been past dialogs on the matter of commercialization of music, how the commercialization of society contributes to that, as well as how important being placed in Walmart's cd bins is. Had you been around here long enough to know that, you'd realize that however seemingly non-relevant my post was, the relevance of it in the context of what is discussed here is merely a tangent to something that is actually on topic. For instance, take your sarcastic remark I quote following this; that as a concept underlies a common thread here, which has to do with MUSIC and how it is being affected by BIG CORPORATIONS and a large mass of people who are willing to buy it because they saw it advertised in a Pepsi commercial. But of course, YOU WOULDN'T KNOW THAT since you've only made 60 posts here, as opposed to someone going on 2,600+. [b]Oh, the big corporations are evil, people are dumb sheep, how can we save them? [/b] A lot are IMO, yes; a lot are IMO, yes; I don't know. [b]Read your posts in this thread. Objectively. Try.[/b] Read your own posts in this thread. Objectively. Try. Sarah Connor? [b]Maybe you should just save yourself, and leave the poor, unwashed masses at Wally World to their fate. [/b] POWEE!!!! BLAMMO!!! [b]Perhaps, they don't need you're advice or help. Maybe they like WalMart! [/b] That would be fitting with being mindless sheep, yes.... [b]It all works out in the end, whether you beat yourself up over it or not.[/b] If you say so, that's good enough for me. I may as well never comment on such a topic ever again, you've convinced me! [b]I think you're OK. Very smart, from what I've read.[/b] Thanks. [b]Just kill the self pity. [/b] That's fair enough a comment. I don't consider it "self-pity", I consider it "venting". I also presume I'll get a spurious situation like this now and again, so this will have little to no impact on my online behavior, sorry. [b]It makes for BORING reading.[/b] Really? Hmm. Who here has been BORED by my WalMart post, raise your virtual hand.... (seriously, if anyone finds my ranting BORING let me know and I will indeed leave these forums; this isn't the only placed I've travelled online in the past 10 years, I can set up shop somewhere else...) [b]If you want to vent, open up a new document in Word and have at it. Then erase it.[/b] Ok. But you know.... Your whole reflexive holier-than-thou replies to my posts seem to have a slight, ermmm.... "venting" like quality to it as well, do they not? Note that I wasn't directing anything I said at anyone SPECIFIC, as opposed to YOUR posts that deliberately called me out... that has a sort of "venting" like quality to it, dare I say "whining" actually....? [b]IMO, these posts of yours are just public masturbation to get attention. [/b] Well, I tried that in the garden and lawn section of Walmart, but they called the cops. [b]At WalMart's expense. [/b] OH GOSH, poor, helpless Walmart! What was I thinking, being critical of such a wholesome, American institution.... I'm sorry, Walmart, I didn't mean it, honest! [b]Not that your rants do anything to WalMart's sales. [/b] I wouldn't expect them to. The point is awareness and motivating perspective. You seem quite concerned, though... so I count my rant as being "successful". [b]In fact, I'm going to buy some Levi's at WalMart right now (24 hr.Wally World just 2 blocks away).[/b] I've never seen Levi's in a Walmart. If they had my size I'd buy them there (if they were cheap enough). How about them apples, Carmen? Of course, a word of warning: it's great you support an "American" company like Levi buy buying their products, since after all they're doing such a great job with their "humanitarian" efforts by producing so much offshore. At the same time, they're probably the second most bootlegged item next to music cd's on the planet and there's probably a lot of people reading this right now wearing counterfeit 505's. Not that the American company Walmart would ever sell counterfeit, lower quality Levi's, of course not, but..... [b]I LOVE AMERICA!!! Do you?[/b] I love the concept of America; but I do not pretend it can't be better, or is above reproach. Walmart sells goods made predominantly outside America, while destroying privately owned AMERICAN businesses. That's only "American" if you're brain washed.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I like Khans theory,not only is it strangely funny, it is probably the likely outcome.. Cheers . Mark Vincent .
