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iPad Pro losing MIDI connection


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I did a quick search and couldn't find any posts about this topic easily, so starting a new thread. I have a new iPad Pro 11 that connects to my Yamaha YC88 and Nord Stage 3 via a USB C multiport adapter and the supplied USB cables for each keyboard. USB Audio on the Yamaha works flawlessly but I seem to periodically lose MIDI connections to both keyboards every few days and I have to reboot the iPad (and then it comes right back). I'm primarily using OnSong to change my programs on each board by song via MIDI, and I've tried closing and reopening OnSong but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I have also tried using the Apple brand USB-C connector (with HDMI) to a separate USB-C hub, as well as just connecting to individual keyboards (since the Apple connector just has one USB-A port) and still no dice. So I don't think it is the hub, the cables, nor the keyboards themselves. Curious if others have had issues keeping the MIDI connection with their iPads and if so, if they have found a solution. Thanks!
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I have an older ipad (gen 4 iirc) and use it with a Yamaha MODX. I have occasionally had issues like this, where midi or audio (usually both) will not connect. I only use one app, B-3X, and when I go look in the settings, the place where I'd normally see MODX as the audio destination and midi input will not show the MODX.


In my case it's only at gigs since that's the only place I use an Ipad. So I'm always connecting things each gig, vs a static studio situation (if that is your situation). This has happened several times over the course of months, so not that much...and usually it happens when I first connect things. So I figure it's some order of connection + turning things on + unlocking ipad + opening the apps that is the culprit normally. I really should start noting exactly how I'm doing things and recording the issues so I know for sure!


All that said, at one gig between songs--no changes to anything--it suddenly lost audio and midi connection. I tried a backup CCK, backup usb cables (all scrambling between songs, which sucks, playing the MODX organ where I had to during songs) and turning things on and off again. FINALLY four songs later it started working again, and in the three gigs since I've had zero problems.


I hate not knowing what causes problems and it leaves me pretty stressed out, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's not a great big deal in reality, the MODX organs are a backup that would bother nobody but me! But still, the B-3X sounds so good that I really want to get it where I feel as confident using the ipad as I do my hardware keyboards.


I mentioned I have a backup CCK. I actually have three, the Apple branded one without a charging port, then I bought a no-name cheap one with a charging port. The charging port on this cheap one stopped working on it, so I went ahead and bought the Apple branded one with a charging port. During my gig troubleshooting I switched back to the non-charging Apple one, but that didn't fix things, so I don't reckon the CCKs were the issue.


Long story short--Yes I've had issues, and No I haven't found any solution unless it was by dumb luck! I'm still using the ipad though so we'll see how it goes. The band has a big audition coming up for a resort company and I'd already made a note to make sure I have the correct MODX backup organs ready...there won't be time to do any complex troubleshooting.

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Yeah it's perplexing, and I've ranted before how it seems to only happen right at show time. - and why I don't fully trust Ipads anymore for anything mission critical.


I've had more issues when using hubs with ipads. Less so when using simpler things like the IK Multimedia Midi interface via a "legit" Apple thingie, or Korg Plugkey on it's own. But I'm on lightning (2020 ipad) with those.


Unless I'm using it for mixer controller apps, I routinely disable Wi-fi. You might also double check if you have any sneaky apps that are trying to do location services like Google Maps, Email, etc. I'd disable location on everything, as well as any other notifications.


I can say, using my Bluetooth (Yamaha BT50) adaptor to do program changes from Forscore to my Nord has been pretty good, but not perfect. Hate to say throwing money at it is a solution, but you could try Blue tooth, and go old-school with a midi thru cable from the Nord to your Yamaha.


My gut has always told me it's something in the IOS-midi process that goes to sleep for lack of activity, sort of the way daemons work on a regular OS . But smarter people than me, could better weigh in on that theory.

Chris Corso


Lots of stuff.

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I don't have any "visible" apps running, and my ipad is in airplane mode all the time fwiw. Generally it's connected to our Behringer mixer's wifi (technically a separate router we bring).


Besides the disconnections, on the really bad night I also got a "would you like to upgrade your OS to use this peripheral device" message after connecting everything. ER, NO I WOULDN'T (and couldn't, being in airplane mode). That message made me think the ipad NEEDED an os upgrade in order to use either the CCK or the MODX as a device, and that was not a happy feeling. Never had that happen before or since.


I have a mighty distrust of anything bluetooth, having had my share of issues with non-music devices.


I currently am not trying to do program changes, but I started down the road of using Midiflow with a hub to send them (and do routing) between the MODX, the ipad and another hardware keyboard. It was working at home but with problems happening with an even simpler setup I shelved it for now.

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Stokely: I too grabbed MidiFlow a while back and his other older app when I was trying to do Mojo with Ipad for additional sounds. I had all the same issues we're talking about where it would just stop working. Plus it was mess of adapters along with needing the hub.

It was for a casual gig, but still didn't trust using it, so went back to Mainstage. and my trusty Nano-control.


I get what your saying about bluetooth. I'm only using it for program change, it won't cripple me if it goes down... and it has. :)


I re-read your first post. I use B3X for OSX and it's also done some of the same "Amnesia" things you describe -so I wonder. I'm curious, do you map groups of drawbars to the sliders on the MODX?

Chris Corso


Lots of stuff.

