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Hey, Bruce, Do you have a say during mastering?

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Are you still around here, Bruce? If so, I'm curious as to whether or not you have a say in who does the mastering to your mixes/albums, and what they are allowed to do and not do to them?


I know you're not a fan of over-compression and over-limiting ("over" being the operative word, I suppose), and I assume the mastering engineers you work with know that. So, when your mixes go to mastering, what usually gets adjusted and tweaked? I.e., Do you find that specific frequency ranges usually always get adjusted because of the way you mix? Are you always happy with the results, or do you send masters back and ask them to redo it? Are you there during mastering?




Dan Worley

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I'm wondering the same thing.


What are your views on the "loudness wars"???


Your the King of the Red Light and what's going on inside of that segment, but what's past zero in Mastering???


Would you ever attempt Mastering a CD yourself???




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Dan Worley.....                   


Dan sez---->Are you still around here, Bruce? If so, I'm curious as to whether or not you have a say in who does the mastering to your mixes/albums, and what they are allowed to do and not do to them?

I know you're not a fan of over-compression and over-limiting ("over" being the operative word, I suppose), and I assume the mastering engineers you work with know that. So, when your mixes go to mastering, what usually gets adjusted and tweaked? I.e., Do you find that specific frequency ranges usually always get adjusted because of the way you mix? Are you always happy with the results, or do you send masters back and ask them to redo it? Are you there during mastering?


Dan Worley


Brucie sez---->Yes Dan, I'm still around here... You can't get rid of me that easily....


Interesting thought..... I'm often asked this question. No....I'm not always involved with the mastering. Naturally, the albums that I am most pleased with are the ones where I am totaly involved with the music all the way until it goes to Tower, or goes into wide release in movie theaters.


However - ALL the projects where I have been nominated for, or won a Grammy are the ones where I was involved in the mastering. Not to imply that I am the know-all in this particular situation, but I think when I am allowed to have my input into the sound of the music until it is realeased..... the music has a unified "Sonic Personality" to it....


Also.... I have a reputation in the industry as a "Budget Buster". For that reason alone, often I'm not invited to the mastering. However----Guess what??? I don't care!!! My work speaks for itself! That's all that matters!!!


Bruce Swedien

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Dan Worley......                    


I just re-read my answer to you and I don't think I gave you the whole story.


I have three Mastering Engineers that I like to work with.


#1-Bernie Grundman - Los Angeles...

#2-Ted Jensen - New York...

#3-Herb Powers - New York...


All three of these very talented dudes have done several major projects with me. I picked these dudes mainly because they have great instincts when it comes to the sound of the music that I am involved in. And none of these guys are afraid to tell me what they think! Interestingly enough we almost never disagree. If we do have an issue with the sound, more than likely I will go back to the mixiing room to solve the issue.


I love to have their ears tell me what has to be done. It's great to have another excellent set of ears with some experience listen to my mixes. Most often there is little or nothing to be done in the way of EQ or compression. Also, I picked these wonderful guys because they all exhibit good taste.


If you care to see what we have been up to - Just look for a record store.....


No, I don't want to master my own records....


Thanks Dan...


Bruce Swedien

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It is very common to see photos of Bruce with Bernie and Ted in Pro Sound News showing Bruce attending the mastering session. Even golden ears enjoy having other golden ears input and opinion in a major project.


I have never attended a mastering session of my classical music mixes (Chicago Masterworks), but I am always glad to find little if any change to the sonic quality of the result. It is reassuring that my productions have been unaltered. Mastering can sometimes be just another opinion of a finished product that requires only subtle changes.

KB Gunn

website: www.visionoutreach.net


....government is a necessary evil, but it is dangerous nonetheless ... somewhat like a drug. Just as a drug that in the proper dosage can save your life, an overdose of government can be fatal.

-Neal Boortz

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