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OT: Italy's One Man Media--A future Model for the US?

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Ok, Italy was once controlled by the facists. It aligned itself with the Nazi's. Then it lost WWII and it became more democratic. Following the "free-market-at-any-cost" ideal, it deregulated its media. As a direct result, one man now controls all the media in Italy. Some say this man has facist leanings. After getting control of virtually all the private media, this man consolidated his power, he formed his own political party and took over Italy's political system. He then gained control of the public broadcasting system, made certain its progamming became 2nd rate, and increased his own stations' ad revenues. He had been charged with a variety of crimes, but as the leader of the political system, he simply got the laws changed to grant himself immunity for any kind of prosecution whatsoever. This man is now Italy's Prime Minister. Should media deregulation be followed as they did in Italy? Or, is it too dangerous to allow all the media power to held by one man?
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Silvio Berlusconi was voted by the italians. Maybe you don't know the italian politics. Italian politics was always controlled by mafia (crime) Or worse, the top heads of mafia are IN the italian government. Berlusconi is the first italian politician who is DOING SOMETING REAL FOR ITALY. Since decades italian were paying more than 50% salary taxes and plus more, and go to Italy, you will wonder where is the money gone. But now it's changing And believe me, Berlusconi is one of the most honest politicians italians have even seen.

:) Features Are Not An Opinion. :)

(John Hope, 2003)





Ufficio Internazionale Per La Presa Per Il Culo Dei Sbruffoni Statunitensi

Att. Tua Sorella

Codice Mavapigliatelindomo

Pirla Chi Legge

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[quote]Originally posted by The Officially Insigned TROLL of EF: [b]Silvio Berlusconi was voted by the italians. Maybe you don't know the italian politics. Italian politics was always controlled by mafia (crime) Or worse, the top heads of mafia are IN the italian government. Berlusconi is the first italian politician who is DOING SOMETING REAL FOR ITALY. Since decades italian were paying more than 50% salary taxes and plus more, and go to Italy, you will wonder where is the money gone. But now it's changing And believe me, Berlusconi is one of the most honest politicians italians have even seen.[/b][/quote]Hey, you should tweak your scope settings down there in Andromeda....

Guess the Amp

.... now it's finished...

Here it is!



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Why do you claim he is honest? Do you have any evidence that he is honest, or is that pure conjecture and speculation? I mean no disrepect in asking this, maybe you have some more info. I heard this guy came out of nowhere, not too much is known how he aquired his vast riches, and that has past is somewhat in the shadows. It seems strange to me that a guy would get control of the government and then give himself immunity from all crimes. What about the claims he is a neo-facist? Are you not alarmed when anyone, I don't care who it is, gets all this power? Think about it. What would you do to your competition if they had to play the media game by your personal set of rules? How about the poor sap who relies on the media for unbiased and truthful information? However, you feel about Mr. Italian Prime Minister, if ever there was a case for re-regulation, anti-monopoly laws, and trust busting, meaning the breakup of the monopoly, this is it. No one, no individual, no corporation, no organization, should have virtually unfettered control of the public's airwaves. That's too much power in the hands of too few. In this case, one guy! I say, "bust up the trusts." Esp. the media empires.
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b] No one, no individual, no corporation, no organization, should have virtually unfettered control of the public's airwaves. That's too much power in the hands of too few. In this case, one guy![/b][/quote]Agreed. This is rather frightening for Italy and I am appalled that this was allowed to happen.
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To be honest, I don't feel I'm getting good news anymore, except maybe on CSPAN of all things. But, we can force our Congressman and Senators to make the necessary corrections and reforms to insure that no one gets control. They can pass laws requiring more diversity, local ownership, and force divestiture by the monopolies. Radio Station ownership certainly needs overhauling, there are only a few companies which control most of it, Affinity, Clear Channel, etc. We used have pretty good rules until everything went hog wild in the name of the unholy "free market." Now, it's if you got the bucks, you can censor the entire national agenda. Do we like the pay to play system or not? Again, a few letters to your Congressmen and Senators would certainly help.
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Do whatever you can to help defeat any FCC changes that allow more ownership. Attempts at this so far have been suprisingly effective. And Tron, I might be wrong, but I would bet you that Berlusconi has some large holdings in your Swiss banks.
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Ok folks, now just what do all you guys know about what's going on in Italy? I've been working here for the past 30+ years and believe me, the only thing that has really ruined the trade is home recording. I shouldn't complain actually. I'm too involved in live sound to complain about how the job market works in Italy, but I do know that the TV broadcast business has increased, maybe thakns to Berlusconi? I am totally against his political thoughts and, having worked as FOH engineer at one of his conventions, believe me, he's not a normal guy! But, he does know where he's heading and I don't mean only for the media, I mean politically! Things are changing, some to better and some to owoest; the latest debate is on taxes and retirement. For the first issue, well, I pay US income tax and minor fees here in Italy, but for the second issue all I know is that I don't know of one Italian worker eager of what will happen when he'll be of age for retirement. Just one thing, the press is ALWAYS influenced politically and will never give you the right news of what happens in a country far away from yours... not even your own!
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