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Fazil Say : Composer and Pianist on trial


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I do not intend to encroach the boundary of forbidden discussion, but as musicians, the ever-present music critics of last resort may someday find your particular choice of triad, libretto, choice of instrumentaion or philosophical reference "offensive" and even "criminal".


I had studied Prokofiev in particular to the Russian artists and composers that had to choose between the gulag and the revolution. It was not for a doctoral dissertation, but a general research paper in the course of study. Had I not become a wall st villain, I would have been a history prof (I even had the corduroy jacket with the elbow patches! ).



For similar sentimnetal reasons, I have become a fan of Fazil Say...


No comments needed. As Frank Zappa replied when asked how would he like to be remembered: "Just keep playing my music".





and now...


Turkish musician accused of Islam insults



A prominent Turkish pianist and composer has been put on trial for insulting Islam, in a case seen by some of his supporters as a test of the resilience of the countrys secular system.


Fazil Say appeared in a cramped courtroom on Thursday charged with insulting religious values in Twitter posts, accusations he rejected. The musician, who has performed with orchestras such as the New York Philharmonic and the Royal Concertgebow in the Netherlands, faces up to 18 months in jail if convicted.


Among the tweets that got him into trouble, Mr Say quoted the 12th century poet Omar Khayyam, who mused whether promises in the Koran of heavenly maidens and flowing wine made paradise into a brothel or a bar. The pianist also suggested that the worlds show-offs, thieves and buffoons were Islamists.


His case has drawn particular attention amid continuing debate, notably among Turkeys traditional elites, over the impact on the country of 10 years of rule by the Justice and Development party, or AKP, which has Islamist roots. Liberals also express concern about the number of journalists in prison, now thought to be about 75, and other pressures on the media.


Fazil Says trial is another example of Turkeys terrible record on freedom of expression, said Ezgi Basaran, a Turkish columnist. His tweets about Islam might have offended some people but not to get offended is not a human right.


She added that, by contrast, minorities such as Kurds, Armenians, Turkeys Alevi Muslim community and lesbians and gays were often insulted in the media and in parliament.


While the AKP argues that its decade in power have shown secularist fears about a hidden Islamist agenda to be groundless, some of its critics point to the goal set by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, prime minister, of raising a religious generation and a recent educational reform that greatly increased the number of religious schools.


In the light of a recent YouTube video that insulted the Prophet Mohammed, Mr Erdogan, who himself was once jailed for reciting a poem, has also promised Turkey will work on anti-blasphemy legislation. Describing Islamophobia as a hate crime comparable with anti-semitism, he has called for similar steps to be taken at an international level.


Turkeys government has shown limited sympathy for Mr Say. I wish Fazil Say would have shown more respect for other peoples values, so that Turkey would not have to face such a case and explain it at international platforms, said Egemen Bagis, Europe minister.


But he added that if he were a judge, he would respect Mr Says freedom to speak drivel.


Turkish court cases are often slow and the next hearing in Mr Says case has been scheduled for February. At Mr Says request, the judge ruled that he did not personally have to attend further hearings.


Since the prosecution began, the musician has closed his Twitter account and announced plans to move to Japan.

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You raise some interesting points, but I question whether this Forum is the correct one in which to discuss them, the points being very much political. No doubt the moderators will decide whether members should be allowed, should they so wish, to discuss these matters.
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You raise some interesting points, but I question whether this Forum is the correct one in which to discuss them, the points being very much political. No doubt the moderators will decide whether members should be allowed, should they so wish, to discuss these matters.


He's a tremendous player though

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I don't think the discussion should veer into anti or pro Islam areas. However, a musician who may face jail time does seem to be music-related. In the same manner, the recent Russian "Pussy Riot" threads are relevant to musicians.


At the least, such a notice might protect a traveling musician who had performances in various countries where saying the wrong thing (or even being accused of saying the wrong thing, even if years ago, as recorded somewhere on the web) might result in said musician being tried and imprisioned.


Of course, the thought that this can happen anywhere should also make thinking people who travel consider whether using their "freedom of speech" in places where that freedom exists consider whether some things that CAN be said are better off not being said, at least in a world where these things can come back and be harmful to the person.


I do think that, if I were Mr. Say, and I were permitted to leave the country of trial, I would certainly do so, and not place myself physically under their jurisdiction again. Better to trust that another country would not allow me to be extradited than to spend time in jail.


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