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Feng Shui?

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Yeah, I agree Coyote. Even the highest level physics guys say If an ordinary person can't understand their theories then its not a solid theory. Perfect example is relativity. When explained its easy for most to understand, but it took the worlds most renowned genius to discover it. That said there are alot of intelligent folks around here who have intelligent day jobs, and good degrees, besides music. To say music is simpler than any science is flat wrong. In fact, was studied as a science in ancient times and is tied to origins of physics, math, and architecture. If you think music is simple you need to look harder.

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

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A person who has a solid grasp on his or her subject should be able to communicate it effectively to others on a variety of levels.
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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

It rejuvenates chi, or the body's energy, in particular areas.
My daughter has her degree in microbiology (and graduated first in her class, I proudly add); interestingly enough, she has never studied this force during her four years. She can identify just about everything in the human body, but I guess she must have missed the day where chi was identified, measured, and discussed.


Perhaps you could point us to a medical text book where this is discussed in full. Perhaps there's link at the NIH re this? If this has been around for thousands of years, there must be a way to actually identify it or measure it. (silly me, being a pain again.)


I'm sure I'm just being a little cranky as my vital forces are out of alignment - I didn't sleep last night in the North - South configuration and the pyramid over my bed is out for repairs. The crystal wind chime by my window is also out of alignment as I left it in the rain during a lunar eclipse and the dream catcher I normally use was recalled by the manufacturer (I kept having dreams about nuns on roller skates). What's a person to do? How can I align my vital forces and get back in balance?


I can do better than guide you to `A` book-how about a site where you can take your pick-some of them are being used in university courses.

It`s at www.redwingbooks.com-in Brookline, Mass. that well-known center of uproven superstitions.

Look, Feng Shui, Acupuncture, martial arts, I Ching etc, are just branches of a much more comprehensive system. A friend of mine has written several papers about how recent science is, if anything, is coming closer to what mystics and seers have been getting at all along. Space folded into ten dimensions? that`s sounds like someone on one hit too many but it`s now solid science.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Here are a few sites you might interesting ...




National Institutes of Health


The Microbiology Network


The last site might be a site where you could post your questions as they have a forum. It is a professional forum so I don't know if they would respond to ... civilians. I would be curious to learn what you learn.

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

Would it be too much to ask for a link ... or the particular issue of Nature where this is published ... or a copy of the abstract?
Here's some books for you:


"The Web That Has No Weaver, Understanding Chinese Medicine" - By Ted J Kaptchuk, O.M.D., very helpful in understanding the Meridian system. Has lots of footnotes that back up his info with medical papers and publications.


"The Root of Chinese Qigong" - By Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, very helpful in understanding chi or Qi and the associated practice of qigong, healing the body with the aid of chi.


"The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity: A Modern Practical Guide to the Ancient Way" - By Daniel Reid, a laymans book to understanding alternative health practices. If you're a skeptic you will laugh the whole time you read this. But damn if a lot of it doesn't work. He backs all of his info up with published papers.


"Yellow Emporer's Classic of Internal Medicine" - By Huang Ti, the original chinese medical text that many modern practices are still based on.


I was as skeptical as you about chi but I keep getting proven wrong. First case, karate class many years ago. I was a punk kid that just wanted to learn how not to get my ass kicked. But there was one student who was even more of a punk, total jerk. Anyway, one day our grandmaster visited. The class jerk threw a kick at his head, to test his reflexes. Needless to say he barely flinched. He then placed his hand on the jerks side, his ribs, ever so gently, and told him he has a lot to learn about respect. At the next class the jerks entire rib cage was black and blue. Chi at work.


Karate tournaments, everyone thinks it;s cool to break boards and bricks - I've seen guys break bricks in the middle of a stack and leave the rest alone. Chi again.


I've had dibilitating (sp?) headaches since I was a kid. Been to tons of doctors, tried every headache medicine out there. Nothing worked. These are headaches that last 3 days or more cause vomiting, etc., etc. I started taking Tai Chi, the first class the teacher looked at me and said "you get terrible headaches don't you ?" I said yes, he said "we'll take care of that." Well one year later through the practice of Tai Chi and Chi gong I'm headache free, except the morning after wine tastings :) I'm serious, 22 years of headaches gone within a few months of starting Tai Chi and Chi gong practice. Chi is real and it works.