I once had a quasi-religious experience..then I realised I'd turned up the volume.
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So, if you have posted more here than someone else, you're morally superior? You're an elitist liberal punk. You don't know how long I've been lurking these boards. You dont know anything about me. Ahh, but like a true liberal, don't let the facts get in the way... :rolleyes: Maybe you have more posts 'cause you spend your time whining on these boards than other people. Therefore, that makes you more verbose, not more correct. We're all anxiously awaiting your newest thread (rant) on how the news slants to the left, how Bush is evil, corporations are raping the world, Republicians are the devil, blah, blah, blah... And the more you post, the more superior you are, right......Chip.......? Read your last post. "I'm better than you cause I've posted more than you...Na na na...na na na....." And you call ME a prick? ;) I apologise to all women, for when I said you whine like a girl, I did a disservice to women. You whine worse than ANY woman I ever met. :wave: Whine on brother, whine on... C :rolleyes:

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

Sir Winston Churchill

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Chip, some people will never understand your perspective, or appreciate your contributions to this site. I for one do, on both counts. In genral, I find your posts to be very thought provoking, on topic and often very funny. Don't change a thing. :thu:
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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"So, just for the record since I'm curious, do you or don't you consider that a personal statement?" It's a statement of your behavior on this thread. If this is how you behave everywhere else, then it is. If you behave differently elsewhere, then it's not. See the difference? "I had no idea there was someone on this board that was such a prick, but there you go." Was that a personal statement? Just curious... "Can I get a CSM to the cash wrap, please? If Craig doesn't want me here it's easy enough for him to get rid of me. See, it's like this, BOZO, I've got over 2,500 posts to your 60 or so, and have CONTRIBUTED here a "fair amount", and based on my daily email apparently I'm amusing enough to most of the gliteratti here. Also note my member #, and note YOURS; I've been here a LITTLE bit longer than you, so who is better to judge what's "accepted" here? How about this: let's say all 60 of your posts are on topic; now let's count how many of my posts have been on topic, hmm?" You have a higher post count, therefore you're right and I'm wrong? Did you read this before you posted it? You probably think you could never learn something from someone younger than you, 'cause you have more years in. More posts or more years don't equal more credibility in my book...more smarts do. "I'll take the time to explain it better, though: there have been past dialogs on the matter of commercialization of music, how the commercialization of society contributes to that, as well as how important being placed in Walmart's cd bins is. Had you been around here long enough to know that, you'd realize that however seemingly non-relevant my post was, the relevance of it in the context of what is discussed here is merely a tangent to something that is actually on topic." You didn't say this was a mini-series... Until now, there was nothing music related in this thread. You don't know how long I've been here. You don't know what posts I've read. But that doesn't stop you from making stupid assumptions about what I've read or seen here. "For instance, take your sarcastic remark I quote following this; that as a concept underlies a common thread here, which has to do with MUSIC and how it is being affected by BIG CORPORATIONS and a large mass of people who are willing to buy it because they saw it advertised in a Pepsi commercial. " You're liberal moral superiority really shows here. Is the way you find out about new music better than the people who shop at WalMart find out about their music? Sheryl Crowe had a CD of her's banned from WalMart a few yrs. ago due to content, and it sold just fine. You give them too much credit. "But of course, YOU WOULDN'T KNOW THAT since you've only made 60 posts here, as opposed to someone going on 2,600+." That's the dumbest statement you've made yet, but I know you can make dumber. You base what I know by my post count? You don't know how long I've been lurking here. You don't know what I've read here. But you make your assumptions anyway. You're one of those people who base your opinion of people on skin color or post count, or gender or height, aren't you... Isn't that what you liberals accuse Republicians of? ;) "That would be fitting with being mindless sheep, yes...." So anyone who likes WalMart is a mindless sheep? Chip.....your moral superiority and disgust of anyone other that yourself is showing..... "If you say so, that's good enough for me. I may as well never comment on such a topic ever again, you've convinced me!" Thanx, that was easier than I rhought... "That's fair enough a comment. I don't consider it "self-pity", I consider it "venting". I also presume I'll get a spurious situation like this now and again, so this will have little to no impact on my online behavior, sorry." Noone is trying to impact your online behavior. I'm just commenting on it. [b]It makes for BORING reading.