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the fine line between confidence and arrogance

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that's easy tedster.

after 4-5 beers the good looking guy would stop being so modest and tell the average jerk down the bar to shut his piehole before it gets stomped.

average guy would have to exude his arrogance and accept the challenge, even if he were not confident he might win.

good looking guy would stomp said average guy ( cuz we know the hero, good looking guy always wins right?)

in process of/after said stomping good looking guy has lost his buzz and is modest about his victory to all the chicks in the bar. "No I didn't mean to break his nose on the first shot, No i don't think I could beat Chuck Norris in a fist fight"

-he goes home with "friends".

average guy is still arrogant yelling "What you want some more?" and starts yelling at some totally nonthreatening bystander for being in the bar at all(we've all seen those types too, when will they know they have had enough) as his bloody beaten ass is hauled from the bar by the two Pagan's the owner calls "bouncers".

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Originally posted by Dan South:

Fine line? More like the Mississippi River.


Confidence and arrogance are completely different.




Sometimes others gain confidence from someone's arrogance. ... Imagine a platoon leader about to lead his troops into a battle where they are severely outnumbered. If he yells, "Let go kick some butt!" he gives his men confidence. If he says, "Ooh, we're probably all going to get killed, but I can't disobey orders from headquarters," then his troops won't have a chance.

Dan, you say arrogance and confidence are two different things ... but in this example, I don't see "Let's go kick some butt!" as arrogance (well, my personal opinions on the arrogance of war aside) designed to engender confidence. Wouldn't that be more an expression of the confidence that they CAN kick butt??


But considering whether there is a fine line or a veritable rift has me thinking some general comments regarding arrogance, confidence, and humility:


To say, "I don't think we'll win," isn't humility. It's defeatist self-talk. You can still think you're going to lose and still be arrogant. "I don't need to win this stupid game, I'm better than all these A-holes anyway." [then usually blaming something other than oneself ensues ... "the game is rigged ..."]


And, you can still win or be successful and be humble ... ie, not be arrogant. You have the quiet assurance -- a CONFIDENCE -- that you are good. You're just not too good for everybody else (arrogance).

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Originally posted by geekgurl:

Dan, you say arrogance and confidence are two different things ... but in this example, I don't see "Let's go kick some butt!" as arrogance (well, my personal opinions on the arrogance of war aside) designed to engender confidence. Wouldn't that be more an expression of the confidence that they CAN kick butt??


Good question. I see this as irrational confidence. The platoon leader knows that the odds are not in his favor, but he has to convince his troops to believe in their chances, even if statistically, those chances are slim. I would say that there is a fine line between arrogance and IRRATIONAL confidence.

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Originally posted by Angelo Clematide:

Confidence and Arrogance,


after reading the posts, im unsure now if this two words mean the same on the other side of the pond.


Confidence means for me having trust in a person, or a trusting relationship, for example my lawyer who does not betray my confidences in him. Second, self-confidence, the feeling of assurance, especially of my self-assurance = a state of being certain, and also the emotional security resulting from faith in myself.


Arrogance is displaying a elevated self-worth or self-importance, and the assumption of being superiority toward others.


In this sense I was always confident, never arrogant. What I experience now and then is, that some people call my arrogant, because Im confident, also some rather shy, modest or humble people can react negative towards people who are confident.


Anything went bad in translation?





Your comprehension is accurate.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Bryson:

"The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing"

-Frank Zappa

While I can agree with what Mr Zappa said in some respects, it's debatable in others.


IMO, a little humility on the part of every person on earth would go a long way towards world peace and understanding. :)


"What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?"


-- Nick Lowe. :)

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