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I may be asking for it, but

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Gentlemen, I am new here and I'm trying to get my music ripped by the intelligent people of this forum. I put them up in smaller forums and now I thought I'd go to "The Mother Forum" I read e.q. mag, but i'm not a professional. I just like it. I posted it in the "IS your music any good" thread and got no feedback. So, here's my question, If I keep checking out other peoples songs and giving my honest opinions, (which brings the music thread to the top,)....Will that piss people off? Is it considered "a bump", if i respond with the hope of getting responded to? I know people are busy with the holidays but, I'm just a squirrel, trying to get a nut. I'm sure i will be getting my ass ripped for asking stupid questions but hey, that also can be quite funny. Thanks for your time, and you may now begin to rip the ass out of my thread. Any thoughts appreciated. [url=http://www.mp3.com/samicide]www.mp3.com/samicide[/url]
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I'm more a denizen of Dave Bryce's keyboard forum, so perhaps I'm out on line, but I don't think your question is not out of line at all. If you're giving feeback to other's songs, you have a right to expect reciprocation. Perhaps your motives for bumping that thread to the top are not "pure," but if you're doing the work of listening and responding, it seems perfectly okay to me. John [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Magpel ]
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Btw, I am listening to the Samicide stuff presently. This is some really creative and eclectic hard rock. There are cool surprises and lots of detail in every tune. I'm listening to a lo-fi stream, so I can hardly comment on the sound quality, but it sounds solid and well-assembled. Not too much lead guitar wanking, and what's there is artful and sonically interesting. Are using a whammy pedal for some of those crazy dives and swoops? Hey, I have nothing negative to say about it. The genre is not exactly an area of expertise for me, but you're obviously a very serious and capable music maker. Rock, as they say, on. John
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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I haven't listened to the tracks yet, but -- I'm judging a book by a cover here :) -- I'm guessing with a handle like "B. SABBATH" that the music is probably heavy metal? Nothing wrong with that, but from what I've seen on these forums -- and someone please correct me if I'm wrong -- the overall music tastes generally run between classic rock, prog rock, pop, and electronica. Yes, there's a few folks into indie rock, jazz, punk, R&B, and other genres, but for the most part it seems most folks here are into the above-mentioned styles. Nothing wrong with that either -- it just seems that if you're doing heavy-type music, you're probably not going to find as many folks here that can give you an informed critique as maybe some other forums. (Then again, on some other forums, you'll probably get a bunch of "THIS SUCKZ!!!" comments, no matter if the music sucks or not! :D ) [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: popmusic ]
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Magpel, thanks for taking the time, your comments were appreciated. Yeah, thats a whammy pedal. BOSS-PS5. Maybe I should comment in the other thread, If you want to know any specifics, ask in the "Is your music any good" thread and I'll tell you. I don't want to agitate anyone. I haven't heard from the boss, Craig Anderton, about the rules yet. I guess I'll keep responding to songs, and bringing up the "music" thread until I get flamed. I hope I haven't annoyed yet. Thanks. Pop Music, It isn't Heavy Metal. I understand how you would think that, because of my B.SABBATH handle, but it isn't. I guess this means that you play "POP" music. Makes sense. My tunes are somewhat progressive I've been told. A bit of an edge though, I think. thanks. I'm starting to understand this "KORN RULEZ" business, but eneryone knows, SABBATH RULES! peace. [url=http://www.mp3.com/samicide]www.mp3.com/samicide[/url] [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: B. SABBATH ]
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Pop music, I'm listening to your song "North Star" right now. I'm going to post my comments in the "Is your music any good thread" Although, I love metal, I also can appreciate a good song when I hear it. [url=http://www.mp3.com/samicide]www.mp3.com/samicide[/url]
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there is NO harm in that since you are reviewing...... if you were just putting: "bump" then there MIGHT be....for GOOD threads, bumps are fine. IE: [b]soapbox[/b] has a GIGA thread, 2 people started asking questions and so he just put "bump by request" The only thing about that post is that it is sooooooooo long.... Wouldn't mind having a separate thread for CATEGORY/ and Volumes IE: Classic Rock Vol 1. Just seems more easy to browse through :)
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The last two times I critiqued someone *I* got ripped by 90 other people (well, almost 90) for being so critical, while the people I was reviewing thought it was fine. So I'm retired unless otherwise implored....

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Hey B. -- I just posted my (uninformed? :) ) critique of some of the tracks on your web page over on the [url=http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=003170&p=26]Is Your Music Any Good thread[/url] . It's good to see that you're finally getting [url=http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=003728]some response[/url] with your music. I should mention that, when I said it seems that these forums might be a slight bit limited genre-wise, we need folks who create every kind of music here. Plus, you probably won't find a friendlier, more knowledgable, or more supportive forum as the forums on musicplayer.com. (Craig's forum is the best, though!) So don't let the relatively few metal folks here keep you from hanging out... We could use more folks who are knowledgable about metal yet express themselves a lot more eloquently than saying, "KORN RULEZ!" :D
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I've noticed that people who are concerned about being rude almost never are, while it never occurs to truly rude people that they are . So, no problem with commenting on tunes and keeping the "Is your music any good" thread at the top. Hey, the whole point of that thread is to get responses and be noticed! I'd say that it has spent most of its life on the home page, although there are sometimes brief periods of inactivity. As to musical interests, I think most people here are pretty open-minded, so no worries there either.
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Thanks for the response gentlemen, it was appreciated. Hey Mr. Anderton, any chance of me getting your expert opinion? My friend and I have talked about how cool it would be to get ripped by the man himself, and you are definetly the man from what i have read. Chip, I'm going to listen to your tunes right now. I'll post my comments in "the music thread" Thanks everyone, I am unworthy to be rubbing elbows with such talented, and experienced people. I just got this beefy new computer, and high speed connection, so I'll be spewing my stupidity, whenever I get the chance. I'll comment on every piece of music I can, (not that anyone really cares what I think anyway,) I love hearing what other people are doing. It is a great way to judge my own progress........ or lack of. Thanks. [url=http://www.mp3.com/samicide]www.mp3.com/samicide[/url]
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<> Damn 28.8 connection...I'll try to head over, though, it's hard to refuse a personal invitation... << Thanks everyone, I am unworthy to be rubbing elbows with such talented, and experienced people.>> No, you are [i]definitely[/i] in the right place. We're all here to learn, regardless of our level of experience. I've learned a lot from people just getting started, because they often ask questions from a perspective that would not have occurred to me. Fire away!
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Thanks for replying Mr.A, and everyone who took the time. I got to hear some great music here already, and I've only just started. I have recieved some great tips already on my music, and Its already given me a lot to think about. 28.8 connection, wow. I understand that you can't listen to everything that comes in. I appreciate the comments I have recieved already and look forward to the future interaction. Thanks again everyone. I go now, to the "Music" thread to check out some more music. It's great getting a comment, then checking out the persons music who said it,and finding out there music is excellent. There is good music here. peace. [url=http://www.mp3.com/samicide]www.mp3.com/samicide[/url]
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