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OT: 87 Billion and No Accountability

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yeah Fishin' for Osamma Fishin for Saddamm Fishin for some weapons Fishin for some military help Fishin for some more money cuz their pockets ain't green enough yet Bush and Cheney are out to lunch and have gone fishin And they ain't gonna account for a red cent You'll wonder where the money went with Georgie Bush as president
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[quote]Originally posted by WOW: [b] [quote]The dispute centered on access to the "presidential daily brief," a classified written intelligence report Bush gets each morning. [/quote]Here is your answer. Its a fishing expedition.[/b][/quote]It's a request for access to information that should not be an issue to receive, from legitimately concerned and personally involved American citizens who lost loved ones in the Towers. The government is denying them answers. This is not the first time that unusual secrety has surrounded this administration and the US citizens have a right to know. Now how about the other points, even just the issues on this page? "Just join the conversation", as you'd said. The conversation in this thread is about the Iraqi invasion, money going to it, and those interested in why?
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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[quote] It's a request for access to information that should not be an issue to receive, from legitimately concerned and personally involved American citizens who lost loved ones in the Towers. [/quote]They have the OK to look over the FBI and the CIA. These are the agencies that failed the US and let 9/11 happen. That is what we are looking for, right? Certain people want to extend the probe to look into everything the President did before and after 9/11(fishing expedition). GWB got a power point presentation when he got into office from the previous administration, UBL was 16th on the list. GWB had to get the CIA and the FBI together and try to repair the two agencies from years of neglect. UBL got the US before GWB had time to get everything together. GWB had 8 months, the first two months were stalled because Mr.Clinton would not turn over the transition money needed to get the ball rolling. Yes, GWB went into office with the pre-conceived notion of going to war. Thats not all bad, we had been under attack by terror attacks for 10 years. Something had to be done. If you want to know who failed, look at the FBI and the CIA and the previous administration. Should we also look into why the previous administration failed?
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The only terrorists out there worth worrying about are those committing fraud, and they are the ones wrongfully occupying the white house. But they are there to grab as much money as possible for themselves. Where's the American taxayers money going? Ony Bush and Cheney know for sure and they ain't telling you.
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Doesn't it enrage you all even just a little bit to know that it's ENTIRELY possible that this whole Iraq war shindig, which cost how many billions to wage? was just a smoke-and-mirrors move to cover up the THEFT of the 87 billion dollars no doubt flowing STRAIGHT into the pockets of GWB's cronies at Bechtel and Halliburton? I mean, maybe it's not the case, but it just pisses me off that it's entirely POSSIBLE that Bush has killed thousands of Iraqis, and has allowed the murder of hundreds of Americans on the battlefield, all for the sake of the greed of himself and a few of his friends. And, while he's at it, he's literally STOLEN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS from American taxpayers, to give to these friends. Criminals in high places, indeed; the "leaders" at Enron, MCI, Compaq, Putnam and the many others that are still there but stone unturned are merely the shadowy criminal imps of their puppetmasters in the White House. Somebody do something about this, nah, forget it, it's already too late. We're going to have to nationalize a bunch of private corporations the next election to take back what has been stolen from us. I'd say about $300 billions' worth would be a start -- all the major airlines, CSX, the main energy and resource companies (Weyerhauser), the bank and credit companies -- put it ALL in the hands of the American taxpayer. PAYBACK TIME. rt
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Well the truth is every democratic candidate could do a better job than Bush and Cheney, in fact, I feel that any average citizen with basic moral values such as being honest could do better than Bush and Cheney. It's time for a change because these two are the biggest crooks in the world. They lie, they steal, they cheat, they murder, they don't care about anything except getting more power and more money. Maybe a new voice, a voice such as a Ross Perot will take the stage. The giant sucking sound we've been hearing is all the good jobs, all the surplus, and all the money being sucked out of the American economy.
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Oh, I dunno. Ross Perot could make a comeback. I really liked his charts and graphs and how he explained things. It seems most of what Ross Perot said is exactly what we are seeing. Ross did pretty well against Bush Sr and he could do even better against junior. Cuz, you know, junior is even more of a corrupt bastard who has really screwed people and the county up bad.
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Well now, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Ross Perot a Texas oil tycoon? Isn't this one of the major gripes everybody has about Bush? That he has a conflict of interest due to his ties with big oil? By the way, good morning. It's Monday here, and I still need to go grocery shopping. But that's cool. There's nothing like a grocery store at 2 or 3 am. You meet the most interesting people at those times...

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Wow: [quote]GWB got a power point presentation when he got into office from the previous administration, UBL was 16th on the list. GWB had to get the CIA and the FBI together and try to repair the two agencies from years of neglect. UBL got the US before GWB had time to get everything together. GWB had 8 months, the first two months were stalled because Mr.Clinton would not turn over the transition money needed to get the ball rollin[/quote]That's an interesting assertion. I'd love to see where you got that info. Understand here, I doubt that either Bush, McCain, Gore, or Nader would have been in any position to prevent 9/11 as president, but that thought is based both on our lack of human operatives in the middle east leading up to the attacks, and the nature of the attacks themselves. As a terrorist act it was an incredible feat, and there is only so much you can do militarily and intelligence-wise to prevent such a thing. Policy tends to be more effective. [quote]Yes, GWB went into office with the pre-conceived notion of going to war. Thats not all bad, we had been under attack by terror attacks for 10 years. Something had to be done. [/quote]I would contend that to enter the office of president with the pre-conceived notion of war is [i]indeed[/i] all bad if that was not a campaign platform. GWB was elected to be the man who brought Dems and Reps together, and promised to lead with "compassionate conservatism." If he inteded to go directly to war with Iraq, he should have told the American people that before they elected him. Also, a direct attack on Iraq is [i]not[/i] a direct attack on terrorism - as evidenced by the proliferation of terrorist activity in the aftermath of the war. [quote]If you want to know who failed, look at the FBI and the CIA and the previous administration. Should we also look into why the previous administration failed? [/quote]I totally agree that the FBI and CIA were knee deep in failure long before GWB took office. Probably as far back as Kennedy. The primary deficiency leading up to 9/11 seems to have been the lack of human informants within the Al-Qeada organization.



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It's all a tautology, because the reason the FBI and CIA have failed is that American cultural ignorance of the rest of the world has been cultivated and rewarded and cheered by the right ever since Reagan was in office. We're at a point now where it's "Our Way" and the rest of the world, and I'd bet the average American is significantly less informed as to what the rest of the world actually consists of, historically, culturally, contextually, than the average American was immediately following WWII (say, 1946-1956). Our Blinkerism will put us in a bad place, but that's okay, makes it all the easier to steal another $100 Billion from the American Taxpayer next time -- by God, our leaders will probably be able to make up the countries, the issues, the stereotypes and the leaders and nobody will know the difference! Ignorance is bliss... when its everyone else's ignorance you use to your advantage. rt
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