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Does your "significant other" like the same music as you?

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I'm lucky -- my gf is a classical flute major but also a big jazz fan. She's also open to my "voodoo music" (as an old friend called it) of Bruce Hornsby, MMW, The Roots, funk, etc etc. I'm also getting her into Radiohead, as I get into it myself. She's exposing me to more classical music as well.



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Nord Electro 5D, Novation Launchkey 61, Logic Pro X, Mainstage 3, lots of plugins, fingers, pencil, paper.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

I can't get any of these people to do anything.

Wewus, my friend, we have to get together and do that, especially now that I have some reliable wheels and also now you live about 20 miles closer.


Let me know, ya gots my number. Maybe it will give you something better to do than post 20 different things on the message board at 2am in your underwear. Lovely visual, I'm sure.




John\'s Songs

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My girlfriend had an old boyfriend who played guitar in a heavy metal band, and she's also had a sort of techie boyfriend before, so she's used to all the associated nonsense (people coming in to record music, the constant gigging and practicing and noise). So this is all old hat to her...
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My wife and I pretty much like similar styles of music. I save the heavy stuff for when she goes out.

One thing I have to say that is great, is that she really loves my stuff. I think she only ever disliked one tune I wrote because it creeped her out.

She even bought me the Emu Vintage rom for Xmas.

Life is good.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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I play all the really dissonant stuff, odd classical and experimental things, etc. for when she is not around. Other than that, she seems to like what I play.
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Well my "significant other" has opened up a whole world to me and me to her.


She's been playing upright bass in a bluegrass band for 13 years, is a classically trained vocalist, plays piano and guitar.


I'm an old rock and roll sax and keyboard player.


She's 15 years younger than I am and we go to each others shows whenever we can. The CD player is full of bluegrass, jazz and classic rock and roll. I play "Band Wife" at her gigs (when I'm not running sound) and she plays "Band Wife" at every gig my band plays.


We are also in a third band together. We play semi-acoustic (no drums) versions of bluegrass, old rock and roll and blues tunes. I play "brass fiddle" and keys she plays electric bass.


I have never had so much fun with music with anyone in my life.


I feel sorry for anyone who has a partner in their lives that either doesn't understand what being a musician is like, tolerates the fact you play music..or flat out doesn't enjoy what you do.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Well I don't have one, but when I did, she was musically illiterate. The first "lesson" I gave her was buying the Mike Oldfield "Five Miles High" LP, and from there on it was all eclectic, all the time. She still says that was one of the "pluses" of being hitched to me. She has as many Lucinda CD's as I do these days. But she is a devotee of trends, so I suspect she'll have strayed way off the mark from where she was.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I'm lucky in that my wife and I like the same music around 90% of the time (she likes bands like OMD and Depeche Mode more than I, and I like Metallica WAY more than she does); Los Lobos and the Iguanas make both of our "favorite bands" lists. I continue to be amazed by this because, previous to meeting her, my experience was that the majority of the women I met had appalling taste in music (i.e., running toward mindless top-40 dance songs or sappy wallpaper music). I realize that this was a sexist generalization, and I apologize if I have offended anyone, but when my friends and I would be at a bar, the sight of several females approaching the juke box never failed to induce a collective groan.
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We have similar tastes though of course we have preferences for different CDs and stuff. I've sort of evolved into the "music buyer" for the house, so I have to look out for her tastes as well as mine.


A couple who are good friends of ours have totally different tastes, though. Seems to work fine.

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For the most part, yes. My tastes are a little broader than hers (I still can't seem to convince her that the Ramones were great :rolleyes: ), but generally we tend to like a lot of the same stuff.

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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My wife does not like the same music as I do.


She likes cool jazz. I also enjoy it, and those bands can really kick live! She likes disco/dance stuff, which I like during parties. But she doesn't like much else.


I enjoy a fair variety of music - bebop, classical, heavy rock, avant-garde, country.... it's unfortunate that she's not open to much of it.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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There are some artists we have in common, but for the most part our musical tastes differ. We respect each other's tastes and there's rarely an argument about what to listen to. She might not always like what I'm listening to, but she can appreciate and understand WHY I like it. She knows enough about music to be able to speak intelligently about it, and I'm thankful for that. :cool:
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The first S.O. and I had difficulties in musical tastes, mainly because he was a prude about accepting mine.


Myself, I have a very broad musical taste and as Tedster stated earlier, I listen to the song itself; not so much the genre. I don't like uncondensed noise though... or words that have no message in them. I have likes and dislikes in every genre.


The second S.O. had compatible interests in the more mellow artists; he was not a rock n' roller at all though. He was totally ANTI Ani (my personal pursuit of music) music... fought me every inch of the way.

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My gf doesn't really like music, she considers it background noise. When she does bother to play something in the car, it'll be some horrid wallpaper stuff.... ambient techno or beyond-bland jangly maj. key guitar strumming.


So I'm thinking, "the reason you don't like music is 'cuz you don't have any good tunes!' but if I were to actually _say_ that, it would be bad. She was raised in some bizarro Southern Baptist fashion where she had to listen to nothing but Christian pop in her formative years so that probably did a lot of damage too.


Me, I'm a rabid fan of anything with good melodic sense.


She doesn't like my tunes either. I used to make CDs of stuff and give them to her... she wouldn't comment later, and I wouldn't ask. Now I don't bother. Kind of a bummer, but whatkanyado.

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