My Tai chi teacher, 5 years ago was in a terrible car accident, broadsided. He got out of the car, pulled his daughter and the driver out of the car than sat on the curb to wait for the ambulance. They got there, and seeing the car couldn't believe that anyone lived. They brought everyone into the hospital and my teacher complained of a headache. They took some x-rays and found that he had broken his neck, would never walk again and would probably be dead within 6 months. They couldn't explain how he had pulled everyone out of the cars, or how he had walked around the hospital. Left with a death sentence he packed up his stuff and went to live in India for 13 months with his guru where he practiced Chi gong, yoga and Tai Chi as well as acupuncture. Well, today he not only walks, but teaches martial arts, and as a 50 year old looks about 32. Explain that. We all like to believe in science but in many cases western medicine is a joke. It was only 100 years ago that we thought flight or even space travel was impossible. We certainly never thought everyone would own a car or we could transplant organs.

Rob Hoffman


Los Angeles, CA

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Rob, thank you for the information and the anecdotes. I was actually more interested in studies that were published using the peer review system of checks and balances - studies or articles that are published in recognized scientific journals. NAJE? Nature? to name a very few ...


I have a friend (PhD in Psychology) who has papers published - it is quite a process. (He works with handicapped people and animals to learn how to better teach them ... or something like that. We don't talk much about his work, but he lives from government grants.) First, he does a study, double checks the results, triple checks it, writes it up, sends it to a journal for review. His work is read, criticized and sent back - he might have to rewrite it, or redo it; he sends it back and then it might, just might get published. Others can then try his methods and if they do not obtain the same results, someone else publishes an article and the process keeps going and science advances with documented results. (Don't quote me exactly re this, but it really is quite a process and it takes some time.)


The problem with unconventional 'medicines' ...if I have a certain type of leukemia, I (or my doctor) can read the appropriate journals and see what the success rate is for a particular kind of leukemia and a particular kind of treatment. The problem with anecdotal stories - its hard to base a treatment on something that has not been fully tested and reviewed.


If chi exists, it can be measured, correct? If it can not be measured, how does one go about developing a protocol for a specific disease? I sincerely believe that people have gotten better with treatments that can not be explained. It would seem to me wise to be able to explain what exactly is going on so others could benefit from a particular protocol for a particular disease.


I am glad that your headaches have disappeared, BTW.

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

If chi exists, it can be measured, correct?

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe we don't have the technology to measure it. Maybe we don't know exactly what to look for. Maybe we are already measuring it but don't know it. Maybe it's a combination of things and we are measuring part of it but not another. Maybe....maybe.... :D
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lots of things can't be measured. How do you scientifically measure something like pleasure or love? Hell hate for that matter. Just because we don't know where to put the probe doesn't mean much considering just how little we really know about what is going on around us.

Reach out and grab a clue.


Something Vicious

My solo crap

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We all like to believe in science but in many cases western medicine is a joke.
Check out the longevity rates for Westerners and Easterners ... no jokes there. We have longer life spans for two basic reasons - vaccines and antibiotics. Eliminate vaccines and antibiotics and we'll see just how well alternative medicine can treat illnesses. (I am not ignoring clean water and plentiful food, but if you get an infection in your finger and it goes untreated, you could die even though you are surrounded by clean water and plentiful food. An uncle of a friend or mine died many years ago from an untreated infection in his finger; this was before antibiotics were available.)


Those two methods of treating disease would not have been developed by those in the alternative fields - too much science would have to be involved. (My wife has a good friend who 'practices' homeopathy - she does not 'believe' in vaccines and has falsified her children's school medical records because of her beliefs. I find that criminal behavior. As science advanced, the number of schools 'teaching' and offering degrees in homeopathy has steadily diminished.)


If there is a cure for AIDS, it will be from Western medicine and not alternative medicine or Eastern medicine.

