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4 years of occupying the low end; a retrospective


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I picked up the bass in summer 2006, on a whim, you could say. Self taught, playing hours on end (being a college student affords itself a good deal of down time), learning my favorite songs, albums, anything I can get my hands on. I joined several cover bands--genres ranging from oldies to metal, the last of which just came to an end in April. I then caught the writing bug, started to record my own material, joined a few start-up original projects, none of which panned out. I am currently laying down a record with a few good friends that shows some promise.


In any event, I thought it would be fun for me to show all of the 24 bass I have acquired (and subsequently sold) since 2006--a trip down memory lane is in order...


1.) My first bass, an Ibanez GAXB150, short-scale. Cheap, fun, and played rather well.




2.) I then moved on to a five string, the Ibanez contraption you see below. Reeked of smoke. Damn Luthite.




3.) Next was a MIM Fender Jazz V. I put in some noiseless Jazz pickups (my first post on the forum was in relation to the pickup replacement). Had a very wide neck.




4.) I was once again bitten by the Fender bug and picked up a MIM Precision with a SD quarter pound pu and badass bridge...in purple.




5.) Six string time. A Peavey Grind to be exact. Played great and looked wonderful; weak pickups.




6.) Sticking with Peavey, I picked up a Zodiac DE model. One of the few basses I regret selling (even though I can buy another one if I wish). PJ Seymour Duncan pickups with a super thin neck. Mirror guard looked killer. This bass was partially funded by an ex-girlfriend, and it was sold a few months after we broke up.




7.) I don't know why, but I picked up a Hofner Icon 'Beatle' Bass. It played great and had some really old-school-thumpy-goodness, but it did not get the playing time it deserved (I had three other bass at the time) and was sold after a month or two to a fellow forumite north of the border as they say.




8.) Sticking with the Macca theme, I purchased the Rickenbacker in jetglo you see below. It was nice, but it had a ding in the body I could not live with and sent it back to Musiciansfriend a few days later.




9.) With the Rickenbacker money refunded, I purchased a bass that I really wanted since I started playing, a 5 string Musicman Stingray. I kept this bass about two years before I sold it to fund another Musicman. I regret selling it, however.




10.) Next was a fretless. Squier vintage jazz fretless to be exact. Not really my thing after a few months of playing it.









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11.) Dean Dime Razorback bass. I don't know why I bought it, I guess for the cover band I was in at the time. Ridiculously difficult to play. Here is my angry face.




12.) A lovely Fender 51 P bass (Mike Dirnt sig). It had some neck issues and was sold a few months after purchase.




13.) An Ibanez ATK bass I bought strictly to make a profit on the sale, but it did sound rather nice. Here it is next to my stingray.




14.) Fretless SX P-bass in LPB. I bought it as a modding platform, but did not like the results.




15.) Fender 50's Precision bass. Great player, I should of held on to it.




16.) Squier Vintage Modified Jazz. Looked great, sounded ok, it just felt a little cheap IMO.




17.) EBMM Sterling 5 HH, bought as the color was being discontinued. It was a great bass, sold for a very nice profit.




18.) EBMM Bongo 5 HH Fretless w/ piezo. Pretty much the same as above, but the Bongo sure sounds fantastic.




19.) Ibanez Prestige 20th anniv. 5 string. Same as above, nice profit, great bass though.




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20.) Yamaha RBXJM1 6 string. Sounded great, felt great, recorded very nice as well. The six strings were just a little impractical for my needs, sold recently to someone in Russia of all places.




21.) EBMM "Dargie Delight II" Stingray 5 HH. I loved this bass, not only for the color shifting paint, but it sounded like a stingray and had so many other tricks up its sleeve. I recently sold this as it seemed a little too 'special' for me, I need to perform a little more care free and not be worried about getting its first ding.




22.) EBMM Bongo 5 HH in "Desert Gold". This thing is a beast. Can induce labor. I currently own this fella and don't plan on selling it.




23.) Fender Jazz Special. Really nice bass, great PJ tone. Being the person I am, the removing of the neck to adjust is giving me severe headaches (I have been going from flats to rounds, standard tunings, drop tunings, etc). I put on a black hipshot bridge. This bass is brand new, currently for sale.





