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OT: Training a puppy.

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I'm very excited to get off of work today and see our new puppy that my wife will be picking up from the pound in about . . . 4 hours! :D (I hope the rumors are not true that puppies lead to kids ;) )


Anyway, we will have a few hours tonight to get him aquainted to our house and surroundings, but we both have to go to work tomorrow. Is that too soon to leave him in a crate? I will be able to take a break from work and let him out and stuff, but I don't want him to get scared of the crate.


Any crate training tips in general?


Oh boy, I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! :freak:

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Get the puppy many toys to play with that the puppy will call his own. this will seriously cut down on the chewing syndrome. As soon as you catch him wanting to chew something up...have that toy ready.


Dedicate one room (when you are away) for the puppy to have that you don't mind poopies and wets being dispelled. The bathroom with a dedicated throw rug and a childs barrier is a good place to leave the puppy when away. Affirm the toilet seat is closed. Try not to do a "shut door" situation. The childs barrier is great!


Use words and sentences when speaking to the puppy and before long, he will understand fully.


My Dog has never been scolded, always obeys and is sweet as she can be. House training took 2 times. All I did was to tell her to go outside...she started waiting by the door very fast and barking to go outside. She is a leash only Dog outdoors and mainly a housedog. She is perfect.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Lots of love and positive re-inforcement when they do what you tell them to do. Dogs naturally want to please... you're the "Alpha dog" - the leader of the pack. If you don't take that job, they will.


Potty training requires a bit of patience. Rubbing their nose in it is never a good idea... the time to say "NO!" is when you catch them in the act... after the fact is just too late. Make sure you take your puppy out frequently, because they can't "hold it" for very long. When they DO go outside, make sure you praise them. If you catch them in the act of going in the house, tell them NO! in a firm voice and IMMEDIATELY put them outside... then praise hem when they do their business outside. In no time at all, they'll "get it". Dogs don't like to soil their "den", and if you give them plenty of opportunity to go outside, and praise them for it, they usually are easy to potty-train.


Remember, lots of love and positive reinforcement. :)


Enjoy your new family member. :cool:

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Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe:

Lots of love and positive re-inforcement when they do what you tell them to do. Dogs naturally want to please... you're the "Alpha dog" - the leader of the pack. If you don't take that job, they will.


Potty training requires a bit of patience. Rubbing their nose in it is never a good idea... the time to say "NO!" is when you catch them in the act... after the fact is just too late. Make sure you take your puppy out frequently, because they can't "hold it" for very long. When they DO go outside, make sure you praise them. If you catch them in the act of going in the house, tell them NO! in a firm voice and IMMEDIATELY put them outside... then praise hem when they do their business outside. In no time at all, they'll "get it". Dogs don't like to soil their "den", and if you give them plenty of opportunity to go outside, and praise them for it, they usually are easy to potty-train.


Remember, lots of love and positive reinforcement. :)


Enjoy your new family member. :cool:

Phil, you just summed up all the best bits I got from reading 3 books on the topic. Listen to him, this is the way to do it.
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Well getting him used to his crate was alot easier than I thought. He absolutely loves it! It's his own little "den" for him and him only. He stayed in it all night, only whining when he had to wiz.


We learned that when he starts chasing his tail he is not amusing himself, he is getting ready to crap. Poor little bugger didn't want to go out on my grass this morning because it was a bit snowy. Tough dog :rolleyes: . At least dogshit is biodegradable, right? :D


Here's the Mutt -



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Adorable puppy, Shniggens!


I wish I had additional advice for doggy training, but I never had one as a child - Dad's allergic to them :cry: . That didn't stop me from playing with the neighbor's dogs :D (Hi Spike!)


Have fun, Shniggens, they're only that small once...




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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Hmmmm, we got snow in Aurora, but it didn't snow in Golden? That's strange. Yeah, it was dumping pretty hard out here this morning. It started turning to rain by 8, tho. Loveland got a good 2 feet this weekend! Damn work!!!!!!! I guess I wouldn't ditch the puppy to go skiing anyway. Or would I? :D


We got him from the Dumb Friends League main shelter on Evans and Quebec. They have alot of puppies. $90 gets you a puppy complete with shots, microchip, some food/bones, and neutering. Not to bad a deal.


I felt bad for the older dogs, though. They probably won't get a home. :(


But we wanted a poopie!!!

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(I hope the rumors are not true that puppies lead to kids )
Of course they do. Why do you think your wife talked you into it? :D More parents should have puppies prior to having children its good training for you. Congrats puppies rule.

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Originally posted by Jimbroni:

(I hope the rumors are not true that puppies lead to kids )
Of course they do. Why do you think your wife talked you into it? :D
Funny thing is - I talked HER into it, and the puppy likes her better. :D



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Funny thing is - I talked HER into it, and the puppy likes her better. :D
I know what you mean - Jackie's the one who talked me into getting a cat, and the cat won't go near her, but clings to me! Such a wonderful thing, this "irony" :D




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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I'm pretty good with dogs. :o I've got THREE, and have had at least one for most of my life. They've all been very special to me. Like people, individual dogs have their own unique personalities, and you're going to have to get to know each other. You can't just get a puppy and neglect them - that's a recipe for disaster. Lots of love, lots of attention, positive reinforcement, and you wouldn't believe the things you can train them to do. I'd brag about a few of the things I've been able to train my dogs to do, but no one would believe me. ;)


That's a beautiful pup shniggens - congratulations! :cool:

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This puppy will NEVER be neglected. I am a very active person, and I needed a companion to do all my hiking, biking, snowshoeing, etc with since I have WEEKDAYS off and nobody to hang out with. :( WAH!


The ironic thing is, this dog so far has been quite the ham. He prefers cuddling over play. But I guess in a few months I'll be wishing he would go back to cuddling, eh? :D

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Originally posted by shniggens:

But I guess in a few months I'll be wishing he would go back to cuddling, eh? :D

Unless he takes to cuddling his rear end up by your face.



"We are the people who will make it all happen;

while your children are sleepin', your puppy is crappin'..."



I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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