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

Originally posted by Dave Horne:

If chi exists, it can be measured, correct?

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe we don't have the technology to measure it. Maybe we don't know exactly what to look for. Maybe we are already measuring it but don't know it. Maybe it's a combination of things and we are measuring part of it but not another. Maybe....maybe.... :D
Hmmm. We can measure gravitional waves, we can measure the speed of light (I find that amazing), we have x-rays, MRIs - what have I left out? Chi might exist but we just can't put our finger on it.


This sounds like something I could easily market. I could put chi in a jar and sell it $20 a pop. As long as it exists and can't be measured, I could get away with it. Hmmmm.


Let me reintroduce you to my friend Harvey. He was Jimmy Stewart's friend for a while and now he's my friend.

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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lots of things can't be measured. How do you scientifically measure something like pleasure or love? Hell hate for that matter. Just because we don't know where to put the probe doesn't mean much considering just how little we really know about what is going on around us.

That's real deep.


The thing is, this is big business - people are making money by selling books about chi, treating illnesses by 'manipulating' chi; how can you regulate an industry where the 'source' (chi) can not be measured. Follow?

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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I'm not sure how a discussion about Feng Shui turned into paranoia about people receiving bogus medical treatment. :confused: If anybody's ever been harmed by practicing Feng Shui, I'd be real curious to know how.


I'm the first to call "bogus" on New Age fakers ripping people off or spreading harmful information, but if people are making big bucks selling Feng Shui books, who cares? You can't measure the pleasure someone gets from listening to music, yet music is big business for some. If someone gets pleasure from practicing Feng Shui, who cares? Why all the vitriol? It's not like your city zoning committee is knocking on your door telling you you have to rearrange your house because the Feng Shui is wrong, or anything. ;)

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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

We all like to believe in science but in many cases western medicine is a joke.
Check out the longevity rates for Westerners and Easterners ... no jokes there. We have longer life spans for two basic reasons - vaccines and antibiotics. Eliminate vaccines and antibiotics and we'll see just how well alternative medicine can treat illnesses. (I am not ignoring clean water and plentiful food, but if you get an infection in your finger and it goes untreated, you could die even though you are surrounded by clean water and plentiful food. An uncle of a friend or mine died many years ago from an untreated infection in his finger; this was before antibiotics were available.)


Those two methods of treating disease would not have been developed by those in the alternative fields - too much science would have to be involved. (My wife has a good friend who 'practices' homeopathy - she does not 'believe' in vaccines and has falsified her children's school medical records because of her beliefs. I find that criminal behavior. As science advanced, the number of schools 'teaching' and offering degrees in homeopathy has steadily diminished.)


If there is a cure for AIDS, it will be from Western medicine and not alternative medicine or Eastern medicine.

Odd, I keep finding myself in disagreements with people from the Netherlands. I'm not so sure about the longevity issue. I've met some extremely old Asian people. Of course we do seem to have the edge on simple cures like antibiotics and vaccines. But what about long term disease like cancer and heart disease which in many cases are immeasurable in southeast Asia ? Seems to me there are always studies going on with regard to this. I very much agree with you in that Western medicine should be abandoned all together. Vaccines exist for a reason. If presented with terminal illness I would not rely on either Western or Eastern medicine by themselves. I think both could be used simultaneously to provide treatment and comfort.

Rob Hoffman


Los Angeles, CA

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Check out the longevity rates for Westerners and Easterners ... no jokes there. We have longer life spans for two basic reasons - vaccines and antibiotics. Eliminate vaccines and antibiotics and we'll see just how well alternative medicine can treat illnesses. (I am not ignoring clean water and plentiful food, but if you get an infection in your finger and it goes untreated, you could die even though you are surrounded by clean water and plentiful food. An uncle of a friend or mine died many years ago from an untreated infection in his finger; this was before antibiotics were available.)
I don't know that is necessary 100% accurate. I've heard some fantastic stories in documentaries about certain easterners living quite longer than most westerners. Supposedly because of lifestyle differences.

Your point stands though. Western medicine is not a joke. Antibiotics single handedley increased the human lifespan by 15 years or more. That was from Visions as well but I can't find the quote right now so I'm not sure it was 15 years exactly, but it was close to that.


