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Peak Oil - Part 2. Wewus was correct....

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Its bullshit!!


After reading that very disturbing thread the other day and following up with the Rolling Stone article I became suspicious. Could this be yet another Fear Inc.(I E -our leaders) ploy to manipulate us? I was double-concerned. But the following day, as if God was watching over me and my worry, an answer came to which I will now share with you.


I had contracted Brinks home security to take care of my home and when they had arrived and been there a while, I struck up a conversation with the "trainee" on the job. I asked him what he used to do. He said "I used to be in upper management for an oil company but the pressure was just too much." So I said "listen, myself and a lot of other people are really concerned about Peak Oil". Do you know what I'm talking about? Is there any validity to it? Are we going to run out of oil? He then replied "Do you want my personal opinion or my "professional" opinion? "Both" I replied. His demeanor was kind of half tounge-in-cheek so I knew I was in for something interesting. This is what he had to say:

"We have enough oil to last the next 300 years"."I'm being totally straight with you here."

"Now for my professional opinion": "Supplies are slipping fast!" "At the rate things are going we'll be out in a month and a half"!


So as you can see, someone somewhere is constantly feeding us fear so we will consume our lives away and eventually become fat slaves.If anyone here is an independent thinker, then watching "Bowling for Columbine" is essential. It shows how our leaders and our society have become motivated and controlled by fear. Knowing and seeing the truth will set you free. I hope I've made some folks here feel better. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself" Hmmm. I've heard that before.

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I'm not so sure it's fear, more like anxiety, confusion, why did the former oil dude go in such differing points of contention, any more info?


If he knows there is 300 years worth of oil, where is it? Does that include what we'll need in the future, as other countries like China and India develop?


One of peak-oils mis-understandings is, that there will be oil in the ground, but the caveat is that @ some point it's too expensive to extract, because as much oil you get, it's what is used to get it.


Thats the other "big" problem, and that is, with the remaining oil we can get cheaply, it should be used to ramp-up the next technology before it's too late. If we don't have the energy to develop the next-thing, it won't happen and we'll be back to the stone age.


The whole deal is a win for the oil people anyway you look at it, they get the inflated value with the rumors going around and they get the same if it's running-out. The problem is do they care enough to do the "right" thing if it's running-out, if not, either way it's unresponsible.


I personally think, "our" oil, if we have any left, should be nationalized and taken away from the creeps, if they are just playing games with us. There is just too much at risk for everyone to be held economically hostage by a bunch of lying SOB's.

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Originally posted by Dave, the Rave:

Hurumpfh! When I started a new thread on an "old" topic, you closed it Craig.....so how come Chest Rockwell gets the 1984 treatment (you know "everyone is equal, but some people are more equal than others")? :confused:



That's actually the "Animal Farm" treatment. :P
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Why, if we kept our horses we'd have none of this "peak oil" nonsense [spits a "clinker" into the spitoon and puts hands back inside overalls and continues rocking on the porch] . . .


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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After spending a couple of years researching the subject I had come to believe that Peak Oil was real. After watching the behavior of oil prices over the same period of time and OPEC's growing inability to control them, I was even more convinced.


However, one day I had a clogged toilet and nothing I could do would get that $%$$ to drain. So I called a plumber. While he was over, I asked him about peak oil, and he told me that it was a scam. Boy was I relieved! He HAD to know because he got things unclogged, just like the dinosaur bones that are clogging the oil wells. And to think I spent all that time reading about it!


Phil Mann


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Philter, how dare you study this problem, why even bother reading a book about it. The nightly news folks have all the answers and you should believe everything they say!


We should just not listen to all the geologists that are concerned, just because there hasn't been a major discovery of oil in 30 years or so and that we use much more oil than we find now, only means that there is more oil than ever!

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Peak Oil & the supply side of the equation is one thing...(not to mention an almost treasonous lack of refining capacity in this country...)


Another is the demand side. And there are several points to ponder. The obvious one, of course, is increased consumption in China & India. They'll no doubt go through a period of wastefulness and conspicuous consumption "on their way up."


Now the wildcards: First, China has been cutting deals with suppliers who previously only supplied us with oil, like Venezuela, Mexico, Iran, etc. Second, China has also been quietly making deals with countries like Pakistan to finance and build deep-water ports, stretching all the way to the Persian Gulf. These could not only be used by Chinese tankers, but by a growing Chinese Navy. If the sh*t starts to fly, things could get deep in a hurry.


So on the one side, perhaps we have greedy capitalists putting on "the pinch." (Remember Lenin's saying, "Just give them [the capitalists] enough rope, and they'll hang themselves!",) while on the other side, we have an emerging superpower who may be willing to play "The Great Game" of empires past. Any "miscalculations" in the coming decades could prove disastrous.



"If more of us valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." - J. R. R. Tolkien
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Originally posted by Billster:

Originally posted by Dave, the Rave:

Hurumpfh! When I started a new thread on an "old" topic, you closed it Craig.....so how come Chest Rockwell gets the 1984 treatment (you know "everyone is equal, but some people are more equal than others")? :confused:



That's actually the "Animal Farm" treatment. :P
Course it is! Check the time.....I sent it at 4:41am.....I was half asleep!



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