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I found an Apple support community post where they recommend turning on "Allow Access When Locked" for "USB Accessories" under Settings->Face ID & Passcode. It is set to off by default, so I switched it on yesterday PM and will report back here if that does the trick. As obxa noted above, maybe it has something to do with it going to sleep/locking. The MIDI control for program changes in OnSong is really fantastic, particularly when using multiple keyboards, so I want to find a solution if possible.
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"Allow Access When Locked" for "USB Accessories" under Settings->Face ID & Passcode. It is set to off by default, so I switched it on yesterday PM and will report back here if that does the trick.

Nice one; interesting item to turn On. The description says "Unlock iPhone to allow USB accessories to connect when it has been more than an hour since your iPhone was locked." So apparently something happens at the 1 hour mark.


Adding to the check list:


Airplane mode

All Wifi Off

All Notifications Off (and Show Previews = Never)

Turn On "Do Not Disturb"

Use 2.4 amp charger or better

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Adding to the check list:


Airplane mode

All Wifi Off

All Notifications Off (and Show Previews = Never)

Turn On "Do Not Disturb"

Use 2.4 amp charger or better

One more... exit any GPS apps. If you used one to get to the gig, even if you switch to airplane mode, the app can still be accessing the device's GPS capabilities. (It wasn't always that way, but it is now.)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Stokely: I too grabbed MidiFlow a while back and his other older app when I was trying to do Mojo with Ipad for additional sounds. I had all the same issues we're talking about where it would just stop working. Plus it was mess of adapters along with needing the hub.

It was for a casual gig, but still didn't trust using it, so went back to Mainstage. and my trusty Nano-control.


I get what your saying about bluetooth. I'm only using it for program change, it won't cripple me if it goes down... and it has. :)


I re-read your first post. I use B3X for OSX and it's also done some of the same "Amnesia" things you describe -so I wonder. I'm curious, do you map groups of drawbars to the sliders on the MODX?



I haven't, the only controls I've mapped so far have been leslie gain to superknob--and one issue I and others have had with this is that I mainly want more grit but it pumps the volume up a lot--and I have leslie speed on sustain (edit: footswitch, cc 95 iirc) pedal.


Ironically I was thinking yesterday about trying to map the drawbars. Because I have the MODX7 the drawbar presets are on the lowest octave so I've just been using those. Obviously this is a far cry from a real organist grabbing and tweaking drawbars a handful at a time (I'm thinking about live vids I've seen of Medeski primarily). The hassle with these is that I accidentally bump them from time to time without realizing it when doing sweeps up or down.


For my needs, I wouldn't mind something my old Motif (and maybe the MODX has) for it's built-in sounds--as you adjust the mod wheel it kind of grabs the drawbars in groups until you have 8 bars out at the top. Basically it goes from something pretty sedate to balls-out as you sweep the mod wheel. That plus the drawbar presets would be fine for me, and of course I can always reach over and adjust the ipad directly. I would not expect that would be easy to do, I certainly didn't notice anything in the b-3x mappings that resembled anything like it. You'd need something to send multiple ccs from one control--the superknob is a macro, but only for internal operations I think...it sends a single cc to the outside world.


I would be interested if you've managed to map sliders though. I tried once and the sliders I picked didn't seem to be sending midi out. I honestly spent very little time at it. Midiflow has a handy monitor function as well, it's a bit easier than diving into the MODX to check the control settings.

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You'd need something to send multiple ccs from one control--the superknob is a macro, but only for internal operations I think...it sends a single cc to the outside world.

I'm not a superknob expert by any means. But I think it would work this way: Set up an assortment of assignable knobs to send the MIDI CCs you want, then have the superknob "move" all those knobs simultaneously.


I would be interested if you've managed to map sliders though. I tried once and the sliders I picked didn't seem to be sending midi out.


Info at https://gearspace.com/board/electronic-music-instruments-and-electronic-music-production/1166101-yamaha-montage-midi-output-sliders-knobs.html should help with all of this.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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When I mapped the superknob to leslie gain, it was sending out one cc (I don't remember which offhand.) But then I don't know if it was mapped in that patch to other controls--probably not. I used something as the default for my B-3X patch, probably the init with the piano, so likely not.


Open question whether that would work. My presumption would be that it "moves" those MODX controllers internally, but doesn't send them out. It would be an interesting experiment!


If that worked, it would open the door for some other macro-type things, and not just with B-3X potentially. I've been giving some thought to using Model D and Zeeon, but first I'm going to give a mighty effort to programming some synth patches on the MODX. To nobody's surprise probably, I'm finding that that almost all of the poly and lead synth presets aren't doing the thing justice...


Thanks for the link, I'll definitely be checking that out.

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Garageband's organ has a couple of presets that have the upper and lower drawbars mapped to just two faders respectively, and also Mod wheel presets assigned to just the top 3 drawbars.


I could of sworn buried in the presets of B3X there was a Mod wheel drawbar preset, but don't have it booted at the moment.


I've done a couple of hit and run gigs using the Logic/Mainstage organ that way, and it actually wasn't that hard to get used to. Actually a pretty nice compromise for what you'd be grabbing in a live context. The B3x does have extensive midi learn/assign , and you can use the same CC for multiple uses ( e.g Mod wheel, or slider...) I've done extensive midi-assigns for Nord to B3x, my old VoceV5, and a Korg Nano-control.


I've complained here and on IK's website ad nauseam that they really need to have multiple Midi setup presets, as many of us use different controllers based on the gig. 1 user preset is pathetic. I also wish they'd do a leslie gain or drive control on the same page as the drawbars.


Db Hoosier: THANK YOU For finding that USB Access thing!!!!.

Chris Corso


Lots of stuff.

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