[/b] "Really?" Really. "Hmm. Who here has been BORED by my WalMart post, raise your virtual hand...." :wave: "(seriously, if anyone finds my ranting BORING let me know and I will indeed leave these forums; this isn't the only placed I've travelled online in the past 10 years, I can set up shop somewhere else...)" Please don't take your ball and go home because someone here thinks your a spoiled brat. Not that you would... [b]If you want to vent, open up a new document in Word and have at it. Then erase it.[/b] "Ok. But you know.... Your whole reflexive holier-than-thou replies to my posts seem to have a slight, ermmm.... "venting" like quality to it as well, do they not? Note that I wasn't directing anything I said at anyone SPECIFIC, as opposed to YOUR posts that deliberately called me out... that has a sort of "venting" like quality to it, dare I say "whining" actually....?" I'm "holier- than -thou" because I think you whine? I hit a nerve, me thinks. I called you out because of what YOU said. You want to talk about "holier- than thou"? Read your smug statement, "But of course, YOU WOULDN'T KNOW THAT since you've only made 60 posts here, as opposed to someone going on 2,600+." I guess you would know holier than thou . [b]IMO, these posts of yours are just public masturbation to get attention. [/b] "Well, I tried that in the garden and lawn section of Walmart, but they called the cops." I saw you . That was me that called the cops. My daughter was in the next isle, for christ sakes... ;) [b]At WalMart's expense. [/b] "OH GOSH, poor, helpless Walmart! What was I thinking, being critical of such a wholesome, American institution.... I'm sorry, Walmart, I didn't mean it, honest!" [b]Not that your rants do anything to WalMart's sales. [/b] "I wouldn't expect them to. The point is awareness and motivating perspective. You seem quite concerned, though... so I count my rant as being "successful"." No, you can't... [b]In fact, I'm going to buy some Levi's at WalMart right now (24 hr.Wally World just 2 blocks away).[/b] "I've never seen Levi's in a Walmart. If they had my size I'd buy them there (if they were cheap enough). How about them apples, Carmen?" Got them last night. They fit, too. "Of course, a word of warning: it's great you support an "American" company like Levi buy buying their products, since after all they're doing such a great job with their "humanitarian" efforts by producing so much offshore. At the same time, they're probably the second most bootlegged item next to music cd's on the planet and there's probably a lot of people reading this right now wearing counterfeit 505's. " Warning? How condesending... More liberal bullshit. Levi is not a "humanitarian" organisation. It's a business. Are you saying it's OK to fuck them by bootlegging their stuff because they're not "humanitarian" enough for you? Ahh, I love liberal moral equivalency... "Not that the American company Walmart would ever sell counterfeit, lower quality Levi's, of course not, but....." You just said they don't sell them...which is it? [b]I LOVE AMERICA!!! Do you?[/b] "I love the concept of America; but I do not pretend it can't be better, or is above reproach. Walmart sells goods made predominantly outside America, while destroying privately owned AMERICAN businesses. That's only "American" if you're brain washed."[/QB][/QUOTE] That's some isolationist talk..me thinks. A closet Republician........? WalMart is out to destroy small business by selling products cheaply from overseas? So that was their plan. I thought it was to make money, maybe even supply a public service. I never said America can't be better or is above reproach. But I don't think I'm a better person than the people who shop at WalMart or a better person than someone on this board because I've posted more than them . I don't think I'm better than anyone. You obviously do. Whose brainwashed? :rolleyes: Kisses, Carmen ;)

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

Sir Winston Churchill

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Carmen- i say this as a man of conservative values: shut the f%&# up. seriously, you give us conservatives a bad name when you say s@#$ like that in the name of conservatives fighting liberals. your posts lack maturity, and it can easily be seen that you have made no attempt to understand what is being said. shoot first, ask questions later, eh Carmen? please, please shut up.
