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OT: Bush Bungles Bagdad

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GZ if you want to slam Hilliary and the Consumer's Laywers of America, start another thread. I'll read it and see if it rings true or if it is just talking points and propaganda put out by the big insurance companies. Sadam "preparing for war?" Surely you jest, you call the meager resistance he put up a "war?" More like an out and out slaughter. During this so-called war or invasion what? the combined losses of both the US and England were around 50 men or some such small figure. Much of that was due to mishaps and friendly fire. After some of my Marine friends took and secured the oil fields, which was the number one priorty, Bush declared "mission accomplished." But now, after the "war" was offically declared over, the real causualties are beginning to mount. Even Rummy admitted they did not even have a plan for the aftermath of damage caused by Bush and Cheney. That's not good management. Then there's the little item of being overcharged 67 million dollars by Haliburton for gasoline. That's just the tip of iceberg as far as fraud and waste is concerned. Bush and Cheney are a joke, a laughing stock on the world stage. And Bush and Cheney are hated by millions of people all over the world. Not entirely without good reasons either.
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[quote]Bush and Cheney are hated by millions of people all over the world [/quote]Yeah, but they don't have to get ELECTED by people all over the world. They are elected by the people of the USA. And his approval rating was up another point or two last week as well, so I don't think most Americans care if the French like Bush or not. I don't particularly care for Chirac or Shroeder either, but then I don't have too, they are not my leader. Those "other" countries don't care much for Bush's "cowboy" attitude, and neither do some americans for that matter. But once you get out in all that land between Boston and San Francisco, most of us out here kinda like it, as we have a bit of "cowboy" attitude as well. I think Bill Crystal once said "we have a kind of road runner/ coyote dynamic with Europe. They're smarter than us, they're more sophisticated than us, they're more civilized than us, they just can't CATCH us".
Chuck Moore
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Chuck, Well we'll see if the millions who took to the streets of America protesting Bush vote him out. If he pushes thru his ban on workers getting overtime pay like he wants, even more will vote against him. BTW, how is Nashville this time of year? Packed with tourists? I really like Tenn., esp. Memphis.
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [b] [quote]Bush and Cheney are hated by millions of people all over the world [/quote]Yeah, but they don't have to get ELECTED by people all over the world. They are elected by the people of the USA. And his approval rating was up another point or two last week as well, so I don't think most Americans care if the French like Bush or not. I don't particularly care for Chirac or Shroeder either, but then I don't have too, they are not my leader. Those "other" countries don't care much for Bush's "cowboy" attitude, and neither do some americans for that matter. But once you get out in all that land between Boston and San Francisco, most of us out here kinda like it, as we have a bit of "cowboy" attitude as well. I think Bill Crystal once said "we have a kind of road runner/ coyote dynamic with Europe. They're smarter than us, they're more sophisticated than us, they're more civilized than us, they just can't CATCH us".[/b][/quote]It's reassuring to hear that those boys from Deliverance and Chuck will be voting for the same candidate. :rolleyes: I'm seeing more and more anti-Bush web sites popping up all the time. They're NOT in San Francisco and New York and Phily and LA. They're in Iowa and Indiana and Michigan and Ohio. Contributors include families of soldiers who realize that their kids are dying do that someone else can get rich. There are also veterans who realize that the current commander-in-chief is not qualified to lead a batallion of GI Joe action figures. Yes, American does have a cowboy attitude. Cowboys are men of honor, men who do the right thing when there's no law around for miles. Americans don't like to be lied to. Bush will lose a close election, and the United States of America will be rescued from the clutches of tyranny.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Hey Dan, it only takes 1 person to put up a website, so I wouldn't use that as some refference for a groundswell of opposition. Bush COULD lose, it's way to early to tell for sure, but at this juncture it is looking pretty unlikely. And Johnny, Nashville is great this time of year, as always. Come on down, just ta show you theres no hard feelings I'll even cook you a steak.
Chuck Moore
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GZ, That blame Hillary is a contrived bunch of bull. "The National Center for Policy Aanalysis, that GZ gives credit to "is a member of the State Policy Network, a network of national and local right-wing think tanks, and of townhall.com, a right-wing internet portal created by the Heritage Foundation." In other words they are a political organization with an ideological axe to grind. Not objective and dedicated to pushing bullshit political propaganda. We have a shortage of flu vaccine primarily because companies didn't anticipate the demand. Even if they had more companies making the vaccine the companies would only make so much more than last year's demand. It takes weeks to make the vaccine. They grow it in chicken eggs. The reason they have so few vaccine makers also has to do with liability and profit. There's little profit to making vaccines, yes because the government buys at a discount but the reason we have little supply is not because fewer companies make vaccines it's because the demand wasn't anticipated. Also, people who had their children die or develop adverse reaction after taking the vaccine will want to be compensated. Recent knowledge about mercury poisoning from mercury used as a preservative places vaccine companies under liability risk. Vaccines are mandatory for going to school and other activities. Like tobacco, there is some question about the industry's knowlege of their liability. Consider a statement by Congressman Dan Burton, a Republican right wing Clinton hater: "In his opening statement to the House Committee on Government Reform's hearing on mercury and medicine on June 18, 2000, Congressman Daniel Burton (R-Indiana) stated, "We assume that the FDA would protect our children from exposure to any level of mercury through drugs. But that has not been the case. Thimerosal was first marketed in 1930 and has become the most widely used preservative in vaccines. It is present in over 50 licensed vaccines. The FDA recently acknowledged that in the first six months of life children get more mercury than is considered safe by the EPA. The truth is that sometimes kids go to their doctor's office and get four or five vaccines at the same time. My grandson received vaccines for nine different diseases in one day. He might have been exposed to 62.5 micrograms of mercury in one day through his vaccines. According to his weight, the maximum safe level of mercury that he should be exposed to in one day is 1.51 micrograms. This is 41 times the amount at which harm can be caused." Burton's grandson, who was healthy before he received the shots, now suffers from autism." Dan Burton, rabid Clinton hater, was against the inclusion of liability restrictions for vaccine companies snuck into the Homeland Security Act, because he's personally felt the consequences. Consider also that vaccines are mandatory for children and for other situations. It's not a matter of choice that you get a vaccine or not. There shouldn't be blanket liability protection for vaccine manufactures. Blame it Hillary is just so much of the same old bull.
