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Free Reverb - new one - Tape Op reference

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Disclaimer - no affiliation and I am still downloading the rooms software.


I subscribe to Tape Op - everybody should, it's a great magazine and 100% free.

Yesterday my hard copy arrived. Today the email came telling me I would get the hard copy soon and here is a new, free reverb from Inspirata.


I like a great sounding reverb and they seen to get better and better as technology improves and competition drives innovation.

Anybody can get this for free, not sure for how long. There is a bit of this and that in signing up and getting the download, I am almost to the registration part. I did use an "extra" email account, my spambomb account. Not a problem there, they just want to get known in a saturated marketplace so goodie for us!




I'll give it a spin tonight and return. Cheers, Kuru

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Can't get it to download from their cloud service app.


Which these days makes me think "sketchy", despite their site looking professional, etc...



I downloaded it, it was slow probably because of high traffic I've seen that plenty of times, no foul.

But, when I tried to authorize it I got a "bla bla bla na na na contact Tech Support' message.


First thought was - OK a buggy download try again.

I started from scratch, it let me download the downloader (sort of like NI Native Access or IK Authorization Manager, etc.).


The downloader showed that the programs (there is a reverb file and a sounds file) were already downloaded. So I deleted everything and tried again.

Same results - the downloader showed I had already downloaded my free programs - you get ONE download for a free program even if buggy?

I didn't bother contacting support and I will mark any emails they send me as spam until they go away. Meh.


I can open Native Access right now and download/install 39 programs just because I feel like it. I can also install them on another drive and did, zero problems. IK give you 180 days to save your installers, I forgot my SampleTank 3 sounds because I have them on disc and when an external DVD drive would botch the install (could not switch to the next disc)I contacted IK and they let me download a metric f*ck ton of sound files for $10 ($7 with Jam Points). I've got those on 2 drives with zero problems too.


Fine, I can install programs I've paid for AND free programs from leaders in Plug In World - a dog eat dog environment to be sure - but I only get one download of the "free" $200 "Lite" version of a program from a company I've never heard of before? Good luck with that, I'm out!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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On checking my spambox email I found an email from Inspired Acoustics.


I only glanced at it briefly but this stood out "Please note that the Activation Code can only be used once."


So if something goes sideways you are moved over to Support Land. Free is only free once.

That was enough for me...

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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IK give you 180 days to save your installers, I forgot my SampleTank 3 sounds because I have them on disc and when an external DVD drive would botch the install (could not switch to the next disc)I contacted IK and they let me download a metric f*ck ton of sound files for $10 ($7 with Jam Points). I've got those on 2 drives with zero problems too.


Fine, I can install programs I've paid for AND free programs from leaders in Plug In World - a dog eat dog environment to be sure - but I only get one download of the "free" $200 "Lite" version of a program from a company I've never heard of before? Good luck with that, I'm out!


IK is ridiculous for wanting to charge you to re-download something you've paid for. I bought a drum sample library long ago from them, it never worked with the free Sampletank at the time, gave up trying to get it to work, went back last year and "you've got to pay". Nope. Ridiculous.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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IK give you 180 days to save your installers, I forgot my SampleTank 3 sounds because I have them on disc and when an external DVD drive would botch the install (could not switch to the next disc)I contacted IK and they let me download a metric f*ck ton of sound files for $10 ($7 with Jam Points). I've got those on 2 drives with zero problems too.


Fine, I can install programs I've paid for AND free programs from leaders in Plug In World - a dog eat dog environment to be sure - but I only get one download of the "free" $200 "Lite" version of a program from a company I've never heard of before? Good luck with that, I'm out!


IK is ridiculous for wanting to charge you to re-download something you've paid for. I bought a drum sample library long ago from them, it never worked with the free Sampletank at the time, gave up trying to get it to work, went back last year and "you've got to pay". Nope. Ridiculous.


I would agree with you but they are very clear that you have 180 days and should save your installers. I have everything else, prehistoric versions of Amplitube and Sampletank got the 32 bit boot when I updated my Mac and I didn't care - especially Amplitube 2 or 3 or something. I never used it. I could have downloaded all the SampleTank files but I didn't.


It's sort of like going to buy a car and they tell you - this car doesn't come with a spare tire and then getting pissed off because you bought the car, didn't get a spare and had a flat. Which is ridiculous.

