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On the subject of musicians making money...


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Their analytics estimate $2k - $32k monthly and $24k - $389k yearly.

These estimates usually come in at the higher side of midrange, so I'm guessing they are doing well.


I don't have access to their analytics page, but you may well be right and I hope you are. However I believe their videos would be demonetised.

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Not interested in viewing via streaming, thanks. Especially pay per view. I"m old, so maybe there"s that.


TSO did their show virtually last year. The prior two years we bought tickets and planned to make it an annual thing with a group of friends.


I bought the stream last year, and we watched it with our group of friends. While the production efforts were obvious and the quality was as superb as possible given the state of technology, it was barely a fraction of a percentage as entertaining as their live show. Understandably. They did the best to do the most with the options available under the circumstances, and I commend them for that.


Maybe the younger generations are willing and able to make the streaming viable, but I"m skeptical at very least.

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Be it age or otherwise, I don't find streaming as satisfying as a viewer, but can see that perhaps someone younger might feel differently. But...if the "someone younger" argument does not hold (open to question, perhaps), then the younger folks aren't going to spend the money for a one-time event, which leaves advertisements as the only other revenue option.



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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I actually think streaming has more value when bands are out and performing live as well. Then it's like a bonus private concert that might be worth buying into, particularly for people who aren't on the tour map. A special private performance for those who can pony up the admission price is a nifty complement to live performance.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, late to the thread. Very interesting discussion, with some great analysis.


My limited data points?


I don't know many bands where I'd prefer the YouTube/livestream experience vs. seeing them live, but there is one: Foxes and Fossils. It's cute, kitschy stuff but it's fun to watch their videos and it's one of the few channels/streams where I regularly pay $$$. It wouldn't be the same seeing them live, as they're a studio act. They seem to be doing well at it, so if you're looking for at least one winning formula to study, there it is.


I do know quite a few bands/artists (including a few better ones) who gave the virtual thing a good go, and gave up. Maybe the market's not there yet, or they haven't cracked the code on how to connect to people over the internet, etc.


Meanwhile, we're fast approaching a post-vaccination reality in my corner of Florida. Just about everyone I meet is fully vaccinated, or will be soon. The live performances are back, and bursting with energy. People are enthusiastically engaging with each other as well as the live music.


You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.


Classic economics are now in play. Demand for good, competent live music has skyrocketed, and there's a dearth of available bands thanks to the pandemic. Bands are getting paid more, everyone is fully booked, and a few venues are starting to charge cover where no one did it before. Capitalism. Well, no one is getting paid enough to make a living, but it's a start.


Back to economics 101: deliver a product/experience that others judge superior (and can't be procured in other ways), and people will pay for it. Saying it is simple, actually doing it is much harder :)

Want to make your band better?  Check out "A Guide To Starting (Or Improving!) Your Own Local Band"


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I'm one shot in on Moderna. My second shot will be Monday. Unfortunately, that doesn't change the music scene in my area, but that's a separate discussion.


Even at a penny per view, 10,000 views will only bring in $100, and that assumes no fees, taxes, etc. Then divide that among ever how many band members you have. Not a practical way to earn money.


And how many bands are even hitting the 10,000 mark?



I'm not interested in someone's ability to program. I'm interested in their ability to compose and play.

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