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OT: Poll-Is Bush Selling Out To Special Interests

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Chuck, Well then blame the president, because he appoints them all, the Senate only confirms or rejects the ones they feel will go too far. Some believe the US Supreme Court overstepped their bounds and intruded onto the state's rights territory by overtuning the Florida Supreme Court and then selecting Bush. Many people saw this as the worst kind of judical activism.
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Thre originators of the Constitution did not intend the Constitution to be static document and they expressedly did not desire it to be rigidly interpreted, not be amended or not be rewritten. The original intent philosophy of present day conservatives is actually inimical to the spirit of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution itself.
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'course there are also those that think that the supreme court had to get involved because the FL state supreme court was by leaps and bounds overstepping its OWN constitutional authority, making their intervention neccessary. But hey thats old news. And so far, THIS president hasn't had the opportunity to appoint a supreme court justice. If and when he does, wheather this term or in his second term (he he) , I sincerely hope he chooses one who places more value in the constitution than in his or her own personal point of view. It may be a difficult search, as judges like that are few and far between.
Chuck Moore
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[quote] The original intent philosophy of present day conservatives is actually inimical to the spirit of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution itself [/quote]The Founding Fathers had slaves, so the modern day Conservative has changed, there are ALOT of differences in the founding fathers and the modern day conservative. Who ever made the analogy about the 2nd amendment and nuclear weapons earlier is an idiot.
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[quote]Originally posted by KNITTED BY WOW: [b] [quote] The original intent philosophy of present day conservatives is actually inimical to the spirit of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution itself [/quote]The Founding Fathers had slaves, so the modern day Conservative has changed, there are ALOT of differences in the founding fathers and the modern day conservative. Who ever made the analogy about the 2nd amendment and nuclear weapons earlier is an idiot.[/b][/quote]So then "original intent" philosphy is garbage. Specious rationalization. I think it is, because "original intent" philosophy is really code for the subjective beliefs of contemporary conservatives.
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I find it amusing when someone from the far left attempts to define what a conservative believes. Nobody that I know has ever said we shouldn't ammend the constitution when neccessary. There is a huge difference between states debating and then choosing to ratify an ammendment to ensure the constitution is able to meet modern needs, and some self-important judge effectively saying "This is the way I feel things should be, so here is my ruling". I mean is the document that damned hard for supposedly educated people to read and understand?
Chuck Moore
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"...Driven to distraction the Pentagon hawks have ordered sweeping raids on those residential areas they believe resistance forces are using as their bases. The demolition of homes, sometimes before their inhabitants have had sufficient time to evacuate, is only too reminiscent of the war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli army. Amnesty International drove this point home in a letter to US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, in which it asked, "Were the home demolitions, which are a form of collective punishment, officially sanctioned? If so this constitutes a flagrant breach of international humanitarian law."... http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2003/666/op1.htm BTW There was an attempt to plant some WMD in Iraq but it didn't look plausible so the "news" was silenced. This stinky smeegle/Gollum in the white house has to let it go.
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Chuck I have to agree with you that opposing factions usually poorly represent their adversaries. However, it's pretty clear that the modern conservatives believe that the Constitution should be interpreted as the original intent of the Founding Fathers. I mean you wrote this a few posts ago: "Maybe it's just me but shouldn't the intent of the founders come into play at some point? " I'm certain that my statements about the "original intent' philosophy of conservatives is dead on and can be supported with a plenitude of quotes from recognized conservative leaders.
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WOW, I did a search and found this: "http://www.themedianews.com/DAGGER/Head_Lines/cia_and_dod_attempted_to_plant_w.htm "A DOD whistleblower detail an attempt by a covert U.S. team to plant weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The team was later killed by friendly fire due to CIA incompetence. Pentagon Whistleblower Reveals CIA/ DoD Fiascos 20.06.2003 [08:07] " Well, it has at least as much credence as the Nigerian uranium deal! :eek:
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Yes, origonal intent is a hallmark of conservatism. But as I also posted above ammendments BECOME a part of the constitution, deserving of just as much respect as the document itself. When the need arises, as it does from time to time, to modify, modernize,clarify, or correct issues in the document, then an amendment is called for. Thats what ammendments are for. Judicial "activism" runs counter to this. After all, why bother with the ammendment process when you can just shop around for a judge willing to decree your position as law.
Chuck Moore
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Only a perv would ask a stupid question like that, if anybody is acting un-American, it is Bush and Cheney. The Mayor of London had it right on the money when he said: [b]"Bush and his corporate terrorists are the biggest threat to humankind"[/b] And the sooner Bush and Cheney leave office, the better off the world and America will be. Bush and Cheney are selling Americans out to special interests.
