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New Van Halen book comin'... includes tribute to EVH by world's greatest...

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Hi everyone...


If you'll please allow me a moment to fill you in on the very cool project, I'd appreciate it.


Basically, after two insane years of research I've put together a comprehensive guide to the Mighty VH. A true labor of love containing literally hundreds of pages dedicated to the amazing history, music, impact & influence of Edward and his band.


I even included a section about Randy Rhoads & the Sunset Strip which includes a brand new interview with Kevin DuBrow talkin' about RR and about the club days and seeing VH back then.


However, the coolest part is the tribute section. Simply put, over 100 of the world's greatest musicians personally came forward to share their thoughts, memories and stories about EVH (plenty of commentary on the band, too). It's insane.


From Holdsworth and Vai to Satch and Hetfield to Wylde and McLaughlin to Levin and even the late great Dimebag Darrell, more than 100 of the big dogs stepped up. Nothing like this has ever been done. Ever. Period. Oh, not to mention the foreword to my book was written by Brian May of Queen. Again, it's insane.


The book is complete and being published as we speak. It should be ready to go in September. If this sounds like somethin' you'd be interested in checkin' out, please don't hesitate to hit me up at: Sonicninja9@aol.com


This is a book for US. And by "US" I mean true fans of VH, true fans of hard rock/metal, and true fans of guitar. In other words, you won't be seeing a post like this over at some TRL board, dig?


Thanks so very much for your time...

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Originally posted by Shredaholica:

two insane years of research

It's insane.

Again, it's insane.
Apparently Crazy Eddie's is selling books now instead of stereo's.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Hi! You don't know me, but I'm a fiddle player, too! Er.. I mean, I'm a guitar player and I want to talk about ME! You see, I've done something special and, even though I'm a total stranger, I want to share it with you because OBVIOUSLY you're, like, totally interested in my life because it's ME!


Anyway, the current project (read: product I'm selling) is about "____" celebrity musician/"____" unknown musician(s)-I'm-promoting and I KNOW you guys are gonna be excited because they are the bestest musicians to ever walk on water!
















Seriously, would you walk into a room and blurt this out to a bunch of complete strangers? How about a "hello"? Maybe join an ongoing conversation rather than give us a lame, online-door-to-door salesman routine. :rolleyes:


And I like Van Halen...

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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God, what a bunch of old crowes?!?! Oh, I'm so fuckin' sorry I took the time to come in here and tell ya'll about a cool project that I did for fans of guitar and VH.


So yeah, god forbid I come on the forums of GUITAR PLAYER MAGAZINE and make a small post about it on your sacred pissing ground. I'm soooo sorry. I take it back. Yeah, I did this for me. What an ego trip, huh? You got me. To come on a guitar forum at the official GP magazine website and make a quick shout about a project I put together. Yeah, definitely an attention getting scheme. In reality, I need love. Perhaps my mommy should have breastfed me or something?


Jeesh, it boggles my mind how some people interpret shit. What, was I supposed to hang out here with you guys for several years and stroke your weenies before I "earned the right" to make a simple post about my book? Yeah, ok. Who the hell made this YOUR forum, hmmm? It's called a forum for a reason...and I didn't know I needed permission from the veterans to make a post. I simply signed up just to make this one post. Wow, perhaps I shoulda signed up years ago and made a buncha posts first. Maybe ya'll woulda considered that "foreplay" or something? hehe...


Wow, this is the only sight I've gotten a negative response. Pretty sad. Oh well, can't please all the people. So sorry for invading your little bubble and just bursting in. I guess ya'll took this as the equivalent of me comin' in your home, raidin' your fridge, smokin' your weed and bangin' your girl...haha...Unreal. Sorry fellas, I'll leave your pissing ground now. Later days.

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Shredaholica,..... You just was welcomed the SSS way,...


Your welcome on the guitar forum was way better man.


Here on the SSS it's open mic and as you know most of all musicians are pissheads when it comes to intelectual conversation.


Every now and then a guy comes on here without introducing himself and saying hi to the forum but right away starts telling about what he sells,.. he gets the same treatment ;)


The S.P.A.M treatment.