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[quote]Originally posted by CarmenC: [b]So, if you have posted more here than someone else, you're morally superior?[/b][/quote]Morally superior? I didn't know morality came into this, but "sure, whatever".... [b]You're an elitist liberal punk.[/b] Thanks! That'd be more fun if you were George Will or Bill Buckley. Does this mean I have to throw away all of my Ayn Rand books? [b]You don't know how long I've been lurking these boards. You dont know anything about me.[/b] Hmm. Is this the part in the movie where the police are on the phone and say "..... THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE YOUR HOUSE!!!!!"? [b]Ahh, but like a true liberal, don't let the facts get in the way... :rolleyes: [/b] Us kooky lib-ur-erls! [b]Maybe you have more posts 'cause you spend your time whining on these boards than other people. [/b] Probably so. I'd hope so, since I've often stated I use this place for self-analysation, and hope to be entertaining in the process. Otherwise, it'd make more sense to write this in Word and then delete it later. Oh wait, someone already suggested that.... [b]Therefore, that makes you more verbose, not more correct.[/b] Good word. Actually, I'm verbose because I can type rather fast. But whatever... [b]We're all anxiously awaiting your newest thread (rant) on how the news slants to the left, how Bush is evil, corporations are raping the world, Republicians are the devil, blah, blah, blah...[/b] No, Republicans are all vassals of Satan, get it right.... [b]And the more you post, the more superior you are, right......Chip.......?[/b] Absolutely! How dare anyone deign to question my superiority! Just look, I'm in the Hall of Fame! What more do you need as proof? [b]Read your last post.[/b] YES SIR, I WILL IMMEDIATELY SIR. [b]"I'm better than you cause I've posted more than you...Na na na...na na na....."[/b] Neener neener... [b]And you call ME a prick? ;) [/b] 3rd party readers insert comment "here".... [b]I apologise to all women, for when I said you whine like a girl, I did a disservice to women. You whine worse than ANY woman I ever met.[/b] Man, you'd think I'd be better at it after 2,600 posts. Damn. [b]Whine on brother, whine on... C :rolleyes: [/b] If I'd known you'd be this easy I'd have trolled you with something, like a nice and tasty "ya know, Bill Clinton helped lower taxes" or "Reagan was a tool of the Japanese industrialists"....

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote]Originally posted by KHAN: [b]Chip, some people will never understand your perspective, or appreciate your contributions to this site. I for one do, on both counts. In genral, I find your posts to be very thought provoking, on topic and often very funny. Don't change a thing. :thu: [/b][/quote]Cool, thanks! Excuse me, there's more fun to be had apparently...

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b][QUOTE] [b]I LOVE AMERICA!!! Do you?[/b] I love the concept of America;[/b][/quote]Amen Chip! :thu:

Seriously, what the f*ck with the candles? Where does this candle impulse come from, and in what other profession does it get expressed?