However, I think to dismiss eastern or western ideals is quite ridiculous. I think the simple fact that both are so different acts as a catalyst for growth in both realms.


We can't measure chi because we don't understand all the variables. As I stated earlier physicists are measuring EM signitures from humans, but there is more to it than that. You can't measure something if you don't know what you're measuring. Similarly we don't fully understand something as simple as matter. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. ;) Oddly what we do know is matter is mostly nothingness and energy. An analogy from the movie Mindwalk: If you took the nucleas of a atom and scaled it to the size of an orange. In the case of a hydrogen atom, the smallest and simplest atom, the single electron would be the size of a pea over 2 miles a way. Whats in between all that space how can we be made of nothing? There's alot of people alot smarter than you and I trying to figure that one out. I think micro biology stops at the molecular level, but is now going one step further due to DNA research. The author of Visions this book I've refered to claims that by 2020 their will a major shift in our thinking due to the convergance of physicists, biologists and computer scientists. That convergance is already taking place somewhat. Alot of people are bummed about the state of the world, I think we live in a very exciting time.

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

My Current Project

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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

I'm tired from the numerology nonsense ... maybe there should be yet another forum to discuss things that are on the fringe.


All great thinkers operate on the fringe. It is only later after they are vilified and called crazy, (and sometimes burnt at the stake), that those new ideas make there way to the center.


It is a lot less crowded on the fringe so you can stretch your mind in ways that are not possible in the close confines of narrow thinking usually in abundance at the center. (The Mainstream)


I gotta' go; I have a hot date with a numerologist who likes to hang out on the fringe. :love:



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

We all like to believe in science but in many cases western medicine is a joke.
Check out the longevity rates for Westerners and Easterners ... no jokes there. We have longer life spans for two basic reasons - vaccines and antibiotics.
I'm pretty much ready to drop this thread, but I'm going to address this in case anyone actually believes this.


#1. The longevity rate is higher for people in Japan than the United States by three years. Unlike you, I can cite my sources. I also happen to know that Singapore has a very high longevity rate. China has an average of 72 years, which is astounding when you consider that it's a third-world country and doesn't have that much money for modern medical care. Hmmmmm....might there be something to acupuncture and tai chi after all?


#2. It would be more accurate to compare how rich a country is with the quality of medical care that they receive than it would be to make a comparison based on geographic location. I know, that makes it more complicated than your black and white world, but sometimes comparisons require a less facile and more nuanced approach.


#3. Take a deep breath. I know this is difficult to believe, but Eastern countries have vaccines and antibiotics.


#4. The most effective treatments are typically multi-modal, incorporating elements from various approaches, rather than being dogmatic about single approaches. 'Course, this is also true of much of life in general, isn't it?


Now, Dave, I know you have an axe to grind against feng shui, acupuncture, and everything else, but at least get your facts straight.

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Originally posted by Jotown:

Originally posted by Dave Horne:

I'm tired from the numerology nonsense ... maybe there should be yet another forum to discuss things that are on the fringe.


All great thinkers operate on the fringe. It is only later after they are vilified and called crazy, (and sometimes burnt at the stake), that those new ideas make there way to the center.


It is a lot less crowded on the fringe so you can stretch your mind in ways that are not possible in the close confines of narrow thinking usually in abundance at the center. (The Mainstream)


I gotta' go; I have a hot date with a numerologist who likes to hang out on the fringe. :freak: .



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Responding to several posts .....


I have, at my web site link , the longevity rates from about 20 or so countries. The longest living folks are Japanese. When I said 'Easterners', I meant third world and not industrialized, that was my error.


We can't measure chi because we don't understand all the variables.
You can't measure chi, because it doesn't exist. If something can not be measured, perhaps it can not because it simply does not exist. I know that is a foreign concept for some.


I find it interesting that the 'new agers' always love to comment on the ancient medical arts from 3,000 and 4,000 years ago, but if we were to abandon vaccines and antibiotics (Western and modern) and just use the Eastern 'proved' methods, we certainly would not live as long. All of these 'Eastern' methods are in combination with ... not in place of.