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [b]It's also a prety safe bet that Dan and Sadamm will be pulling for the same candidate as well.[/b][/quote]Whatta bunch of bullshit. You stand there throwing accusations (like it was Hillary's fault that we're short on flu vaccines this year, despite not having that problem for several years past) but when real, hard challenges are presented to those accusations, you have nothing to say (err - except these stupid jabs) You're just like Rush. Nothing really intelligent to say, just a whole lot of air and no real substance. You're a fucking fluffernutter, dude.
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Meanwhile, let me weigh in on the issue at hand. Whether Saddam Hussein is/was an asshole or not is of no concern to me. What is of concern to me is that the man behind the twin towers disaster is still at large, and the resources that were being dedicated to hunting him down and bringing him to justice have been instead diverted to dealing with a Qaddafi-wannabe pissant dictator who happened to have been sitting on a large amount of oil that was essentially locked up on account of UN sanctions. Fuck the right/wrong shit about Saddam. Where is Osama? Why aren't we looking for him? Why was Bush so much more eager to send most of our available troops to Iraq than he was to send them out hunting this dipshit who talks about Jihad and martyrdom on one end, while running and hiding as if he were afraid of death on the other? You answer that series of questions for me and you'll hear nothing more from me about how stupid this Iraq quagmire is.
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[quote] You're just like Rush [/quote]Thanks dude, Rush has been one of my favorite bands for years. :) Just for the record, I never said anything about Hillery and the Flu vacines. I'm sure all us conservatives look alike to you, but try to tell who actually MADE the statement before you lash out. As far as the Sadamm coment, that was mainly a retort for the deliverance remark, although to think Sadamm wouldn't love for Dean to unseat Bush is a pretty good streatch. If you wish to engage in a substantive debate on these issues, fire away, if your whole response is "bullshit" this and "fucking" that or other such name calling and profanity, I'll take that as a victory, as that is usually what the left resorts to when there is no argument to re-enforce.
Chuck Moore
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [b] [quote] You're just like Rush [/quote]Thanks dude, Rush has been one of my favorite bands for years. :) Just for the record, I never said anything about Hillery and the Flu vacines. I'm sure all us conservatives look alike to you, but try to tell who actually MADE the statement before you lash out. As far as the Sadamm coment, that was mainly a retort for the deliverance remark, although to think Sadamm wouldn't love for Dean to unseat Bush is a pretty good streatch. If you wish to engage in a substantive debate on these issues, fire away, if your whole response is "bullshit" this and "fucking" that or other such name calling and profanity, I'll take that as a victory, as that is usually what the left resorts to when there is no argument to re-enforce.[/b][/quote]*YAWN* Wake me when you have something substantive to say. :freak:
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I love the total negativity. Nothing good is happening anywhere. Griff.. I have a question that answers your talking points. Do you have some proof we are not looking for Osama Bin Hiden? Do you think all our resources are committed to Iraq and we don't have special ops or CIA or FBI looking anywhere else? Are you actually suggesting America can't walk and chew gum at the same time? Do you have any idea how silly it is to think all our efforts to stop terrorism ended when we sent the military into Iraq? Is the CIA and the FBI fighting in Iraq? What do you think they are doing? I understand the need to be completly negative about everything this administration does...Dan does a great job of that and Alcohol is a master of pulling a turd out of the punchbowl, but let's at least try to keep a small amount of reality in our thought process. After all, you and I both know that if the head of Osama was paraded up and down Pennsylvania Avenue, guys like you and Dan and Alcohol would post a hundred web sites that prove it isn't Osama, or that he slipped and accidentally fell into the arms of a Marine, etc. You know you guys will accept nothing positive, nothing that shows American success and nothing good that is happening for our country. I'm really sorry the sky is constantly falling on you guys..it must be frustrating to be so angry and negative all the time.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b]I love the total negativity. Nothing good is happening anywhere. Griff.. I have a question that answers your talking points. Do you have some proof we are not looking for Osama Bin Hiden? Do you think all our resources are committed to Iraq and we don't have special ops or CIA or FBI looking anywhere else? Are you actually suggesting America can't walk and chew gum at the same time? [/b][/quote]I know that we had successfully tailed him through Chile, Argentina, and Brazil at one point before the war started. I also know that we had him cornered at one point, but all of a sudden the Administration had a bad case of Attention Deficit Disorder, and now he's "somewhere in Pakistan"... Doesn't seem to me that we're looking too hard for him - Pakistan's a pretty damned small country. Where's your proof that we're actually still looking? We're not just hung up in Iraq, remember. We still have a pretty good sized force in Afghanistan, too. And in case you've forgotten, we just had to pull our A troops out of Iraq because they'd been there for over a year, and we've got a ton of reservists over there now. Quit smoking crack, GZ. It's bad for your logic circuits. :thu:
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