-steve albini

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[quote]Originally posted by CarmenC: [b]It's a statement of your behavior on this thread. If this is how you behave everywhere else, then it is. If you behave differently elsewhere, then it's not. See the difference?[/b][/quote]That wouldn't be.... w h i n i n g, would it? [b]"I had no idea there was someone on this board that was such a prick, but there you go." Was that a personal statement? Just curious...[/b] Of course it was, I'm sorry you're not astute enough to realize that (that was personal as well). [b]You didn't say this was a mini-series... Until now, there was nothing music related in this thread. [/b] Oh well, I tried to explain. [b]You don't know how long I've been here. You don't know what posts I've read. [/b] Based on the way you seem to be taking it upon yourself to suddenly police this thread, AND my posting habits, yes, I do know you haven't been here very long, or at least haven't been reading much. [b]But that doesn't stop you from making stupid assumptions about what I've read or seen here.[/b] It also won't stop me from saying "lim bim fatang fatang whiskey barrel", either. Nothing stopped you from whining about my post by making little snide personal remarks, so fair's fair. [b]You're liberal moral superiority really shows here.[/b] Does it? How's it look, I haven't seen it for days...? [b]Is the way you find out about new music better than the people who shop at WalMart find out about their music?[/b] Here's an arrogant statement: "Yes". Let's see: I spend my life disseminating information about how to play music that over 50 different people want to know about every week, the rest of my time is devoted more or less to music, and this has been the case for the past 17 years, and before that I managed to build a collection of about a 1,000 records based on my own efforts in pursuing a love of music since I was old enough to push a lawn mower to buy it. AS OPPOSED TO the person that buys a Britney Spears recording from Walmart because she likes her boots in a Pepsi commercial? Yep, you're right, I *do* feel safely superior in this situation, but of course that's a stereotype of the Average Music Buying Customer at Walmart. Chances are, they're all garaduates of Ivy League colleges with musicology backgrounds and extremely discerning tastes in what they listen to. Sure, that's probably reality. It's funny how Republicans like to take a politically correct stance when it suits their position. Sorry, I won't go for it. Hmmm. The last cd I bought was a particular recording of Gorecki's 3rd, which came about as a side product of spending 6 hours sitting on the floor at a friend's place listening to her collection of classical music, a friend who has studied music at a very prestigious institution and has a collection based on a rather concise perception of music brought about by her role as a professional musician. I won't even go into my criteria for wanting to have this recording, but suffice to say it's not found at Walmart, and I HIGHLY doubt the average Walmart music purchaser has done much beyond hearing something on MTV and thinking "I think that's cool". There's nothing wrong with that, but that process in itself is the culmination of a process begun by a corporation: a big corporation signs a particular "artist", spends money to promote said artist, gets said artist on the largest commercialize-outlet for exposure, as well as spends money controlling said artist's image. So, am I the only self-aggrandizing musician here that is brave enough to be politically incorrect and say "yes, I *do* put more effort into choosing my music and pursuing it than the average Joe".....? I don't expect anyone to actually post that they do feel that, BUT I personally suspect that to be the case. But I admit, I'm arrogant about music. James Clavell has nothing on my output.... [b]Sheryl Crowe had a CD of her's banned from WalMart a few yrs. ago due to content, and it sold just fine. You give them too much credit.[/b] Er.... Ok, you've got me there, I don't know what angle you're coming from now.... [b]"But of course, YOU WOULDN'T KNOW THAT since you've only made 60 posts here, as opposed to someone going on 2,600+." That's the dumbest statement you've made yet,[/b] No it's not, this is: "hell, I bet thar's fresh octopi sauce over there in that there candy apple red '68 'stang, wooooooooh!" Wait, no, how about: "man, all I need now is 96k sampling and I won't even have to buy a better preamp than this here ART, I'll be able to record all the sound comin' out of that thar banjo! Woooooooh!!!" [b]but I know you can make dumber.