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OT: Bad Experience with IEM Customer Service

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In the spirit of Caveat Emptor, I'm just sharing a rotten customer service experience.


TL;DR - Avoid Linsoul Audio and KZ IEMs if possible. There are lots of options for inexpensive decent-sounding IEMs. Their product isn't bad, but the service is horrible.


Long story:

So my old 64 audio custom molded aren't fitting as well as they used to. My ears have probably changed or grown or something. They sound like crap, because they are looser than they should be. Discovered that at an all-IEM rehearsal a week ago - thankfully I had also packed my excellent Phillips X2HR open back headphones. They're harder to drive than IEMs, but at least I had an option.


So I'm not sinking $thousands into another pair of custom IEMs for now, so as a stop gap for upcoming rehearsals I decided to explore inexpensive, multi-driver Chi-Fi (yes, that's a term now) IEMs, of which there are many. For less than $60 on Amazon, I bought "Linsoul KZ ZS10 Pro X" IEMs off Amazon (fulfilled by Linsoul). They are 5 driver IEMs (1 dynamic, 4 balanced armature in each ear). I think Linsoul is the same manufacturer as KZ - they have several models of very inexpensive IEMs.


Amazon delivered quickly, boxed as advertised. This model is somewhat large, seem to be acrylic with a metal top plate. First step is finding the right size tip for my ears - the fit is crucial for frequency response and long-term comfort. After going through all the tips and settling on the correct size, I settled on the smallest soft foam "Comply"-type tips, I purchased along with the IEMs), I find they sit somewhat "tall" in the ear, with a fair amount of the body sticking out of your ear (rather than nestled flush with the surface of the skin), which may be because of the shape of my ear or the size of my ear hole.


But one ear isn't working. Switched cable sides, now the other one is out. So it's the cable...each ear bud works fine. And because connection is standard 2-pin, I swapped in my braided 64 Audio 2 pin cable, both monitors work.


So I message Linsoul via the Amazon Seller interface, explain the problem, how I diagnosed it, and ask them to ship me a new cable. Their cable is one of the cheap $9 jobs, nothing fancy, elegant, braided or whatever.


Their response: First, I need to record a video showing that the cable doesn't work, and how I diagnosed the problem. Really?? So your first response is you don't believe the customer? Okay, I took time out of my work day and actually recorded the video - showing how I diagnosed, used the 64 audio cable, etc. Emailed it off to them.


Their response today? My video isn't good enough for them. They want me to record a SECOND video blasting audio out of the earbuds to show that one side isn't working. I sent them back a response the 1) I don't appreciate not being believed, 2) I'm not recording a second video, and 3) I'm truthfully reporting this experience in my review and telling any musician I can about the whole experience.


For now, I'm just going to use the 64 Audio cable, and buy a $20 backup cable.


From someone else other than Linsoul. So they've lost a customer. Over a $9 cable.


Caveat emptor.



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This was a heads up about this company and I imagine your money has been credited or will be but I had a similar experience different product and business. After giving them a chance to handle things appropriately and their asking me to do ridiculous things I contacted my CC company, explained the situation and they immediately credited the money to my account. They may not ever follow up with the business and their money. Some CC companies would have you or they would do more before crediting the money but a quick resolution like this is a perk of a good CC company and having good history.

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Based on my single experience, I'm apparently the outlier because I don't care for the product (low price or not).   Lots of people seem to love these things.  I have the same ones (or similar), 5 driver.  I keep them in my backup case now but they are overly harsh and bright.  I got a different cable (more to get rid of the tangles) and tried several types of tips to ensure I got a good seal, no dice.

I believe someone did a vid where they opened up a few and found that some of the drivers weren't even connected.

These days I'm using Sennheiser ie400 pros, which sound great but I'm still looking for better tips (they have a different shaft so I can't use the ones I had from other IEMs).  These are single driver but use a different tech.  They are very small and light, probably a bit smaller than my Shure 215s.

My biggest iem purchase regret was getting customs though.  I can't sing with them in, there's too much pressure and it blocks everything out.  And I found them very bulky and not very comfy for a whole show (3 driver).  Wish I had that 300 bucks back or whatever I spent.

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As MD at a Church, I've bought about 25 various models of those KZ usually ranging in price from $20-50.  I luckily haven't had any issues.  We use them for guest players/singers.  So cheap that I just give them to any players that are going to be in regular rotation. 


I honestly can't tell any significant difference between most of the 5 driver models.  Other than color? 😀     Some do have better cables than others.    We've done some non-scientific testing and they all  fare very well against the  Westones, Shure, 1964's, Bose, Sennheisers,  etc. we happen to  have on hand. 


I switched to the KZ's for myself as well, but always swap out the cables automatically, and add comply memory foam tips, or  "Christmas tree" style.  Some of the 8-16 core cables I've bought  cost more than the IEMs themselves.  Still ends up being a good deal.     I won't spend over $50 anymore for IEMs. Too many expensive pairs lost, broken, stepped on.   My old Shure E5s, and Westones are now backups, I've spent way more repairing them than these things cost. 


It's a roll of the dice with any of these cheaper imports,  but as you know even the name-brands may be "designed in the US", but still manufactured in China.  So always a chance you can get a lemon.   I'm not convinced the QC is any better with anyone anymore- but what they do after the sale certainly is. 