We can agree to disagree, no dings no foul. :- D

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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IK is ridiculous for wanting to charge you to re-download something you've paid for. I bought a drum sample library long ago from them, it never worked with the free Sampletank at the time, gave up trying to get it to work, went back last year and "you've got to pay". Nope. Ridiculous.


It may do with poor web shop design, not venality. Perhaps your "user area" really is your user area, and the libraries are stored in your area as opposed to being on a giant server somewhere from which everyone downloads. IK is very much into the "first one's free, you can try out stuff, if you like, you can buy it" sort of model. This may mean that each user's area is heavily customized. If there are thousands of people with 250 GB of stuff, that's a lot of server costs. I'd rather they not charge extra, and warn me to download those effing huge sample libraries that I'd rather not have to download again anyway.


That said...I keep copies of everything I download. One of the reasons is that sometimes, you need an earlier version present so you can upgrade. You can't just start with an upgrade if there's nothing to upgrade. Also, companies go out of business. On my recent computer reconstruction for my brand new (and highly wonderful!!!) PC Audio Labs computer, I did quite a few installs of Things That No Longer Exist. They live on, like the ghosts of VST past :)


Companies are also learning as they go along. At one point Line 6 was really specific about you had to go from version [whatever] to version [whatever and a dot]. On the most recent Helix update, I missed an update. Yet I could go directly to the latest one, and skip the intervening steps. Line 6 made it clear that this was now possible. (They also made it clear that if you'd updated to version 3.0, you really really needed to update to 3.01.)


I'm inclined to give music industry companies a lot of slack. They're all understaffed, margins are slim, they have to deal with everything from the latest Macs to Windows machines running Windows 7...and at this point, all the training is on-the-job training.

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On my recent computer reconstruction for my brand new (and highly wonderful!!!) PC Audio Labs computer, I did quite a few installs of Things That No Longer Exist.


Recently I decided to make a dedicated bootable drive for recording only since the drive in my MacBook Pro is a relatively meager 512 gb. I got a 2 tb Thunderbolt 2 drive, initialized it for Mac and used "Mac tricks" to install a fresh from the cloud version of Catalina on it. I "built" it from there, logging into various software accounts and downloading my software.


For my Native Instruments stuff - 40 titles - I downloaded and installed Native Access, their software management program. When I opened it, I was surprised to see that it still showed the sound files for Garritan Personal Orchestra, which came on a CD included when I bought a Mackie Onyx interface a LONG time ago. It had Tracktion 3 on it, which stayed around for quite a while before the team that coded Tracktion managed to get it back from Mackie and move forward with it. Given that they made a new version every year after that - probably 9 years ago or more.


I contacted NI support and asked if they could please remove GPO from my Native Access forever since then I could just click "Install All" and come back in a few hours. The responder told me that Native Access must have read my drive and found data from GPO and added it. He explained the locations I could find this data and delete it in great detail. I should have done it on the spot but had other priorities - quite a few emails back now.


I did use other "Mac tricks" when I transitioned from my 2008 Mac Pro to my laptop, I moved all my software along with the system and was up and running in short order. I remember not liking GPO and tossing the program out a LONG time ago - apparently that left "digital residue" of the sound files but not the program files. I know the program would not install or run now and I'm pretty sure the sounds (which I did not like) probably won't run either. Weird.


For my IK stuff I just connected a backup drive with all the installers, hung out and practiced guitar while things installed and got in some good play time while I built my IK library on the new drive.

Everything works fine, both companies plus Arturia, Waves and Izotope (who have their own installer programs). No "Hey you can't install that again" BS like I got with my failed attempt to install the free reverb program that is the OP.


Apparently some software vendors have learned that they will keep more customers by acknowledging the reality that we upgrade and change our computers and they need to allow that - which is fair and reasonable.

I just can't be bothered to install something that I know will go away forever at some point, or cost $199 for a lite version of a reverb program if I really had to have it ( I don't).


Sorry so long but that's my Things That No Longer Exist story.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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I contacted NI support and asked if they could please remove GPO from my Native Access forever since then I could just click "Install All" and come back in a few hours. The responder told me that Native Access must have read my drive and found data from GPO and added it. He explained the locations I could find this data and delete it in great detail.


I'd like to know that as well!!

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I contacted NI support and asked if they could please remove GPO from my Native Access forever since then I could just click "Install All" and come back in a few hours. The responder told me that Native Access must have read my drive and found data from GPO and added it. He explained the locations I could find this data and delete it in great detail.


I'd like to know that as well!!