I welcome you to the forum and tell you that allmost everyone here is a nice guy,.. except Wewus,...He's a Tunafish.


So Welcome and good luck with your book man...


Now piss off and take your SPAM elsewhere haha ;)


Where can I get a copy?



Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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Hi there Shredaholica,


It's real nice that you'vre written a book about VH back in the day. I'd be interested in reading it. In fact I might even be in it because I'm from LA and was around that scene back in the day, so I'm rather curious.


As far as our sacred pissing ground is concerned, this is a community. Why don't you get known around here a bit before starting any flame wars. You have no manners.


BTW - If you're going to do web based, street team level marketing, the object is to get people to like you. If they don't like you (or you act like an a**hole) it won't matter if your book is the definitive bible about the Sunset strip in it's hard rock heyday. No one will read it.

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Originally posted by Shredaholica:

...So yeah, god forbid I come on the forums of GUITAR PLAYER MAGAZINE and make a small post about it on your sacred pissing ground...


Of course, you're so thick as to think your "small post" is the only spam we get? That this forum receives so little spam is a testament to the fact that the community demands a little respect.


FYI - The Guitar Forum had someone come on because of another user and, quite by accident, had pertinent information to add to the discussion that was specific to his own business. He didn't get flamed at all. Why? Because his seeming self promotion was directly relevant to an ongoing conversation.


We give each other passes on SPAM all the time. Because it's expected that ongoing projects of valued members of a community are of interest to others in the community.


As for your right to post this at Guitar Player's site, there are rules of SPAM here. There's a sticky thread that will always appear at the head of the thread index labelled, "New to the SSS? Welcome to the party!". The following is an excerpt of the first rule from our Moderator, Craig Anderton;


There are only a few very simple protocols that you need to know.


1. Do not post specifically to promote your band, your services, or sell things. Giving things away is fine. Use common sense; members are merciless to someone who has one or two posts and starts a thread called "Here's a link to my band's new song, I'm the world's greatest guitarist, please give me some feedback." HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE: Feel free to include this sort of information in your signature. Also, we do give some veteran community members a little slack, so once you've been here for a while and you find out your band is opening for Green Day or something, feel free to share the good news [smile]

Had you taken the time to get to know us by reading this, you could've saved yourself a load of aggravation.


As for the rest of your tirade, though it was completely off base, IMO, I found it refreshngly witty for an angry retort. Hope you stick around to get to know some of us...


Oh, wait, we'll be leaving in a few weeks anyway. Just shut the door when you leave. ;)


Oh, and see you at the Guitar Forum!

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Actually, I think Shred has a point. It's not like there is a clear T.O.S. that is blatantly obvious. You can't get a vibe for it unless you are here a while. But instead of just saying "hey, can you cool it on the spam and participate a while?", many of us post sarcasm and vitriol.


Or if you are not a moderator, you could just not post anything until a mod removes the post.


Or you could just keep posting sarcastic comments and gifs that say spam. That is also de rigeur around here...but don't be surprised when someone bites back, and don't act like he "shoulda known".

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by zeronyne:

Actually, I think Shred has a point. It's not like there is a clear T.O.S. that is blatantly obvious. You can't get a vibe for it unless you are here a while. But instead of just saying "hey, can you cool it on the spam and participate a while?", many of us post sarcasm and vitriol.


Or if you are not a moderator, you could just not post anything until a mod removes the post.


Or you could just keep posting sarcastic comments and gifs that say spam. That is also de rigeur around here...but don't be surprised when someone bites back, and don't act like he "shoulda known".

Zero, as I excerpted, the first post on the welcome thread posted by Craig specifically lays out some specific guidelines and the general exceptions. Can't be any clearer and easier to find unless it was spelled out in legalese by CMP.


It still amazes me that there are people who don't understand that entering a forum on the net is just like entering a privately owned, open to the public room, such as a dance hall. You don't just start pasting your announcements anywhere in the room without seeing what the room is about and how it works. The same is true here. Seek and ye shall find. Ask the regulars what's up or simply stick around a few days and peruse the place and it will be clearly evident what is and isn't considerate.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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