  You did the most logical thing, but I probably would of just went directly to Amazon and returned it.  Dealing with most out of country vendors is always frustrating.  That said, I had exactly the same experience with Mackie here in the US,  and my USB Big Knob controller..   It had a stuttering audio issue- and they wanted countless videos to diagnose and it got nowhere over a lengthy back and forth with tech support.  


One thing I've learned from personal experience and my recent Audiologist visit- is not everyone's L & R ears are symmetrical. So always takes a bit of experimenting with tips to find what works best. And the tip sizes are all over the place between manufacturers.  I considered going back to custom molds, but like Stokely,  the occlusion drives me crazy,  so I find the tree style tips a good compromise, and work great for my mismatched ear canal size. .  I have them on subscribe and save and change them out every couple of months. 



Chris Corso


Lots of stuff.

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On 11/8/2022 at 11:48 AM, timwat said:

“In the spirit of Caveat Emptor, I'm just sharing a rotten customer service experience.


TL;DR - Avoid Linsoul Audio and KZ IEMs if possible. There are lots of options for inexpensive decent-sounding IEMs. Their product isn't bad, but the service is horrible.


Long story:

So my old 64 audio custom molded aren't fitting as well as they used to. My ears have probably changed or grown or something. They sound like crap, because they are looser than they should be. Discovered that at an all-IEM rehearsal a week ago - thankfully I had also packed my excellent Phillips X2HR open back headphones. They're harder to drive than IEMs, but at least I had an option.


So I'm not sinking $thousands into another pair of custom IEMs for now, so as a stop gap for upcoming rehearsals I decided to explore inexpensive, multi-driver Chi-Fi (yes, that's a term now) IEMs, of which there are many. For less than $60 on Amazon, I bought "Linsoul KZ ZS10 Pro X" IEMs off Amazon (fulfilled by Linsoul). They are 5 driver IEMs (1 dynamic, 4 balanced armature in each ear). I think Linsoul is the same manufacturer as KZ - they have several models of very inexpensive IEMs.


Amazon delivered quickly, boxed as advertised. This model is somewhat large, seem to be acrylic with a metal top plate. First step is finding the right size tip for my ears - the fit is crucial for frequency response and long-term comfort. After going through all the tips and settling on the correct size, I settled on the smallest soft foam "Comply"-type tips, I purchased along with the IEMs), I find they sit somewhat "tall" in the ear, with a fair amount of the body sticking out of your ear (rather than nestled flush with the surface of the skin), which may be because of the shape of my ear or the size of my ear hole.


But one ear isn't working. Switched cable sides, now the other one is out. So it's the cable...each ear bud works fine. And because connection is standard 2-pin, I swapped in my braided 64 Audio 2 pin cable, both monitors work.


So I message Linsoul via the Amazon Seller interface, explain the problem, how I diagnosed it, and ask them to ship me a new cable. Their cable is one of the cheap $9 jobs, nothing fancy, elegant, braided or whatever.


Their response: First, I need to record a video showing that the cable doesn't work, and how I diagnosed the problem. Really?? So your first response is you don't believe the customer? Okay, I took time out of my work day and actually recorded the video - showing how I diagnosed, used the 64 audio cable, etc. Emailed it off to them.


Their response today? My video isn't good enough for them. They want me to record a SECOND video blasting audio out of the earbuds to show that one side isn't working. I sent them back a response the 1) I don't appreciate not being believed, 2) I'm not recording a second video, and 3) I'm truthfully reporting this experience in my review and telling any musician I can about the whole experience.


For now, I'm just going to use the 64 Audio cable, and buy a $20 backup cable.


From someone else other than Linsoul. So they've lost a customer. Over a $9 cable.


Caveat emptor.”


To the O.P., why don’t you give them a bad review on Amazon (I don’t know if Amazon might selectively censor your review though; it is primarily a money-making enterprise)?  Or you can post reviews on other prominent websites where you can place a review.  My belief is if you don’t speak out they’re disincentivized from doing better.  You may potentially forewarn others from (having) a poor Customer Service experience like you did with us here.  



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Caveat emptor indeed!  


I'm deep into the "chi-fi" stuff, even buying directly and having it shipped here.  You're never quite sure what's going to show up, but dang! it's inexpensive and (usually) works as advertised.  No real support from any of them that I've found.  With expectations properly set, there's more and more stuff I'm buying like that.


Regarding the Linsouls -- I found a forum where they recommended upgrading the cable, as well as the foam eartips if you're not doing custom.  I did that, and found the results more than satisfactory.  Not paying $399 anymore :).  $60+$10 of upgrades?  Yes, please.


Somewhat related is that I found great stage lights for a fraction of the cost of the normally available options.  They are also better lights in some regards.  The documentation on DMX programming was somewhat scant, but with a bit of trial and error they are working like champs.  $90 vs $499.


If you run a band (or bands) like I do, it's worth keeping an eye on this source -- just like Reverb, FB etc.


Edit: I also always pack closed-back headphones.  Another great chi-fi buy at $50 :)

Want to make your band better?  Check out "A Guide To Starting (Or Improving!) Your Own Local Band"


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