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For cryin out LOUD


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Rehearsal yesterday. 4-piece band, singer also strums a guitar and blows a harp. The guitars were deafeningly loud. Again. Both of them dialled in so much bass, I had trouble discerning what I was playing vs. what came from their amps. Makes me wonder why I bother playing fretless.


I've had the discussion with both of them quite a few times now, and am getting tired of asking them to lower their volume. I could easily (and I mean EASILY) overpower them both in terms of volume, but I won't. Instead, I decided to start overplaying fills left and right - it's not like anyone hears them anyway, and I get to practice that aspect a bit. Pretty sure at one point all three of us were in a different section of the same song, and no one seemed to notice.


This is a low-maintenance band, and we've started working on some original tunes as well, so it's fun. Usually. Last night it was not. Too fast, too loud, no nuance or subtlety whatsoever. Makes me want to play the ukulele more ....




"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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It's the standard problem: guitar players turn up for a solo and never turn back down again. My guys have gotten better at dialing it back after a solo but they still do it on occasion (and we've been together since the 70s'). If there was an answer short of a cattle-prod or a super-soaker, someone would have come up with it by now. Just gotta shoulder thru the noise, I suppose.
Play. Just play.
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The answer isn't a cattle prod or a super-soaker. The answer is a super-soaker AND THEN the cattle prod.


Playing extra stuff underneath, since they aren't paying any attention to you, is always one passive-aggressive way to get through the wall of noise. you could also just NOT play; take a pee break; see if they notice.


How are things in relation to the drummer? Is he drowned out, as well? Does he notice the issue? Does he notice that you're playing different things? Sometimes the rhythm section just rolls their eyes at the guitarists and then goes on to see what you can get away with and if it's ever noticed. Have your own party.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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The answer isn't a cattle prod or a super-soaker. The answer is a super-soaker AND THEN the cattle prod.


Playing extra stuff underneath, since they aren't paying any attention to you, is always one passive-aggressive way to get through the wall of noise. you could also just NOT play; take a pee break; see if they notice.



Play. Just play.
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I've gone to IEM's at practice. I can hear whatever I want to hear at whatever level I want. They can do whatever they want in the cabs, I don't care.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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The answer is big cabs and a LOT of power for your OWN rig; and a super-soaker to turn THEIR rigs into cattle prods.


I can be had on "All of the above" as the solution.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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