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OT: Bush Bungles Bagdad

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I just saw a delegation of parents who just got back from Iraq and whose children are serving in in the military in Iraq on C-Span. One guy was a Viet Nam War Vet, anyway, they basically said that Bush and his gang are totally mismanaging the entire affair and that Bush and Cheney are a complete diaster. You can probably find a link to it on C-SPAN and check it out for yourselves. They do not paint a very pretty picture, it looks really bad.
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[quote]Originally posted by WOW: [b]I heard that kate and jethro were in the bush sharin' bungle.[/b][/quote]I believe that this theory has been disproved by delegation of parents who just got back from Iraq and whose children are serving in in the shriners in Iraq on C-Span.
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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This is no joking matter. Not only do people have to wait in gas lines 7 miles long (think of what that does to people's minds), but there are no anit-biotics for children in hospitals, power is still out, sewers are backed up, and hundreds of thousands of unemployed people are suffering. Bush can't get anything right and most of the troops are dying to come home now because Bush and Cheney's little idea of how to "fix" things ain't working. You wonder why people hate the Bush Administation? Some of it has to do with a callous attitude that makes fun of people's suffering. And then there's the 87 billion, none of it is doing any good. It just goes into the executives of Haliburton's pockets, cuz the people of Iraq sure aren't seeing any benefits. many are actually starving. It's a total boondoggle diaster, all caused by Bush and Cheney.
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Johnny, As always, a nice, balanced argument for your position. :rolleyes: Can I ask you to try a little experiment? How about saying ONE good thing that has resulted from the War in Iraq... that also doesn't criticize Bush or Cheney... Try it... it won't hurt. ONE THING. Ok, I'll wait here. guitplayer

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No, he didn't have to go. I don't want my country in the job of toppling every evil dictator in the world. Instituting regime change is not a trivial endeavor and there's many things to consider when weighing such an exercise. So WOW you're wrong, he didn't have to go. Besides, the Iraqi people are armed to the teeth with guns and ammo. If they wanted to revolt they certainly have/had the means. The Iranians overthrew the Shah after all.
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[quote]Originally posted by guitplayer: [b]How about saying ONE good thing that has resulted from the War in Iraq... [/b][/quote]Defense contractor employees are feeling good about the long term prospects for employment.
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[quote]Originally posted by WOW: [b][QUOTE] He had to go, there is no nice way to invade a country.[/b][/quote]Like hell...We could have just had Starbucks open a coffeeshop every three blocks in every city.
I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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I was. (AND...you have apparently left your sense of humor on layaway at some department store). SImple: Starbucks goes in, saturates the market. People are wired, the economy's bolstered, folks get addicted to the product...WHAM! The government topples like a Saddam statue. We threaten to switch everything to decaf unless said Dictator steps down. Works for Wal-Mart at local, regional, and international levels. All we rewrite is the game plan to include government institutions.
I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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I lost a cousin in the 9/11 fire, but I would have felt much better if Bush had gone after the right people. Ossama...remember him? Bush is too corrupt to do the right thing though because there was not as much money to be had by going after the few, instead, he decided to invade and occupy the wrong country. The country with the oil! So, Ossamma is still on the loose, and my cousin, God bless his soul, is rolling over in his grave. Happy with Bush's performance? No way! Iraq is in shambles and Bush is not doing much to make it any better. According to one of the Viet Nam Vet in the parents delegation who just got back from Iraq, the situation is really horrendous, demonstrating Bush's total mismangement. He said it was very much like his days in the Viet Nam War. He seemed to say that from many Iraqi citizens' point of view, as bad as it may have been under Sadamm, it's far worse under Bush's occupation. Everybody suffers, the women, the children, the sick, the elderly, and the men and women of the US Military...all victims of Bush and Cheney's massive greed. Again, happy with GB and the big Dick C.? No way!
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]Bush is too corrupt to do the right thing though because there was not as much money to be had by going after the few, instead, he decided to invade and occupy the wrong country. The country with the oil! So, Ossamma is still on the loose, and my cousin, God bless his soul, is rolling over in his grave.[/b][/quote]So you believe Bush invaded the wrong country ? The one with oil, as you put it. Please tell me what country you believe he should have invaded.
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He should have sent a group of policemen and commandos like modern day bounty hunters to get Ossama and bring him in for trail. Then if he was found guilty, and I assume there's a good chance of that, he could have faced the maximum penalty provided by law. Bush went after the wrong guy. Stupid? Or just corrupt? You decide. Nuf said.
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None. We are in huge fiscal debt over this. We are losing American lives, AND most important, we are creating new terrorists. Terrorism is a crime, and should be handled with Intelligence and stealth. Sure many may feel good about using our American might, but the underlying conditions for terrorism are just getting exacerbated. I don't understand you Bushies, but thanks to Johnny and people like him who are willing to speak out against these war criminals. As awareness increases about the true intentions of these guys, they are going down. I just saw the MoveON.org film about the war in Iraq, and if you get a chance be sure and see it. There are dozens of senior govt people who testify to the out and out deceipt over the intelligence that led to the war.
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