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OT: Ashcroft, Bush and Cheney Un-American Traitors?

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I saw a couple of things on CSPAN, one was an excellent speech by former Vice-President, the honorable Al Gore. There he outlines how Ashcroft, Rumsfield, Cheney and Bush are un-American traitors. He shows in living color the abuses of the mislabeled "Patriot Act" by this gang of monsters. The other thing that was on CSPAN was a forum by the USPIG. I think that stands for the Untied States Public Interest Group. They, along with a gov't official from the Long Island Water Agency. detail how Bush and Cheney are poisioning the water that the public is drinking. So Bush and Cheney are deliberately poisoning hundreds of thousands of Americans. Bush and Cheney are criminals who must be locked up in a maximum security prison before they kill any more Americans. .
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Yes, they are traitors - no they aren't - yesssss they are -noooooo they aren't - yes - no - you idiot - no, you're the idiot - everyone know's they are traitors - oh ya, who - my side - your side sucks - no, your side sucks - oh shut-up - no, you shut - don't you get it yet - no..................... :p
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Mr Low. He talks real tough as long as it's not his own blood that's being shed, he's just like the little cowards wrongfully occupying the White House. We saw Low run and hide when someone challenged him to a fair fight. Suddenly, Wow became a non-violent peace-nic. But when it's other people dying, damm, Low is a brave man, or at least he talks tough. Sort of like a fake cowboy, who's all hat and no bronk busting or bull ridin, or like a play dress-up, fake, fly boy who was AWOL. Low has no balls and no guts to stand up to these bastards. Low just keep on suckin' Dick's you know what, cuz you is a real wussy. One thing is clear to many thinking human beings, Ashcroft, Bush, and Cheney are un-American traitors. They are a disgrace to the flag, they are a disgrace to America. And the whole world knows what rotten bastards they are.
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Poisoning the drinking water? Hmmm...I'm willing to concede many malfeasient actions by this trio, but I'll only go as far as saying their relaxing the clean air and water acts might lead to such a thing. But, I really believe these cretins actually think they're doing good by those actions. Whitefang
I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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The CSPAN show went in to quite a bit of detail. Ashcrift, Bush, and Cheney cannot plead ignorance again, they are doing this poisoning deliberately. Turns out, it's all about the money, yet again. Surprise, surprise. But for Ashcroft, Bush, and Cheney to put human health, esp innocent Americans health deliberately at risk, is an act of treason. It's tanatmount to a Bush/Cheney declaration of war on the people of America.
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Johnny B, I've seen some of your posts and you seem like an alright kinda guy to me... but about this political stuff...I understand that you detest the current White House administration. Can you tell me specifically what it is that you stand for and why? I myself am for a limited government that sticks to the constitution as it was designed. Such a government would only be for our courts of law, police and military. I can't think of anything else the government should be meddling in. Today, of course, it's meddling in a zillion things. So what specifically do you stand for politically and why?
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Poisoning the water??? LOL Now THERES a campaign slogan "Vote for us, we like to kill off our voters" :idea: yeah keep that up, there are lots of people out there who will be swayed by that kind of rhetoric. And the "honorable" Al Gore?? ohhh myyyyyy. You obviously haven't spent any time in Tennessee. We know him best here, he lives just down the road after all. And we take pride in letting him lose his own state. Most americans breathed a sigh of relief that after Sept. 11th we weren't stuck with HIM in charge.
Chuck Moore
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [b]Most americans breathed a sigh of relief that after Sept. 11th we weren't stuck with HIM in charge.[/b][/quote]That's what I thought at first.I figured this is one thing Republicans are good for.Man was I dissolusioned.I think Liberace would have put up a tougher stance and actually went after the terrorists instead of this sharade(please dont hand me this bullshit about drawing them to Iraq and centralizing :rolleyes: ).It seems Bush's only interest is satisfying his financial backers.I mean he's failed miserably at everything else,even the one thing he could have been good for.I think a proper way for the Cheney Puppet to leave office is to have a marine SGT kick his ass out the back door,where the dumpsters are located.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Chuck, don't waste your time responding. You are dealing with an idiot savant that can only repeat one line over and over.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b]Chuck, don't waste your time responding. You are dealing with an idiot savant that can only repeat one line over and over.[/b][/quote]Stop dissing WOW.