I'll get to my email this weekend and see if I can find his advice. It may be a while before I re-install NI but it would be nice to just click one button and walk away.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Thanks! Only problem is I'm using Windows, and the NI document for uninstalling from Windows doesn't match what's happening in my computer. I even searched the registry for product keys, but no luck. I think maybe it's NI's database that still thinks I have some unused libraries kicking around. Not important enough to pursue for now, but I'm glad you found a solution.
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Thanks! Only problem is I'm using Windows, and the NI document for uninstalling from Windows doesn't match what's happening in my computer. I even searched the registry for product keys, but no luck. I think maybe it's NI's database that still thinks I have some unused libraries kicking around. Not important enough to pursue for now, but I'm glad you found a solution.



I haven't tried it yet, too many pans in the fire. I will give it a spin soon, hard to say if it's a solution yet.

I've only used Windows at work and have always let IT deal with them. One can only stuff so much knowledge into one's brain before stuff starts spilling out everywhere!

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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It may do with poor web shop design, not venality. Perhaps your "user area" really is your user area, and the libraries are stored in your area as opposed to being on a giant server somewhere from which everyone downloads.



I'm quite sure that's not the case. On their site you download a package and have to do the usual licensing genuflection, so there is no bespoke aspect to it - it would be incredibly dumb to be duplicating the same redundant digital file for every account.


IK is very much into the "first one's free, you can try out stuff, if you like, you can buy it" sort of model.


I'm not talking about something that is free, I'm talking about a drum library *I paid for*.



That said...I keep copies of everything I download. One of the reasons is that sometimes, you need an earlier version present so you can upgrade.


The problem in my situation it that it never completely worked with the free version of Sampletank - although it was supposed to - so I didn't keep it on a present drive. I did have it on an old drive, but it still doesn't work with the new free version of Sampletank; so either I don't have the complete original download, or it simply doesn't work. I don't know if I have the complete original package. I'd have to pay to find out.



I'm inclined to give music industry companies a lot of slack. They're all understaffed, margins are slim, they have to deal with everything from the latest Macs to Windows machines running Windows 7...and at this point, all the training is on-the-job training.



I've bought a fair share of music software over the decades, have friends that work for these companies - IK chooses to do things differently to their advantage in a way no other music software company does that I'm aware of.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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IK is very much into the "first one's free, you can try out stuff, if you like, you can buy it" sort of model.


I'm not talking about something that is free, I'm talking about a drum library *I paid for*.


I get that, I was thinking more than every customer has different permutations and combinations of stuff, so maybe their user areas are more customized. But I'm just guessing.


The problem in my situation it that it never completely worked with the free version of Sampletank - although it was supposed to - so I didn't keep it on a present drive. I did have it on an old drive, but it still doesn't work with the new free version of Sampletank; so either I don't have the complete original download, or it simply doesn't work. I don't know if I have the complete original package. I'd have to pay to find out.


Have you contacted support? Maybe they would be sympathetic to someone who paid for something, but never got to use it.


Most companies don't want unhappy customers. Alesis used to have a 90-day warranty on their hardware, but at least in the early days, they did repairs for free regardless of the time period. When I asked them why they didn't mention this as a selling point, the answer was "we just don't want people to take advantage of it, like be really careless with their gear and expect us to fix it."

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OK...I figured why not go to the source. so I asked IK what's up. The deal is that as I suspected, it's about cost, although not exactly the way I envisioned it.


The programs themselves are always available, the problem is with the download charge for the huge libraries, which is around $20 - $30 per library download. They know it's not a popular decision to limit the time to six months, but when people treated the libraries online as free cloud storage, and then downloaded them multiple times (laptop and desktop, new install, drive crash, etc,), it kept driving up IK's bandwidth costs as the user base kept getting larger.


If you want to use IK as cloud storage you can do so, but then it costs you $10 for 6 months. A USB stick can save all the files for about the same price, and then they'll always be available.


I'd rather have IK institute the time limit than raise prices to cover the additional cost, and like I said, I save downloaded files offline anyway (to Blu-Ray). Besides, that really saved my butt last week when switching over to a new computer, because I could install everything in a few hours rather than spend a day or two downloading.

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Hello Everyone,


This is Csaba from Inspired Acoustics. Thank you for your enthusiasm in Inspirata Lite.


Please check this page related to questions about the download and activation availability.