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Johnny B, You want opinions? I'll give you one. [b]YOU[/b] are an instigator who likes to stir people up to get a reaction. Your "pole" is clearly biased with a negative slant towards the President. Your hatred toward the current administration is so extreme that anyone who disagrees with you is labeled as stupid, sick, mental, or a combination of the three. Live and let live, OK? Or do you just like to make enemies? :confused: Grow up, will ya? It's obvious that you hate Bush and Chaney, and everyone knows it, so just drop it! Everyone is getting tired of the constant bickering. :evil: If you can't say anything nice...


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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[quote]Originally posted by bluestrat: [b] It's obvious that you hate Bush and Chaney, and everyone knows it, so just drop it! Everyone is getting tired of the constant bickering. :evil: [/b][/quote]He's right, JohnnyB. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. It might surprise some of you, but Johnny is a completely different person when he isn't in 'Bush-bashing mode'. It's like Tron and Pro-Tools. Okay! We KNOW Tron hates Pro-Tools! Is it going to be okay if some people here happen to use it and like it? Just make your statement and lay off... Johnny has started some great threads (music related) and made some great contributions as well. It's enough to make me think that he is better than this [i]"Let's talk more about how much we all hate Bush"[/i] crap. And here is one more thing to consider... When Craig sees this thread, there is NO QUESTION he is going to delete it. Why? Because look at how far people have degraded themselves to! It's totally inappropriate to sit here and talk the smack to each other that I am reading. Absolute nonsense. I understand people having strong convictions and getting hot under the collar. but there comes a time (usually SOONER than later) that you have to say 'enough'! And I'm saying it now, out of concern for this forum; ENOUGH ALREADY! It's time for this childish bullshit to STOP.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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WOW, I know I'm a good American citizen and I'm certainly more pro American than President Bush. A good argument can be made that Bush is incompetent and that supporting his administration is by consequence un-American. I think the sneaking WMD tale is farfetched. But then I didn't think the President of the United States would reference forged documents to justify a war. Since dishonesty, incompetence and hypocrisy is the hallmark of this Presidency, an attempt to sneak WMD is plausible.
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[quote]Your "pole" is clearly biased with a negative slant towards the President. [/quote]If I see a monster I call it a monster. This is not negative. This white house leech is stealing, killing, destroying lying..etc, etc. He is a corporate, smelly diarrhea and he is stinking up the entire planet.
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WOW, If Tony Blair said it was true it must be true! The President of the United States admitted that he shouldn't have included reference to the Nigerian document in his State of the Union speech, because of it's lack of veracity. WOW, explain how your memory has been short-circuited!
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I do not regard this poll as being biased since you could vote "no" if you thought Bush was an honest, hard-working politcian. So far, most believe that Bush is selling out to the special interests. As to hating Bush, I do not hate the man per se, just his criminal acts. I don't like liars, cheats, and thieves, especially, when they do these things to the American public. Bush and Cheney fall within the category of being criminals and "sell-outs." I am not alone in hating these self-serving and greedy actions, millions protest the Bush Regime all over the world. Pull up his track-record and resume, perhaps, you'll begin to understand why a majority believe Bush is selling out to special interests.
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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b]He's right, JohnnyB. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. It might surprise some of you, but Johnny is a completely different person when he isn't in 'Bush-bashing mode'. It's like Tron and Pro-Tools. Okay! We KNOW Tron hates Pro-Tools! Is it going to be okay if some people here happen to use it and like it? Just make your statement and lay off... Johnny has started some great threads (music related) and made some great contributions as well. It's enough to make me think that he is better than this [i]"Let's talk more about how much we all hate Bush"[/i] crap. And here is one more thing to consider... When Craig sees this thread, there is NO QUESTION he is going to delete it. Why? Because look at how far people have degraded themselves to! It's totally inappropriate to sit here and talk the smack to each other that I am reading. Absolute nonsense. I understand people having strong convictions and getting hot under the collar. but there comes a time (usually SOONER than later) that you have to say 'enough'! And I'm saying it now, out of concern for this forum; ENOUGH ALREADY! It's time for this childish bullshit to STOP.[/b][/quote]You know, I've noticed a pattern to Johnny's posts... Typically, when something new happens in the Bush administration (this time I suspect it was the reopening of the debate over ANWR drilling) Johnny tends to pipe up with a new anti-Bush thread. Frankly, I'd rather see him post the actual information that inflames him - at least then the conservative-leaning members of the forum can look and see why he hates Bush so. To clarify, I'm not referring to the hard-core GOP-To-The-Death neocons like you, Mr. Wow, Chuck, etc - you people will march in lockstep with G Dubya, right into the hell he's paved for himself, swearing loyalty. Sad, but true. I'm referring to people who haven't heard the complete story on Bush and might have a slightly different opinion of him should they be handed a piece of information not previously revealed.
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