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Ethical question

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I'm going to change some of the words in my story to try to not cancel someone (I hate cancel culture more than just about anything else), but I have to ask you all what your perspective is on this. Of course, there is simply no way to prove that I am even trying to present the unbiased truth, so if you don't really know me, just assume this is all hypothetical.

Last year, I became aware of a certain boutique manufacturer who was reviving a brand that, while not really famous, had a real soft spot in my heart. The MOMENT I saw that they were starting production, I reached out to them. It turns out it's actually someone new who bought the IP from the original creator and is making a go of it. I was hugely supportive and tried to help in a grassroots way in social media groups and my own communications. Because of my unbridled enthusiasm, I assume, they offered my a special NAMM early adopter price on one (40 off, so basically dealer cost), and I jumped at it. Through social media, I discovered another person in my area had ordered one, and we started to communicate regularly, both in groups and email, to help promote this brand.

Months go by, and suddenly, there are a few people online who are grumbling about delays and non-communication. I found that puzzling and reached out to the company while simultaneously trying to be a conduit for communication. I've seen companies fail before launch due to bad press, and as I mentioned, that this brand really has an emotional hold on me. The company responded immediately and very transparently explained (with photos), the challenges they were having in manufacturing. I suggested being transparent with ALL of their backlogged orders, but I have no idea if they did.

More time goes by, and again, they are very transparent with me about what is happening. Sorry for being so vague here, but TWO of their variants were being successfully manufactured, but the variant I wanted was failing consistently. I tell them I am happy to wait.

A year goes by, and my friend and I get our money refunded unexpectedly. Remember that I paid 40% less than retail, as did my friend. I again wrote to the company expressing my empathy and wishing them luck.

ONE WEEK later, they start heavily advertising that they are shipping, although I only really see the two variants in photos. And they are going heavy on the promotion, and of course the price is retail.

My friend thinks the company went back on their commitment to us once the number of failures suddenly exceeded their margin on the preorders. He wants to put this on blast and name & shame, but as I stated at the beginning, that's not something I'm into. But I would REALLY like your opinions on this. Would you have been angry? In a legal sense, he met his obligation to me to remedy the situation by giving me a full refund. But how would you feel about the brand?

Also, I know every other person here is MI...if you figured out who I'm talking about, please try to be subtle about it.

"For instance" is not proof.


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I may have misunderstood, but: you paid for Variant A, and they could only ever get Variants B and C made, and as a result they refunded your money? Correct?

Is the complaint that you felt they used you to promote and then didn't get you your product? I can see that. They probably should have offered you your 40% on Variant B or C if you wanted it. Have you asked for that (presuming you want it)?

If you don't want that...I may not understand the issue. It seems more than ethical that they returned your money. What would they be on blast for?

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Apparently, there is a problem with manufacturing this item that may be inherent in the design or it could be an inability to obtain parts or just a lack of ability on the part of the new manufacturer. Are the older versions of the same item considered reliable? Or could they be the reason the previous company failed?


In many ways, it's all moot at this point and the company did refund your money. I would just move on and look for another, more reliable option if there is one. 

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It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Many of us exhibit a sense of enthusiasm for certain brands of instruments.  But we shouldn’t forget this affinity, pride, loyalty was earned by certain people at a certain point in time.  Business owners change. Designers and engineers, sales and support reps change.  Brand names get bought and sold.  It’s constantly up to a new crew of people to live up to what their predecessors did.  If they don’t, that’s unfortunate… but it happens.  

In your case, wait to see what they can successfully release.  They couldn’t pull off what you really wanted to see from them and your money was returned.  I wouldn’t burn the bridge.  

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Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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I admire your manner of describing all of this. Did they describe their reason for refunding the money or had you been informed by keeping communication going? It sounds like there was a turning point and they did mot explain why they opted to refund your money.


It is possible that they secured some more money once they were ready to ship the other two products. This enabled them to send out refunds and promote new sales. If it just showed up in the mail without an explanation providing closure I would suspect they wanted to avoid offering you an alternative. As suggested they would rather have a full price exchange than product going out the door 40% off at this stage in order to get the company off the ground.

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  • 1 month later...

I swear, you guys are the best. The measured and thoughtful advice you all gave was totally on point, and I had moved on.


And as things happen in my life, when I let negative thoughts go away, good fortune comes calling. The present owner of that company contacted me to offer me the same price for the same item. He explained that he has partnered with a much more skilled manufacturer to create the carbon fiber bodies, and can now offer custom finishes. He was very transparent about his issues and how he fixed them.


So stay tuned until May when it should be delivered.


and Ampy, you were right in a way. They were going to call it a day, but a famous musician infused them with cash.


thanks to all of you for discussing this with me.

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"For instance" is not proof.


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