You get into a car accident, you want good old fashioned Western medicine. You discover you have leukemia, you search the Western journals for the best treatment. If you discover you have leukemia and you wish to pursue acupuncture as your treatment modality, be my guest, I'll consult the Western journals - the ones where test results are subject to scrutiny by other professionals.


All great thinkers operate on the fringe.


Now, Dave, I know you have an axe to grind against feng shui, acupuncture, and everything else, but at least get your facts straight.

I only have an axe to grind against people who believe in anything that can not be proved, period. (I am as intolerant with Born Agains as well.)


If something can not be measured and people still wish to believe in it, good for them ... I will still insist on proof. Health care based on unproved theories is criminal. This isn't on the level of numerology or astrology - this is health care. A person who lives his life by numerology is an idiot, but harmless. One who subjects his family members to unproved medical theories is guilty of criminal behavior.


You do not have to have a medical degree to practice aromatherapy, applied Kinesiology, acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnotism, magnet therapy, healing touch, therapeutic touch ... and the list goes on and on and on and on - I have left out many others. Western medicine is subject to peer review and test trials - the 'other stuff' is accepted with a nod and a wink.


If something can not be measured, it probably does not exist.

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Jotown wrote:

All great thinkers operate on the fringe.
Dave Horne replies:
Wow dave, that was a very scientific and intelligent response. :rolleyes:


Here are just a few "fringe: thinkers for you:











Hendrix (as in Jimi)

Miles (as in Davis)

The Xerox design team (as in Graphical interface)






The railroad

The automobile

The internet


And since you are so fond of quotes, here are some thoughts for you to ponder.


"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

- Arthur Schopenhauer


"All great truths begin as blasphemies." - George Bernard Shaw


"The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them." - Mark Twain


"There is no better soporific and sedative than skepticism." -Nietzche


"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." - William J. Durant


"Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers." - Bernhard Haisch, astrophysicist


"When I examined myself and my methods of thought, I came to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge." - A. Einstein


"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

- Sir Martin Rees (astronomer)


"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds." - Emerson


"It is as fatal as it is cowardly to blink facts because they are not to our taste." - John Tyndall


"Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world." - Arthur Schopenhauer


"They are ill discoverers that think there is no land when they see nothing but sea." - Francis Bacon


"The man who cannot occasionally imagine events and conditions of existence that are contrary to the causal principle as he knows it will never enrich his science by the addition of a new Iea." - Max Planck


"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." - Mark Twain



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

If there is a cure for AIDS, it will be from Western medicine and not alternative medicine or Eastern medicine.

Is that so-maybe you`re a psychic.


If there is a super virulent bacterium that kills large chunks of the earth`s human population whether they have vaccines or not, it will probably be because of Western medicine`s hubris in overreliance on anitiotics.

I met a relative of mine for the first time a few years ago, she has a medical degree. I mentioned

Chinese medicine and she looked at me like I should have a coloring book and a crayon, full of AMA-sanctioned arrogance.

Acute conditions are always the forte of western medicine. Eastern medicine excels in prevention, stopping the conditions from occurring in the first place. Not exactly in the interests of big pharmaceutical firms. I know the kind of pressure they put on doctors. `Peer review` isn`t so far away from `peer pressure`. And yes, eastern medicine has a system of checks and balances, it`s called supply and demand. The best practitioners have the most patients.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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You can't measure chi, because it doesn't exist. If something can not be measured, perhaps it can not because it simply does not exist. I know that is a foreign concept for some.
You are mostly made up of stuff that can't be measured either. So You must not exist.


We can't measure gravity either.


Why are U so opposed to all this?


Who cares if some phony hippies are making $$$ off this stuff. Our whole econonmy is based off stupid people buying stupid things. I'm an automotive engineer, if it weren't for bling bling I'd be out of a job.

Together all sing their different songs in union - the Uni-verse.

My Current Project

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You are mostly made up of stuff that can't be measured either. So You must not exist.


We can't measure gravity either.


Why are U so opposed to all this?