[/b] Ok, let me see... "My name is Rush Limbaugh". [b]You base what I know by my post count? [/b] Oh yes, definitely. All your base are belong to me. [b]You don't know how long I've been lurking here.[/b] Kinda like Nosferatu, huh? [b]You don't know what I've read here.[/b] Hopefully not the bit about pantyhose and the knockwurst! [b]But you make your assumptions anyway.[/b] If I'm going to make an ASS out of ions, I may as well out of YOU. No, wait, that's the dumbest thing I've written here, I knew I could do better! [b]You're one of those people who base your opinion of people on skin color or post count, or gender or height, aren't you...[/b] Skin color? Gender and height? Man, you're reallllly stretching now, sport.... [b]Isn't that what you liberals accuse Republicians of? ;) [/b] Oops! Got me there, Carmen 'ol pal. [b]"That would be fitting with being mindless sheep, yes...." So anyone who likes WalMart is a mindless sheep? [/b] Oh yes, that's EXACTLY what I said EXACTLY, you're not misrepresenting what I posted AT ALL, that's PRECISELY the point I wanted to make, you're very perceptive! Sorry, I'm not going to let you do that, you'll have to do better than that. You should have tried to be a little more oblique with how you reference Walmart, put it in a metaphor and THEN tried to rope me in with that angle. That was too blatant, try again. [b]Chip.....your moral superiority and disgust of anyone other that yourself is showing.....[/b] I admit, people in general do disgust me, I'm going to go on a jihad against people here soon. Wait, no, not against Gillian Anderson, I don't think she disgusts me? Actually, neither does Matt Cameron of Soundgarden , I need a drummmer, he shall live. While I'm at it, I think I'll let Sir Paul Mac live, maybe he can do something in the kitchen, I'll need a bass player as well. Hmm. Maybe what's her name, Britney, just to remind of why everyone disgusts me and why I'm superior. Yep. But the rest of you lot can shove right off! [b]Noone is trying to impact your online behavior. I'm just commenting on it.[/b] Ok, then I was just "commenting" on you as well. [b][b]It makes for BORING reading.[/b] "Really?" Really.[/b] (Louder) Everyone else here...... really? [b]Who here has been BORED by my WalMart post, raise your virtual hand...." :wave: [/b] Ruh roh. [b]Please don't take your ball and go home because someone here thinks your a spoiled brat. Not that you would...[/b] Hah! Actually, somewhere on here long ago is a reference to when I did exactly that prior to landing "here".... [b]I'm "holier- than -thou" because I think you whine?[/b] No, you're being "holier than thou" because you decided to make public what you thought in regards to me, and in the process "whined". [b]I hit a nerve, me thinks.[/b] No, you just gave me the excuse to take the gloves off. [b]I called you out because of what YOU said.[/b] Hilarious! You pompously posted what you thought about my persona, and then arrogantly did it again. I said nothing about you prior to that, or about any else in particular. What exactly were you "calling me out" on? [b]You want to talk about "holier- than thou"?[/b] Not particularly, but I bet we're about to..... [b]Read your smug statement,[/b] I don't have time for that, like I said there's 2,600 of 'em! (ba-da boomp!) [b]"But of course, YOU WOULDN'T KNOW THAT since you've only made 60 posts here, as opposed to someone going on 2,600+." I guess you would know holier than thou .[/b] Hey, I play cards with the Pope on tuesday nights, what can I say? [b]"Well, I tried that in the garden and lawn section of Walmart, but they called the cops." I saw you . That was me that called the cops. My daughter was in the next isle, for christ sakes...[/b] Yeah, and look at you, you didn't do a THING when one aisle over that perv Mr. Whipple is standing there frantically grabbing the Charmin, what do you think HE was up to, huh? [b]"I wouldn't expect them to. The point is awareness and motivating perspective. You seem quite concerned, though... so I count my rant as being "successful"." No, you can't...[/b] A) it bothered you enough to make a personal statement about me B) it bothered you enough to carry on quite a bit about it C) you're exacerbating the situation by continuing this, helping insure said topic is at the top of the list regularly for all to see. .. and finally: D) don't even try to comment about exacerbating in public [b]"I've never seen Levi's in a Walmart. If they had my size I'd buy them there (if they were cheap enough). How about them apples, Carmen?" Got them last night. They fit, too.[/b] Lucky you. [b]Warning? How condesending...[/b] I'd NEVER condescend to the likes of you, I'm too superior for that. [b]More liberal bullshit.[/b] Geez. You know, Rush Limbaugh needs to come up with a fresher line than "liberal" everything. O'Riley doesn't wear it out as much, take a cue... [b]Levi is not a "humanitarian" organisation. It's a business.