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Hey Dak (and other gearheads)....

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On my way to work this morning i happened to be behind someone's truck and their tailgate flew open. It was a obviously a contractor, and what fell out looked like a huge box of nails or screws :eek: which surprisingly stayed together as it tumbled down the highway at 60mph. Try as i might to dodge it (no puns!) best i could do was straddle it with my Ranger, and of course it whapped my exhaust on the way through.


So the pipe split cleanly from the muffler right at the junction. It was one piece to start with, and since the split is right up against the side of the muffler i can't do any Shadetree Mechanic Tricks with al-yew-min-ee-um soda cans and hoseclamps. I know that exhaust work is dirt cheap anyways, but i just don't have any spare $$ till next month or so. My thoughts are to take off the severed section, drill a hole in the end of the pipe that's still attached and wire it up with a steel coathanger or plumber's tape. No, it won't be pretty, and it'll be obnoxiously loud, but i'll only need the Race Ready exhaust for about 20-30 days.


Effectively that will shorten the exhaust by about 6 feet and take the muffler out of the equation. Now, there's no way for me to accurately measure the volume of the exhaust manifold, catalytic converter and the remaning section of pipe, but if it's a 2.5L 4cyl, you figure the reverse exhaust pulse can be no more than .625L in volume, give or take....


Do you think that's enough to burn the exhaust valves? Also, there's about 3 feet of pipe on the back of the cat... if it sucks O2 into the cat (it looks like a single-chamber type) will that cause any issues there?


I hold you 100% free of liability from any suggestion you make. Thanks.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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For the short term the exhaust valves will be safe since the cat will provide enough backpressure to keep them from burning. It may be rough on e the converter itself though. depending on the milage it may not be much of a concern though. If you are over 100,000 with the original it could be time to change it.

Reach out and grab a clue.


Something Vicious

My solo crap

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I dunno, but did you get the plates of that guy? He should pay for it.


Kinda hard to assess liability in those cases. You know, shit happens. He didn't mean to dump a box of screws onto the highway. Though, judging by the neocon propaganda stickers plastered all over his truck he'd have probably gotten stupid about it if i were to stop and talk to him (i.e. wanting me to pay for the box of screws because i hit it with my truck), but i'm probably just miffed (and tired of this debate from the boss) and jumping to conclusions.


If you are over 100,000 with the original it could be time to change it.


I just rolled over 90K yesterday. The truck is original everything.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Phaeton, that could get you by for awhile. No problems with the valves in that time and as mentioned the cat will provide enough back pressure.


A better way would be to cripple it in to an exhaust place and have them weld it back together. That shouldn't cost more than about a half an hour worth of labor and would be a longer term fix.


Once that's done it will give you enough time to have the complete job done, including the cat. It's probably going to be due at about 100K anyway & then you're good to go for another 100K or another box of screws/nails.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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What? You're worried about your exhaust? Do yourself a favour and go get some bitchin headers and have them coming up through your hood. Then you'd be cool!






"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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Do yourself a favour and go get some bitchin headers and have them coming up through your hood. Then you'd be cool!


Not NEARLY as cool as if i:


1) painted on some yellow go-fast stripes


2) bolted a 4 foot jackass wing down in the bed


3) retrofitted a single-wiper system with a stopswitch, so i can park it with the wiper up on the windshield


4) mounted a backlit, whitefaced tachometer on the dashboard the size of a salad bowl


5) got some clear taillamp lenses but only changed the bulbs for the brakelights


6) got some red Type R stickers from the honda dealer


7) added some fender-mounted turn signals


8) got a new air intake system with an airbox and filter so big that i need a new carbon-fiber hood. Normally you leave the hood black even though your car is a different colour, but since my truck is black i need a white or clear one.


9) learned all the partyline arguments to justify these upgrades and their associated straw-man defenses, OR the reason why all these things increase performance from 110bhp and make it corner better.


Oh, and of course I have to drive like a total jackass.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Originally posted by phaeton:

Do yourself a favour and go get some bitchin headers and have them coming up through your hood. Then you'd be cool!


Not NEARLY as cool as if i:


1) painted on some yellow go-fast stripes bright orange is faster


2) bolted a 4 foot jackass wing down in the bed ..only if you truly mean it


3) retrofitted a single-wiper system with a stopswitch, so i can park it with the wiper up on the windshield this bugs you, too?


4) mounted a backlit, whitefaced tachometer on the dashboard the size of a salad bowl one that makes your truck "registered" for 200mph? that'd be coool :P


5) got some clear taillamp lenses but only changed the bulbs for the brakelights I saw a truck like that yesterday


6) got some red Type R stickers from the honda dealer ..or Type S from the Acura dealer


7) added some fender-mounted turn signals what? no froglamps?


8) got a new air intake system with an airbox and filter so big that i need a new carbon-fiber hood. Normally you leave the hood black even though your car is a different colour, but since my truck is black i need a white or clear one. nah, the hole for the headers could accomodate that


9) learned all the partyline arguments to justify these upgrades and their associated straw-man defenses, OR the reason why all these things increase performance from 110bhp and make it corner better. every stripe adds 10 horses, so I'm told


Oh, and of course I have to drive like a total jackass. ...and possess a small dick :D

btw, I'm not saying you have a small dick, but the running gag about folks who add a whole pile of needless shit to their vehicle is that they are "compensating for something"


Sorry if it got misunderstood - purely for comedic value

"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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Just remember that old adage...

Iffen it don't go, CHROME IT!


That's the one!


Lots of folks these days don't realize that the "rice boy syndrome" is nothing new. Going back to about the late 1950s and early 1960s....


1) There were a few cars that were really fast


2) There were a lot of cars that looked really fast.


Flipped spring shackles, lake pipes/cutouts, glass packs, cherry bombs, velocity stacks, traction bars....


Don't forget all the body customizations either- bluedots, chopping, channeling, nosing/decking, shaved door handles, pinching fenders, lowering, smoothing, dechroming, lead-filling.....


Dak could add a bunch to the list i bet...


Nothing's changed ;)

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Originally posted by phaeton:

Just remember that old adage...

Iffen it don't go, CHROME IT!


That's the one!


Lots of folks these days don't realize that the "rice boy syndrome" is nothing new. Going back to about the late 1950s and early 1960s....


1) There were a few cars that were really fast


2) There were a lot of cars that looked really fast.


Flipped spring shackles, lake pipes/cutouts, glass packs, cherry bombs, velocity stacks, traction bars....


Don't forget all the body customizations either- bluedots, chopping, channeling, nosing/decking, shaved door handles, pinching fenders, lowering, smoothing, dechroming, lead-filling.....


Dak could add a bunch to the list i bet...


Nothing's changed ;)

You forgot "Tubbing". I don't know what "tubbing" is, but they do it.








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You forgot "Tubbing". I don't know what "tubbing" is, but they do it.


Tubbing is cutting out the rear wheel wells so that you can fit wider tires. Usually you also narrow the rear end and remove or relocate anything that's in the way, be it gas tanks, trunk floors or seats. The "tub" is the actual name for the inner fender that you fit in, mainly because it looks like one end of a steel bath tub or horse trough.


Or, if you don't it the tubs in, you end up with the Plymouth that Thrashole talks about :D

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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