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Universal Audio Waterfall ROTARY - not responding to midi controller in Cubase 10 Pro


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hope this is the correct place for this question 🤔

I purchased the UAD ROTARY plugin.
I use it in Cubase 10 Pro.


the "slow/fast" speed of the Rotary can be controlled in real time, while playing, via midi controller (modulation or sustain pedal).

using it with the real Hammond (which enters Cubase with the direct audio signal) I can put:

- hammond audio track with the plugin in insert on the same track;

- hammond audio track with the plugin in another effect track (and the hammond audio bus that flows into the effect track);

- a midi track, trasmitting the correct cc to the ROTARY bus (in both configurations seen above)

- external controller (I tried a couple of different keyboards, both via normal midi and via usb) just to transmit the midi cc with the sustain pedal.


well, although Cubase shows me that the input midi cc is correctly detected (both for modulation and for the sustain pedal), this midi cc does NOT reach the plugin.

yes, the cc is set to the correct number.
yes, the plugin is set to receive this cc.
yes, the midi channel is correct.
yes, all the cubase send/busses are correct.
etc. etc.


is there any Cubase "filter" somewhere that "does not let" the cc through to the plugin (either in effect mode in insert on the track, or in separate "effect track" mode)?
or, is there any other hiddend setting in the ROTARY plugin I’m missing?


thanks in advance for any effort 😊

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11 hours ago, ElmerJFudd said:

There are many versions of Cubase.  Does this CC assignment function seem similar to yours? 

Or perhaps on the plugin’s side does Waterfall have similar layout to Rotary? 




thanks so much!
I'll try with the indications in the first video (never needed to see that menu in many years 🤣).
concerning the second video, the same plugin (Rotary) interface is different from mine (I do not have that upper menu!)


I'll let you know 👍🍻

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