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Somewhat OT: My 4th & 5th Grade students are rock stars


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Hello All:


Thought you might think this was fun...


I teach general music at a K-5 elementary school. Two years ago, a young man named Jonathan contacted me about helping out on a music project of his. Jonathan attends our new medical school just a mile down the road. When he's not busy studying, he and a partner formed a band/side project.


Jonathan told me that he was looking for a group of school aged kids (ca. 4 & 5th Grades) to sing the chorus and some linking "AHHHs" to a song his group was working on. Someone had suggested our kids, so I ran the idea by the kids and they were definitely up for it.


Jonathan sent me a mp3 of the chorus loop to which we practiced during lunch recesses for a week. That Friday, Jonathan and his bandmate came to school and recorded the kids using a very expensive condenser mic and Garage Band. I conducted the kids using headphones to a click track. We did around thirty takes from which the guys could work. They seemed very happy with the results and said that they'd get to work on mixing everything and get back to us.


Well, here's the finished product w/video. I hope their choice of using autotune was for fx purposes, because I really attempt to work with the kids on intonation :)


At any rate, check it out and let me know what you think.










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Very cool! Gives me a Daft Punk/MGMT sort of vibe.

Your students should be very, very proud. Their voices sound great (despite the autotune)! :)

~ Sean

Juno-60, Juno-G, MicroBrute, MS-20 Mini, PX-5S, R3, etc.

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