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Hard Drive Noise in my Monitors! WHY?

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Ok gang, here is a strange one for ya.


Upon building my new computer, I have a new visitora new noise. As a matter of fact its my hard drive. The sound of data being read and written.

Here is scenario number one:

I was copying Info from my USB removable drive to my new Raid drive and for the first time EVER I hear noises associated with the drives working. If I turn the control room monitoring full blast or all the way off the noise is still there. Its faint, but noticeable.enough to drive me batty. When the Transfer stops, so does the noise.


Scenario 2:


Turn computer on (everything is quiet), open Nuendo (every thing is still quiet), open a project THEN I start to hear noise.


Scenario 3:


Rendering a mix it makes noise, when it accesses the UAD card (see the meter jump from 0 to 70% usage or what ever for the project) and a larger noise is present.


What gives??


I upgraded to a 2.6 P4 with the Asus 800-E Deluxe Mother board with the Mondo Entermax 550 power supply.


For years my computer and power amps have shared the same rack with NO issues, now its a problem.

For years all the cables have shared the same pathway through the wall to the computer room, now its a problem. If I move the speaker cables, its seems to alter the noise, but it never goes away. Any suggestions??



Dennis / DCMIX

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I sure don't want to sound insulting, so please don't take it that way...


Seems to me the key factors here are that you 'built the new computer' and you have 'a new RAID drive'. Something in the way everything is grounded is wrong, perhaps; I'm also curious as to where the RAID drive is in relation to the monitor. If it's too close, there's a shielding issue.

I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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Thanks for replying and no offense taken.


My monitors are LCD's and are 15 feet from the power amp and computer.


The old computer used to set right up against the poweramp. It was a non raid system. It was also a mini tower. This time i bought a Rack Case and put it at the bottom of that rack, approximatly 1.5 feet from the poweramp.

I wonder if the 2 IDE drives running as a raid is the reason for this new issue.


I guess i could always move the power amp (major painus in the anus) elsewhere and see if it goes away, but id rather not. Its worked this way for 2 years now (and i built that computer too).


Any thoughts?


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"Hard drive noise in my monitor"


Here i was envisioning the CRT Display all whining and grinding......


kinda reminds me of the first part of the Ol' Dan Tucker song:


Old Dan Tucker's a fine old man,

Washed his face in a frying pan,

Combed his hair with a wagon wheel,

Died of toothache in his heel.


Old Dan Tucker he come to town,

Riding on a billygoat, leading a hound,

Hound dog bark and the billygoat jump,

Throwed Dan Tucker on top of a stump.


Old Dan Tucker, he got drunk,

Fell in the fire and he kicked up a chunk,

Red hot coal got in his shoe,

Oh my Lawdy how the ashes flew.


Old Dan Tucker, he come to town,

Swinging the ladies round and round,

First to the right and then to the left

And then to the gal that he loved best.


I come to town the other night,

To hear the noise and see the fight

The people, they was running around (or: watchman, he was..)

Cryin' Old Dan Tucker's come to town.


Ol' Dan and me we did fall out,

An' what do you reckon it was about?

He stepped on my corn, I kicked him on the shin,

An' that's the way this row begin.


(And 3 less well-known verses:)


Ol' Dan Tucker clumb a tree,

His Lord and Master for to see,

The limb it broke and Dan got a fall,

Never got to see his Lord at all.


Ol' Dan Tucker went to the mill,

To git some meal to put in the swill;

The miller swore by the p'int of his knife

He never seed such a man in his life.


Dan Tucker begun in early life

To play the banjo and the fife;

He'd play the boys and gals to sleep

And then into some bunk he'd creep.


Toothaches in the heel, etc... Interestingly, I haven't met anyone since i was about 6 years old that has ever heard of this song.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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when i first built my pro tools system (mac) in 1997 i had hard drive noise in my monitor ones. it was also in the signal going to/from the mixer. i could record the noise in pro tools.


after some serious investigating and research, i found the cause. i was running 25 feet of unbalanced cable from the mixer to the soundcard, and then 25 feet back. the interference was entering the cables in both directions.


i bought a full duplex line level balancing amp ($150) and 4 pricey mic cables ($150), and two pricey rca cables ($30) and the noise is gone completely. i now run fully balalnced from the mixer to the amp, and from the amp to the mixer. there is only 1.5ft of unbalanced cable between the amp and the soundcard, and its expensive (so therefore good?) and i get no noise whatsoever.


i have no idea if this is related to your problem or not.


also, my pc makes hard drive noise coming through the soundcard no matter what i do. since i do not use it for audio tasks this is not an issue, just an annoyance. i assume it has inferior audio hardware in it but expensive video hardware. the pc is used heavy for video rendering (m2v/ac3) and some games occasionally. if i had to do audio work on it i would be forced to fix whatever problem it has (probably a poor soundcard).


start troubleshooting:


1. does the interference happen with no audio cables hooked up to the computer and amp? if so this eliminates cable interference. if not, there is the problem.


2. plug the comp/amp into different power curcuits. this may not help if the grounds are tied together in the house (most likely they are)


3. eliminate one thing at a time until the problem goes away. remove your raid controller setup if you think it may be the cause. install a hard drive temporarily instead.


the goal is to find the cause of the noise. the only way to do this is to remove one thing at a time until you find it.

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