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OS X HD format types

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I did some recording at a studio that was running an older version of OS X (I should've written down which, but it was one of the California-related ones, probably 10.9, .10, or .11). I'm running 10.14 at home and brought a hard drive with me that I formatted on my Mac, and it wouldn't mount at the studio (I think I formatted it in APFS) . I'm going back on thursday and I'll be bringing a different drive. Would Mac OS Extended be the most universal formatting format for it?



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Yes. If you're in the Mac universe, Mac OS Extended is the most compatible option. APFS offers some advantages, but they don't really apply to external drives at this point, and if it's a spinny disk rather than an SSD, then Mac OS Extended is currently still the more efficient option regardless of OS version, AFAIK.

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APFS will gradually become more of a standard over the years; it was optimized to work with the new SSDs built into modern Macs, which have motherboard-based encryption built in. Extended (Journaled) is my personal favorite; journaling can be useful for some background processes, and it doesn't slow down the drive's performance in a way any human would notice.




Dr. Mike Metlay (PhD in nuclear physics, golly gosh) :D

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