My bathroom scale unfortunately measures me everyday and tells me that I actually over exist.


Gravity - the speed of gravity has been measured (check google) and I know of at least one place where they are busy trying to measure occurrences of gravity waves. (I read about this is an article in Popular Science a while ago. The technical sites are much too technical for me, however.) With science, if they can not prove something exists directly, they can show how it exists by indirect measurement.

Hunting for Gravity Waves - NPR


Why I am opposed to this? When people start dabbling in health care, a 'patient' may delay seeking legitimate treatment that could save his life. That is why I am so against unproved treatments - I find this criminal 'medical' behavior. (Re chi, if it can't be measured directly or indirectly, maybe it just doesn't exist. Has that thought ever crossed your mind?) Also, most of this CAM is unregulated. Quackwatch.org is a site where you can learn all about all kinds of 'treatments'.

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

I'm not sure how a discussion about Feng Shui turned into paranoia about people receiving bogus medical treatment. :confused: If anybody's ever been harmed by practicing Feng Shui, I'd be real curious to know how.


My take here is a bit different than Dave Horne's; I tend to view these things as based on a kernel of truth that is then dressed up to "oversell" the idea & too often to take advantage of others.


The same way that lotteries prey on the dreams of the poor, people can all too easily be distracted from what they might better focus on to bring real improvement to their lives when possibilities of mystic/magic solutions are exaggerated to get them to give up money or decision making power to others.

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Or it just might address the actual disease, instead of alleviating the symptom (which is the focus of most Western medicine).

That slipped right by me. Homeopathy does just that - it treats the symptoms.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Back to Feng Shui for a moment - has anyone made all the appropriate Feng Shui adjustments to their studio / house / whatever and NOT had their life improve?


I wanna know if cleaning out my garage'll be worth it. :rolleyes:

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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Dave, I'm in shock as to how much you're willing to fight against something with which you have no knowledge or experience. None of my stories helped you at all ? Can you explain any of them ? Another chi story, my teachers fiance has a brain tumor which was discovered quite late. The doctors said she will die and they could do nothing but treat the pain. She then started a rigorous study of chi gong andd acupuncture as well as herbal remedies. Well over a year later she's still alive and using western medicine we can verify that the tumoror has indeed shrunk and she is steadily getting better. How do explain the incredible stories of mothers lifting cars to get at their trapped infants ? I'm all for looking for scientific verification when it exists but you can honestly believe that science today can accurately measure all the forces in the universe. Weren't the first scientists who studied atoms, molecules, electricity all scoffed at because we did not know how to measure it yet ?


To be honest, I feel sorry for you. Much Columbus probably felt sorry for the people who believed the world was flat.

Rob Hoffman


Los Angeles, CA

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How do explain the incredible stories of mothers lifting cars to get at their trapped infants ?
How do you explain it? My daughter probably could give a plausible explanation.


Can you explain any of them ? [referring to your stories]
Can you? With science, when something can not be explained, they say, 'I don't know'. The non-scientific folks always seem to have an answer.


Anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal. If you wish to study the events you wrote about and fund studies so we can better explain what exactly happened so how others can benefit, please do so. The world is filled with unexplained events - you can only learn when you examine them and others can duplicate the results.

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by robmix:

Dave, I'm in shock as to how much you're willing to fight against something with which you have no knowledge or experience.

But that's *usually* the case, isn't it? And typically, they won't address issues that others have brought up. :bor:
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These stories are amazing. Surely they must have been written up and investigated so others might benefit.


Have they been written up? Please provide a link so we all can read and benefit.


It is amazing, I only hear incredible results. I never hear about the people who sought treatment and had less than incredible results.


Please provide links so others can investigate how this stuff works so others can benefit. Is that an unreasonable request?

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Much Columbus probably felt sorry for the people who believed the world was flat
Hey, the world is flat and why you belive it's not, that's also a problem to be felt sorry by mother Theresa. Why is this Feng Shui post so boringly serious? I'm fengshuing my whole lifetime and it's very enjoyable and good.

I would even say everybody is fengshuing, if not he drops instantly dead.

-Peace, Love, and Potahhhhto
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