24.) You shall see in a few days.....


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That is truly amazing, I've playing for about 10 years and only owned 4 basses in total. Two of them I still keep and don't plan on selling them.


You sir either have lots of wad available or a are a master of the sales.


You have owned some nice litle things




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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You sir either have lots of wad available or a are a master of the sales.


Or, he USED to have a lot of wad available, but spent it all on basses...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Nice collection. Looks like you've played quite a variety of stuff there.


No wonder you didn't like the Squier fretless- it has no strings :P


I've only had 5 in almost 10 years. Good for you to be able to play that much stuff.


I played a buddy's Ibanez ATK 5 string- butterscotch with a maple fretboard- it's a beast with a good tone and good looks but just couldn't adapt well to it.



"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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You've had more basses in four years than I've had in forever.


Counting up, I think I total...nine


Kingston shortscale (borrowed)

Sekova Beatle Bass copy (awful)

Gibson EBO (my first "good" bass)

1976 Fender Jazz (still have it)

Frankenbass fretless P-bass (Fender neck, Dimarzio pickup, etc.)

Ibanez EX 445 (my first five-string)

Carvin LB75 (tobacco sunburst)

Carvin LB75 (walnut body wings, abalone inlays)

Pedulla Rapture J2-5 (Nirvana!)

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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Nice review. I hope you have learned, young Jedi, what to keep in the future. Trust your feelings. Like you are with the Bongo.


May I suggest that you branch out? Your choices (Dimebag aside) have been along a few tracks, but there are plenty of other interesting instruments to choose from.


Most of all, it seems like this "churn" has not cost you too much over all. And you've enjoyed the fun of playing many basses.


Looking forward to 24.



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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What can I say? I admire your ability to spend money on gear :-)

These two are my first and my second. Actually I bought the second feeling quite guilty, but it turned out an excellent instrument, woody and authoritative.





The Yamaha is very light and flexible, but not really my sound.

Still I do not think that they have payed for themselves. Need a few more payed gigs.

-- Michele Costabile (http://proxybar.net)
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Remember Rizz, the first step in recovery is admitting that you have a problem.

I won't admit to it, but I won't deny it either...


You sir either have lots of wad available or a are a master of the sales.

Definitely not the first half, but perhaps the second. I forgot to mention I primarily buy used instruments, in excellent condition and can usually flip them if they are not to my liking for a meager profit.


Is it sad that I remember reading about and/or seeing the pics from almost every one of those purchases?
Yes. Definitely.


Really, Rizz. Awesome!

I've only had one amp!


May I suggest that you branch out? Your choices (Dimebag aside) have been along a few tracks, but there are plenty of other interesting instruments to choose from.

I did not post basses in the exact order (besides the first few), but it seems that after every 3 or 4 basses, I buy a Musicman. I think these are the instruments that help me achieve the proverbial 'sound in my head' the best. Which incidentally, is also bass #24; I will then have only two basses in the stable, both EBMM.


Most of all, it seems like this "churn" has not cost you too much over all. And you've enjoyed the fun of playing many basses.

Is there an emoticon for, "hitting the nail on the head"?

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Very nice collection of fish Rizz! I wish I had pics of all the basses I've owned but a few slipped through without a single pic unless some friends of mine have some. I just counted the basses I currently have and used to have over the years and came up with 15. Maybe someday I'll catch up. ;)

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I've bought 6 basses and still own 4 of them. The first one being a starter bass that was horrid.


Riz, this is consumption on an incredible scale. Your local guitar store must roll out the red carpet when they see you coming : )




"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Photos courtesy of Jong at jivesound.com


Ive been looking for a buttercream stingray for quite some time and. I was recently tipped off of one in the DC area that one was hanging in a shop, so I had to rescue her. This bass is unbelievably cool, i've been playing for an hour and can't stop.

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During 35 years of playing skinny-string, I don't think I owned that many instruments!


I've been seriously playing bass for about the same length of time as Rizzo, and only bought 4 basses during that time. (Actually, I already owned one of them.)


OT: I bought a Stingray in 78 or 79, during my first stint as a bass player. Really regret having sold it. Mainly because the "friend" who bought it only made one small installment payment before disappearing. :mad:

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