[/b] OH REALLY? Wow, how could I have seriously thought they were being HUMANITARIAN by setting up sweat shops all over the planet in order to increase their executive profit margin? What was I thinking? [b]Are you saying it's OK to fuck them by bootlegging their stuff because they're not "humanitarian" enough for you? Ahh, I love liberal moral equivalency...[/b] No, actually poopy pants it was what one calls a " sarcastic remark". [b]"Not that the American company Walmart would ever sell counterfeit, lower quality Levi's, of course not, but....." You just said they don't sell them...which is it?[/b] I know you are, but what am I?? I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I? [b]That's some isolationist talk..me thinks. A closet Republician........?[/b] No, that would be TERRIBLY IRONIC, wouldn't it? Laissez fare is an illusion I'm all for on a level playing field. It hasn't been a level playing field since the Reagan administration. In the world we operate in now I'm for efficient non-territorial centric management, since that is a more realistic goal that can indeed create a level playing field. There's more to being a Republican than thinking Limbaugh is right; or at least there used to be. "Republican" doesn't mean *anything* anymore. [b] WalMart is out to destroy small business by selling products cheaply from overseas? So that was their plan. I thought it was to make money, maybe even supply a public service.[/b] Semantics: note I didn't say Walmart's *intended purpose* was to destroy small business, I essentially said that is what is happening. I'm pretty bored by semantic arguments these days, so I won't pursue that further. [b]But I don't think I'm a better person than the people who shop at WalMart [/b] Again - being a member of homo sapiens means *possibly* having the ability to discern shades of nuance in language that are equivocal to many different meanings and intent. If you care to *honestly* believe that is what I was getting at, that's your issue not mine. [b]or a better person than someone on this board because I've posted more than them .[/b] Plink. This has just gotten boring. [b]I don't think I'm better than anyone. You obviously do.[/b] Actually, I do think I'm better than some people. I'm not going to lie. I also think there are people that do things better than me. I ALSO think that there are things that are entirely subjective, and that's non-sequiter to your statement... along with having nothing to do with my statements about Walmart. But then again, running down the street Lord Freenbush gnip gnop puppie dog noses. Ok, "boring". [b]Whose brainwashed?[/b] Not my brainwashed, I left my brainwashed over there by the dryer.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Quit picking on Chip. He writes from his heart. It's entertaining and endearing. It's his perspective, so if it works for him and not for you, too bad for you.
There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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[quote]Originally posted by Chip McDonald: [b]So, am I the only self-aggrandizing musician here that is brave enough to be politically incorrect and say "yes, I *do* put more effort into choosing my music and pursuing it than the average Joe".....? I don't expect anyone to actually post that they do feel that, BUT I personally suspect that to be the case. But I admit, I'm arrogant about music.[/b][/quote]Chip, I don’t see that as self-aggrandizing or politically incorrect, and by golly... [b][i]I *do* put more effort into choosing my music and pursuing it than the average Joe![/i][/b] That’s not arrogance...[i]it’s just the simple truth of the matter![/i] :D
Go tell someone you love that you love them.
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You see, that's the thing about trolls. They make the first personal attack. And when you respond to it, they act like you cast the first stone. They then up the ante with even more seething bullshit. Thus creating the endless circle of shit. It can make for some entertaining reading.... sometimes... :D Unfortunately in this case, it was no contest. :rolleyes: Carmen, Aloha means goodbye :wave: At times like these, I miss the Alpha, Curve, Fletcher triangle of torture. ;)
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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[quote]Whose brainwashed? Not my brainwashed, I left my brainwashed over there by the dryer. [/quote]Chip, That is the funniest use of somebody else's use of poor english I have ever seen. While the rest of your retort was quite good, that takes the cake! :D
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