If you have any further questions, please feel free to submit a support ticket, we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


Best regards,


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If you want to use IK as cloud storage you can do so, but then it costs you $10 for 6 months. A USB stick can save all the files for about the same price, and then they'll always be available.



People are daily, or even weekly doing to the trouble of downloading 2 gb drum libraries instead of saving it on their terabyte hard drives in the year 2021? That's a problem?


I'm not doing that. I haven't downloaded the drum library I'm referencing in... 10 years? They could say "download X number of times every X months". Slate doesn't charge me, XLN, Toontracks, others. "Cloud storage"?




I'd rather have IK institute the time limit than raise prices to cover the additional cost, and like I said, I save downloaded files offline anyway (to Blu-Ray). Besides, that really saved my butt last week when switching over to a new computer, because I could install everything in a few hours rather than spend a day or two downloading.



It doesn't take all day, or two days, to download a 2gb drum library.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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I'd rather have IK institute the time limit than raise prices to cover the additional cost, and like I said, I save downloaded files offline anyway (to Blu-Ray). Besides, that really saved my butt last week when switching over to a new computer, because I could install everything in a few hours rather than spend a day or two downloading.


It doesn't take all day, or two days, to download a 2gb drum library.


The libraries I have backed up are a whole lot more than 2 GB. The IK Multimedia library I have is 294 GB, Komplete is 816 GB, PreSonus 90 GB, Elastik Soundbanks 27 GB, and Cakewalk content 19 GB (Addictive Drums is about 4 GB). Yes, it would take all day (and then some) to download all of it! Fortunately all of it was backed up except for Komplete, but also fortunately, my new computer is from PC Audio Labs. One of the services they provide is loading as many of your programs as possible when switching from an old computer, and they downloaded Komplete over the internet pipe at their office, which is faster than what I have. Komplete still took them overnight.


Did you contact IK support? Companies make rules, but they also make exceptions to rules.

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The libraries I have backed up are a whole lot more than 2 GB. The IK Multimedia library I have is 294 GB, Komplete is 816 GB, PreSonus 90 GB, Elastik Soundbanks 27 GB, and Cakewalk content 19 GB (Addictive Drums is about 4 GB). Yes, it would take all day (and then some) to download all of it!


... but I only want to download something around 2 gb.



Did you contact IK support? Companies make rules, but they also make exceptions to rules.


No response, except in their forum with the perfunctory "you can re-download it for $10". Actually, I think I only downloaded it once anyhow - since I never got it to load in the Sample Tank "lite" version.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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No response, except in their forum with the perfunctory "you can re-download it for $10". Actually, I think I only downloaded it once anyhow - since I never got it to load in the Sample Tank "lite" version.


Did you use their support contact link, as below? I don't think a forum post will go to the people who can help.



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Ive received email notifications today that the free Inspirata reverb plugin will be available to the end of February.

They've added some clarification, once you authorize your plugin with iLok (something I didn't see when I originally tried to authorize), then you can download your Inspirata plugin for as long as you need to do so.

They also included a link to support.


It appears this is their first giveaway and an educational experience. I do applaud that our friend Csaba from Inspired Acoustics created an account on MPN and posted his first post in this thread. That shows good intent, which usually leads to good results.


This week I plan on contacting them, starting over and getting permission to have the plugin on two different drives since it probably won't fit on my MacBook Pro or I may not want to keep it there.

It's just not large enough to keep a full set of recording software. Not the same thing as running 2 computers or giving it away, I use an external drive to boot my computer and run only recording software on there.

A redundant system is a reliable system.


We grow as we go, I've certainly made my mis-steps and surely am not done making them. Once I get the reverb up and running I'll do a mini review on here.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Final update:


I don't think the code is Mac Ready. At least it doesn't play well with the current version of Waveform (11).

Until I removed the Insprata plugin, I could not export a mix as a mixed stereo "song", something I've done without obstruction hundreds of times.

Pulled that one plugin (which was deactivated on the track) and it worked fine.


I tried to delete it from the bootable recording drive last night. It would not go into the trash, nothing would. This morning I'm booted on the drive in my computer, I plugged in the other drive and deleted Inspirata.

Experiment over, I hope!!!


I've never had any plugin be such an ordeal to register, download or install - free or paid. Nor have I ever had a plugin make my DAW lose functionality. Finally, I've never had anything refuse to be deleted, ever - in 25 years of owning a Mac.

I'm over it, sorry if anybody else has had or is having problems with this mess.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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