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OT: Hilliary's In Bagdad

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[quote]Originally posted by WOW: [b] [quote] WOW, When I contradict someone, I post my evidence. So if you're gonna say I'm full of !!!!, then prove it. [/quote]I used to try to do this, but you guys post SO MUCH bullshit now-a-days that I will NOT spend my time looking up shit to prove you wrong. I'll just call you on it and let the other posters be the judge theirselves. :idea: Dont get mad that someone actually knows the truth and calls you on it. The figure(3 million) is only 1/2 of the picture, and you are leaving the other half off because it betters your bias case. PLUS, the economy is talking for itself these days. Its getting better and better. You HATE this, dont you?[/b][/quote]
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[quote]Originally posted by WOW: [b] [quote] WOW, When I contradict someone, I post my evidence. So if you're gonna say I'm full of !!!!, then prove it. [/quote]I used to try to do this, but you guys post SO MUCH bullshit now-a-days that I will NOT spend my time looking up shit to prove you wrong. I'll just call you on it and let the other posters be the judge theirselves. :idea: Dont get mad that someone actually knows the truth and calls you on it. The figure(3 million) is only 1/2 of the picture, and you are leaving the other half off because it betters your bias case. PLUS, the economy is talking for itself these days. Its getting better and better. You HATE this, dont you?[/b][/quote]
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Mr Wow, I have mixed feelings on "I Are Fat," I know some jewish folks who love this guy, I believe he won a Noble Peace Prize. On the other hand, I know some other jewish folks who can't stand him and think he's a big criminal. I'n not sure who to believe, but I do know that both sides of the contest do not act or behave very kindly to one another. I have no magic pill or solution to the middle east conflict, therefore, maybe our good friend Randy Newman had it right in the song "Political Science." Here are some lines from Randy's song: "Drop the big one now Drop the big one now They all hate us anyhow So drop the big one now" Although this is dark humour, it actually would bring an end to the conflict, but then, both sides would vanish. Sort of like a solution to an economic problem I once read where the student said it would be easy to solve the problem of high unemployment and high inflation: "It's easy, just shoot all the unemployed people and burn all the excess money." Callous, deadly, but her solution would be effective. So my real answer to the middle east problem is: I dunno. Actually, my best solution is for people believed to have commited crimes against humanity or international law would be to try them before the World Criminal Court. But that would mean Bush and Cheney would be jailed wouldn't it? And hauling these two criminals into a court of law is something you would not support, 'cuz you are very soft on crime. Mr. Wow is especially soft on "Crime in the Suites."
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[quote] I have mixed feelings on "I Are Fat," I know some jewish folks who love this guy, I believe he won a Noble Peace Prize. On the other hand, I know some other jewish folks who can't stand him and think he's a big criminal. I'n not sure who to believe, but I do know that both sides of the contest do not act or behave very kindly to one another [/quote]I did not ask about jews, I asked YOU about YOUR opinion on saddam, arafat , UBL , and Al Qaeda.
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Alch, Yeah, Mr Low is a little weasel isn't he? I think he's part of the "dress-up" crowd, full of fake bravado as long as he's hiding behind his computer screen. I remember one guy who was frustrated by Low's incessant ignorance wanted to, shall we say, "meet" Mr. Low face-to-face, but Mr Low chickened out. Suddenly, Mr. Low became a big peace-nik when Mr Low's own blood might have been shed. Mr. Low equals "chicken shit," a frustrated little weasel who has no guts and no balls. Mr. Wow always brown noses Bush and Cheney, it's a wonder anyone can be around him as the smell must be extremely offensive.
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Oh, I see you want it answered in such a way that will comport with your facist, nazi beliefs, nothing else, no other solution such as complying with law, will satisfy you. War on citizens good, Courts bad. Is that it? I can't believe anyone involved in music could be as ignorant and stupid as Mr. Wow. Before they let him into a store, they ought to make him take a test, or perhaps he should be made to wear earhones just like Dylan's Mr. Jones.
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You must make specific allegations of criminal conduct and then prove your case against the accused in a criminal court. That's the right way to do things. You don't blow up a entire country and kill innocent civilians because you are after a few bad apples, instead you haul the accused into a criminal court and hold them accountable. For example, UBL might be charged with something like "conspiracy to commit murder" which can carry the same penalty as the underlying crime. The same kind of thinking applies to all the others you mentioned. But if we are going to haul the criminals into court, then let's be fair and haul Bush and Cheney and Ken Lay in there too. Maybe they will get some real Texas justice.
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Wow, are you a complete moron? You can't read. My answer is: You follow the law. You do not go off on a rampage and bomb entire counties just because you believe their are a few bad apples. Some of these guys were from Saudi Arabia, Bush and Cheney did not bomb that country, nor did they bomb the entire state of Florida simply because these bad men lived there. You catch the guilty culprits and bring them into a criminal court, you charge them with specified crimes, and if they are guilty, a jury will convict them. That's the system. That's what works. This approach costs maybe several million dollars vs. the idotic approach Bush and Cheney adopted which costs the American taxpayers 87 billion and rising. Wake up. Who benefits and makes the money, can we say, "Haliburton World Tour." Can we say: "No-Bid Contracts." Can we say: "Dick Cheney still gets money from Haliburton." Can we say: "Corruption at the highest levels of the U.S. government."
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Therin lies one of the fundamental flaws in the left wing argument. They seem to think this is a law enforcement matter and just arresting some guilty culprit would solve it. This is a war. These people wish for my death. They wish for your death. The left does not understand this. There war is with the President, not the terrorists. The American people's war is with the terrorists. This election will be huge.
Chuck Moore
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