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Goofy New Keyboard Ideas and Questions

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Have you ever wondered why no one makes a weighted keyboard that has more than 88 keys on it? I mean why not add another octave or two? We no have all this wonderful tech which could be used to extend the range beyond 88 keys.


Ok, here's another one.


How come there are so few dual-manual midi-controller keyboards out there? Why not have a weighted keyboard on the bottom, and a syth style or Hammond action one on the top. Something like this seem like a no brainer.


Here's the last idea:


Why not have a an 88-key keyboard built into a flying fader mixer with 4 or 5 big screens? Plug in your mics and guitars and go to work.


I'm sure many of you have innovative or cool ideas to share, so please post them.


Or just trash mine if you like. :)

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I hate to even admit this, but I've thought about the very same things that you bring up.


The answer as to why is, as always, an economic one.


A dual manual keyboard is unwieldy to carry around, and for the very few that would sell, the mass manufacturing advantages (costwise) would be gone. I AM puzzled, however, as to why more manufacturers don't create a dual manual, 61 unweighted/61 unweighted board. You'd think that with all of the B3 emulations out there...


The 128-note board would be interesting, but again, it would be the rare customer that wouldn't just buy two controllers instead (it would be difficult to reach both high and low simultaneously, and if you don't need to do that, then why not split it up?).


Here's an idea that was passed around over on the Keyboard Corner: A controller that had geographic zones on each key sending various streams of data. I'm sure that I saw a Buchla prototype that had something like that, but wwe were talking about a traditional looking controller.


I'm a fan of that cheesy 80's staple, the remote MIDI controller that can be worn. I just wish there was a way to make it less boxy, but when your playing surface is completely rectangular, I guess there's no choice.

"For instance" is not proof.


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