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Quick wurly help needed


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Hey folks,



A note on my Wurly started choking today, so now I have pretty much dismantled as much of it as I dare and have now exposed the action. The problem is that when I depress Eb too hard, the it rubs against the adjacent D, and thus the hammer doesn't drop until I mangle the D key in similar fashion as what initially invoked the problem.


I have attached an image of how close the two keys navigate - too close for my liking. How do I get the Eb hammer to play more straight, meaning towards the right? Without causing any harm?



Thanks a bunch!





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Is it the felt that's rubbing the D key? Can you reposition it, if it is?


Or is it the wooden key itself that's out of alignment?




"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Tom - I think it is a matter of both. The felts are rubbing against each other. Tried repositioning it by hand, no such luck. I'll probably get another chance of opening her up, which will be welcome practice - there sure are a lot of screws. But yea, they are partly rubbing against each other because the hammer is out of alignment. I wanted to tighten the screw that holds it in place, but didn't really know how to access it, being that it's in the very middle of the action, and I'm fairly green.


Jim - thanks a lot for the input. I'll see to it, sounds like it could work!

When in doubt, superimpose pentatonics.
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Another place to check is to see if the Eb key is rubbing against the adjacent D key (key, not hammer or damper). When this happens it is usually near the balance pin at the center of the key, or near where the keys are angled. If so, you can gently push the Eb pin to the right (or D to the left depending on your key alignment). Another test while you have the top off:

depress the sustain pedal (or depress sustain mechanism at the center back of the works, over the top of the large sustain action spring); this will lift all dampers. Press down as many keys as you can & then let go of the keys while the dampers are still up. The hammers (and keys) should quickly drop back to normal position. Repeat until you've done all keys. This tests whether the action pivot points are sticking, which could be the case with the Eb key. Generally, if you have sticky action then more than 1 key is affected; often 10 or more. If you see many keys/hammers sticking then the action pivot/swivel points need lubrication (including the Eb key). Good luck!

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