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Fitting in with a keyboad player... hmmm...

Ross Brown

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Either you are the Bandleader or not. From what you have described this guy is unable/unwilling to play ball.

It is time to stop beating around the bush both with this player and the rest of the band. You need to have a "Come To Jesus" meeting and clearly and conscisely communicate what the problem is and your expectations for resolving it. If this guy doesn't get on board ASAP (and he should clearly understand that he is now on probationary status)then he is fired, period.


Be ready for a strong reaction from the rest of the bandmembers. You've allowed this situation to go on for 8 months, it is their comfort zone by now. Things should calm down after awhile and get back to business, hopefully for the better. If not you might as well walk because the band is done for anyway.


Sorry to be a real downer Ross but I've seen it too many times.



Good Luck however it turns out.


Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Smiting is old-school, which is usually fine with me, but I think you need to speak this keyboard twaddler's language.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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How many keyboard players does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one, and all he has to do is hold the lightbulb up to the socket, because the world revolves around the keyboard player... :rimshot:

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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No easy decisions on this one. Guitar player was not in favor of firing the guy. Friday's gig we agreed that he would set up next to keys so he could see and hear better. He would not conceed any issues. He thought it was fine. There was still an issue. I heard it. Drummer hears it, wife (singer) hears it.


(an aside; my dad is a musician too. He plays sax, clarinet and piano. He commented to me [unsolicited] that he was standing near the keys player and wondered what he was doing... I never clued him in on my frustrations).


I am not sure if I mentioned but we have not played a gig in which the keys player's equipment hasn't cut out for part of a song or several songs. Not cool.


I fired him on Sunday morning.


Guitar player quit today. Unfortunate but kind of a relief because I knew he would not continue as a happy camper.


I will be rebuilding. Thank you everyone for your advice, support and thoughts on this one. I hate firing people. I hate playing badly in public more....

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I am not sure if I mentioned but we have not played a gig in which the keys player's equipment hasn't cut out for part of a song or several songs. Not cool.



You said he uses a computer, right? Or was it something else that was malfunctioning?

Stuff and things.
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Good. There ARE keyboardists who DO know how to play nice with others. Not quite as easy to find as guitarists, but ---


First time I ever had to fire someone, I had a hard time doing so. Person was one of my best techs, just didn't show up on time frequently. When the whole TV station was off the air because of that - made a real bad impression. My General Manager put it to me this way - you don't want to fire him - OK. You just make sure every day he is scheduled, that YOU are there at sign on if he doesn't make it on time. Boy talk about making my attitude change quickly - that definitely did it.


You will rebuild - it will work better (most of the time - if not - rinse and repeat).


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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Bands are such joy.

Sorry about your problems Ross, firing people is never easy if you are a decent person. But it is far better than living with the stress and aggravation.

I'm sure things will turn out a-okay once you get past this roadblock. The trick is just to stay positive and focused.


Good luck!

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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No easy decisions on this one. Guitar player was not in favor of firing the guy. Friday's gig we agreed that he would set up next to keys so he could see and hear better. He would not conceed any issues. He thought it was fine. There was still an issue. I heard it. Drummer hears it, wife (singer) hears it.


(an aside; my dad is a musician too. He plays sax, clarinet and piano. He commented to me [unsolicited] that he was standing near the keys player and wondered what he was doing... I never clued him in on my frustrations).


I am not sure if I mentioned but we have not played a gig in which the keys player's equipment hasn't cut out for part of a song or several songs. Not cool.


I fired him on Sunday morning.


Guitar player quit today. Unfortunate but kind of a relief because I knew he would not continue as a happy camper.


I will be rebuilding. Thank you everyone for your advice, support and thoughts on this one. I hate firing people. I hate playing badly in public more....


Sorry to hear about the problems but I'm sure things will be for the better. At least you won't have to put up with the nonsense the keyboard player was spewing. And yeah, guitar players are everywhere. I bet you'll find an even better one than the one you had.

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I have seen many malfunctions when computers are used live with a band...at all levels of the professional world.


One day, they will be stable enough to use, but I don't think that time is here yet.


I know a great guitarist (who seems to know every rock and r&b song ever written) whose career has been hurt by his duck-taped equipment which is always falling apart.


Sounds like you did the right thing. Good luck!

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I hate firing people. I hate playing badly in public more....

Well, there you go. Sounds like you made the right decision, difficult as it was.

Queen of the Quarter Note

"Think like a drummer, not like a singer, and play much less." -- Michele C.

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