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Are you ecologist?

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Well whis, may sound stupid for many of you but, Year after year we see musicians singing to the nature, to the earth, and figthing in slogans like SAVE THE PLANET. Yesterday i was in a music store and i spoke to my self: WOw i really like that wooden bass. WOOD!, now i realize... Have you ever think about how many trees the industry musical instruments is converting in our preciated basses, guitars, drums, sticks, etc. Well i am not saying that we must start playing plastic drums, just the commentary.
Rebuilding My Self
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not being a smart ass but plastic drums would be a bigger problem we have only 50 years worth of discovered oil supplies left (oh no, my science degree coming back to haunt me... yes im not just a smart ass electronica nerd) wood is renewable and will never leave music as for the plastic thing, be happy to know that an Australian company has developed a plastic substitute for fast food and general grocery packaging that is entirely water soluble, and biodegrades in a matter of days it is created in an eco-friendly process deriving much of its properties from its main ingredient... CORN STARCH! CORN STARCH RULEZ!!! sorry, couldnt help it. anyway trials showed no-one could tell the difference between it and real plastic! makes me proud to be Australian sometimes. add to this our governments aims to stick to the Kyoto Treaty on greenhouse emissions (unlike the f^&king USA) and our "head of the pack" research on Cancer treatments and we are ahead of the pack in many science fields which, um, doesnt explain why im a poorly paid engineer and not wiggling a test tube somewhere... DAMN YOU MUSIC! DAMN YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
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Ummm, yeah, I'm an ecologist. Wood IS a renewable resource. I'm not wild about the use of exotic rainforest hardwoods for making instruments, but in general I've got nothing against using wood for this purpose. I don't believe that a sound ecological doctrine means we don't use any forest products whatsoever. It's the WAY they are harvested that's the problem. As for drums, Yamaha makes a bamboo snare now that sounds just dandy. Bamboo grows a lot faster than hardwood trees. Gotta love that! --Lee
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