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OT: Kucinich.US for President

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Just saw Congressman Kucinich on C-Span. He is running to be the democrats canidate for president of the United States. I'm sure Mr. Wow and others would like to comment on his candidacy, but for those of you who are interetsted in reading his positions for yourselves, here is his website: [url=http://www.kucinich.us]www.kucinich.us[/url]
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I do like his positions re: Nafta and the WTO. If you are wondering were all the jobs went look no further than these stupid international trade deals which are a mad race to the bottom for America and her workers. Kucinich would cancel these bad deals and go back to the way we used to do it, a one-on-one deal with each nation. Incidently, under these bad trade deals America has a trade deficit of over 400 billion dollars a year. He would also bring the UN in to manage the Iraq fiasco and bring our troops home ASAP. And he would begin a crash program to get America to be energy independent with renewable resources like wind, solar, and bio-mass. This guy makes sense to me, but you can all decide for yourselves by visiting [url=http://www.kucinich.us]www.kucinich.us[/url]
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I'm definitely rooting for Kucinich. He doesn't get much press, though. At least in mainstream press, and that's all the majority of voters sees. This Wesley Clark guy puts me off. He burst onto the scene seemingly from nowhere and got all this attention in a short time. It seems odd to me. And a few days ago I read how he got X amount of campaign money in X amount of time, and it seemed like an awful lot of money for such a short amount of time. I don't trust him. But on almost every issue Kucinich has the same position I do.

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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[quote]This Wesley Clark guy puts me off. He burst onto the scene seemingly from nowhere and got all this attention in a short time. It seems odd to me. And a few days ago I read how he got X amount of campaign money in X amount of time, and it seemed like an awful lot of money for such a short amount of time. I don't trust him [/quote]Wesley Clark is a front man for hillary. She will run and take Clark on as a VP. IF she can keep his foot out of his ASS. John Edwards ties in here somehow, I just havent figured it out yet.
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