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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I really sure Gore said that the current administration were "UnAmerican traitors".... C'mon. I'm not buying it. "gang of monsters" "UnAmerican traitors" These are just buzz-words you are using to create 'spin' -another buzz word. Give me something credible to work with. I hate it when people hype shit. It's like tabloid reporters see a celebrity with a headcold and then publish 'So-and-so ill with only weeks to live!'.... It's stupid! You don't help your cause when you do this shit because nobody can separate fact from speculation from total-say-anything-bullshit.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Usually the point of a public debate is not to change the mind of the opposition debater, your right GZ, they have their mind made up, don't bother them with facts, they are busy expressing their opinion. The real point is for the reader of these debates to see both sides and draw their own conclusions based on what the debaters put forth. When their argument is so blatently outragous and depends on personal attacks rather than a substantive points of veiw, the argument is already won. Theres an old political saying "Never interrupt your opponent when they are busy self destructing" . There point usually seems to be "If Bush did it it must be wrong and we must oppose it". It WOULD be nice to maintain a polite debate on wheather something is the correct course of action, but as soon as HIS name is mentioned the serious debate is over and the self destruction begins. Amazing how much hatred there is. As for me, I'll continue to do as Reagan advised, "Be of good cheer and hold to the courage of your convictions." Actually thats a paraphrase, I don't recall the exact quote, just for full disclosure.
Chuck Moore
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [b] It WOULD be nice to maintain a polite debate on wheather something is the correct course of action, but as soon as HIS name is mentioned the serious debate is over and the self destruction begins.[/b][/quote]Actually, that pretty much sums up the situation. This is a lousy place to discuss politics, but a great place to rant your opinion. It's odd too, because some of the most outspoken ranters are actually very polite and capable of discussing the pros and cons when it comes to music, gear, PC and Mac. But hit the political buzzer and all bets are off.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b] This is a lousy place to discuss politics [/b][/quote]Not to mention the wrong place as well.You can keep trying,but you can't order Tandoori chicken from this guy [img]http://image.pbase.com/u13/boyte1/upload/3578831.07130025.jpg[/img]He'll just look at you like,why the hell are you trying to get that here?
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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aldin, why don't you just go to your corner and lust after opterons. you can ignore these threads after all or do you have a will power problem. Maybe you should practice your instrument. I'm sure the time you spent typing your anti political responses would be better spent learning how to play an instrument or sing in tune. It would be better time spent than your useless whining. Go away.
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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b] [quote]Originally posted by alcohol_: [b]It would be better time spent than your useless whining. Go away.[/b][/quote]Yeah, Alndln! All the whining you do takes away precious attention from Alcohol's whining! Nothing against you, but we gotta keep our priorities straight... :freak: [/b][/quote]:D
Amateur Hack
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I believe the honorable Al Gore, former Vice-President of the United States of America did use the term "Un-American" when discussing the Bush Regimes recent attacks on the American people's rights. He went into some detail on Asscroft's abuses of the misnamed "Patriot Act." It turns out this 1500-page piece of legislative trash was not even read by most members of Congress because Bush wanted to rush to judgment. Now, they are beginning to awaken at what a snow job the Bush Regime pulled on them, and are learning about the un-American abuses being done by Asscroft. And Bush and Cheney are deliberately poisoning American's drinking water. These are all acts of treason. Bush and Cheney need to go to a maximum security prison if a jury does not give them the you know what penalty. I think that the law has severe penalities for people like Bush and Cheney who commit treason. ------------ Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b], And Bush and Cheney are deliberately poisoning American's drinking water. These are all acts of treason. Bush and Cheney need to go to a maximum security prison if a jury does not give them the you know what penalty. I think that the law has severe penalities for people like Bush and Cheney who commit treason. ------------ Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did[/b][/quote]Johnny B, You haven't responded to my question. Bush and Cheney are poisoning drinking water? That's the second kookiest thing I've heard this month.
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