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Check out this kid...


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Time to nail my bass to the wall !!

Rotten kids (Love to see young kids like him

playing good music.)

"I could drink booze to unwind every day instead of

learning bass...

But then my wife would never tell me how much I'm


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Last couple of open mic nights here in Rochester have featured a 12 year old guitar prodigy named Jon Dretto. Freaking kid is awesome. Sort of a Stevie Ray meets Jimi kind of thing. Again, the strat he plays looks bigger than him. I'll try to find some video of him.



"There's not enough bass in the mix unless the first three rows are having involuntary bowel movements."


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Seeing that little guy playing that 6 string makes me laugh at all of our discussions over "fast Jazz necks, vs. big, fat, slow precision necks". I couldn' resist the poke.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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They are soooo good !

And she inspires me to practice more even

though I'll never be as good as her.

"I could drink booze to unwind every day instead of

learning bass...

But then my wife would never tell me how much I'm


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That's it, I'm done! I'm 59 and the kid outperforms me to the power of 10. The girl? I can't play and sing at the same time, so...


PM me, I've got four axes and one 1.6Kw pwr amp for sale. As for the cabs, forget it, I'll use them to heat my house this winter by burning them in the fireplace. Ah, the speakers, I need the magnets to make myself a time machine.


Okay, I'm kidding. johngoldsby, jeremy, you make my day - thanks!!!!!! :thu:

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I wish my high school had had a Motown/show band like Albany (California) High School.


But of course I went to high school before the Motown era. ;)


The parents of Albany California schools are funding the music department and almost 40% of all children in these schools are playing a musical instrument. The middle school is going to add a third jazz ensemble because there are so many kids that want to play.


albany music fund

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It looks like she's already learned the first rule of being a bassist in a band--no matter where you play, there is bound to be a pole on the stage to partially obscure you from the audience's view.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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At least when she comes out front to sing you can see her. The rest of time, she's at the back of the band and because of her height, she's practically invisible.


She's a sophomore this year. Last year, she was not only the first freshman to get the bass chair, she also was the first bassist ever to get to sing. She started lessons at age 11, is very, very motivated and I'm extremely proud of her. (and proud of myself for teaching all the bass players in this band for last 10 years or so.)

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And you should be proud of her. She's clearly kicking ass. And I dig her aviator glasses.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Ha! Sir Duke. When that came out I took the sheet music ($1.95, if I remember...) and arranged it for our school stage band (Ugh! By hand, it took forever). The 27 flats in the key signature made the horns go brain dead (remember, this was high school....) All I remember is that we only played it like, twice, and the director put it away. I never found out how it sounded with all the right notes.


And J.C.: the band sounds great! Kudos!

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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