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Rush quits ESPN and faces illegal drug allegations.

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[quote]Originally posted by Philter: Think about how you would feel if you were a black player in the NFL. Basically this guy is saying that you might be there because you're black, not because of the merit of your playing.[/quote]Actually...Rush was saying that the NFL/media might want black QB's there... ..."because you're black, not because of the merit of your playing"... But Philter...what if that is true...would you NOT want Rush to point it out? As a "no-holds-barred commentator"...(which is what he was hired to be by ESPN)...wouldn't you want him to point that kind of stuff out if it was true? Or would you rather that he kept quiet about it? The real question that no one wants to ask, (preferring to just sensationalize the fact the Rush said "black" in a sentence)... ...is if there is any truth to it? Are black QB's getting preferential treatment by the press/NFL JUST because they are black...JUST so that the NFL can say…"look, we truly ARE an EOE...we've hired black QB's too...and aren't they doing great? Hey...if there is truth to what Rush is pointing out...then, NOT paying attention to it is the real mistake, because you are then truly doing a disservice to black people. Wouldn't black people rather be praised on merit and not on color? But...it's just so easier and so stereotypical for most to focus on the fact that a white guy used the word “black” in a sentence... …and not even listen to what he was really saying and alluding to. If he really WAS trying to be a racist…he would have applied his comments to all/any black NFL players…but he didn’t.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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[quote]Originally posted by Bunny.: [b]I'll sure miss that big, fat idiot. :rolleyes: Can we just stop it with the celebrity football commentators now? That would be nice. I mean, I'm sorry, but I don't care what Dennis Miller has to say about the live play action. Really, I don't. John Madden may be a total goofball, but the guy [i]knows[/i] football. I'll take a knowledgable goofball over a celebrity idiot ANY day.[/b][/quote]WTF?!! where is this insane logic. Look, just cause you coached 20-30 years ago, doesn't make you a good commentator. Madden is a stumbling bumbling idiot. Don't tell me anyone has heard him say ANYTHING of value in the last 4-5 years?! Look at Marcus Allen, Eric Dickerson, or any of the onfield reporters who offered NOTHING to monday night football. They're football GODS, but would anyone stand having them in the booth?! According to this player-turn-commentator logic, they are intrensically good commentators. As for Dennis Miller, the man knows ridiculous amounts of football. IN fact, when you get past the "he didn't make sense" nonsense, and look at what he actually talked about, he knew more about football history than 90% of players today!! Does it make him a good commentator? no, because he failed to relate to his target audience, but he's still knowledgable. Look, how idiotic was it when Magic would talk in the playoffs about how you couldn't understand how hard or special the playoffs are unless you're there?! What the F*ck? Unless I'm there? I doubt the millions of viewers at home were THERE...
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C'mon now. Does anyone really think an NFL team would employ a quarterback they don't think gives the team its best chance to win? Does anyone remember that Rush & his pals were in the forefront of attacking the entire "equal opportunity" concept a few months ago when that black NY Times reporter got caught making up stories - as if that one black man represented every black person in the nation??

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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[quote]Originally posted by ChristopherKemp: [b]Dusty Baker said something ignorant, but I think that there's still a bit of difference between someone saying that blacks & latinos do better in the heat because that's where they come from, and saying that a black quarterback isn't very good & is being propped up by white liberal guilt.[/b][/quote]This is classic reverse racism. Al Campagna said that blacks aren't smart enough to coach, and was canned IMMIDIATELY!!! Now let's do a little GRE math. In a word questions, you rearrange the question to understand it better. What's important is not that Dusty promoted the black race; he degraded a group of people based on genetics. How is that any different? Caucasians are lesser athletes because they have light skin?! Oh this doesn't propogate racism? :rolleyes: Racism by definition: "The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others." let's see: yup, that's exactly what dusty implied...
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Miro, it's one thing if he actually had anything to support such a claim. Then it's the NFL who's looking bad. But he can't support it, because it's ridiculous. It's a crazy conspiracy theory. They don't need to go digging up token black players, because there are plenty of them with the real skills. You know, for a long time African Americans weren't allowed to even play. It's pathetic now, when they are, to complain that they're only playing because they are black. First their race was used to exclude them, and now it's used as a point of condescension. Black and white civil rights leaders and many Americans in general fought very hard to have African Americans included in society. Statistics on income and education by race show that the fight is still a fight to gain an equal footing, as opposed to correcting some sort of special treatment. Rush Limbaugh is a racist. That whole line of thinking is racist. The bad thing is that it's insidious and is white-cloaked in the disguise of reason. No one needs to hire token African American athletes. Athleticism is extremely popular in African American culture and there are plenty of black athletes who excel based on merit, not on the fact that they're black.


Phil Mann


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Madden doesn't know football??? Madden is the only guy that actually points out a good block or key play by a lineman or defensive tackle. He talks about the fullback and the guys that never get any credit. They are more important to football than the glory boys and madden is the only commentater that points out when they make a good play.

Reach out and grab a clue.


Something Vicious

My solo crap

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I'm not trying to defend his statement, but I can see a minimal difference between saying that some group can take hot weather because they're more used to it (which is still ignorant, because white people live in hot climates too) and saying that they're stupid.
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[quote]Originally posted by schmee: [b]you ready for the next few weeks Wow? gonna be real interesting. :wave: btw, what's Rush's stance on drug-riddled hippies again? :freak: [/b][/quote]And now, reports are coming out that Rush is a pill whore. Interesting, indeed.
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[quote]Originally posted by miroslav: [b][QUOTE] The real question that no one wants to ask, (preferring to just sensationalize the fact the Rush said "black" in a sentence)... ...is if there is any truth to it? Are black QB's getting preferential treatment by the press/NFL JUST because they are black...JUST so that the NFL can say…"look, we truly ARE an EOE...we've hired black QB's too...and aren't they doing great? [/b][/quote]Miroslav, you must not be a football fan, or maybe you have been to too many Toastmaster seminars. :) Michael Vick (The NFL's future star) Donovan McNabb (2 years in NFC title game) Dante Culpepper (4-0 this year) vs Vinnie Testaverde (at this stage of his career) Mark Brunell (?) Drew Brees (?) No slam on all those other tremendous white guy talents @ QB in the NFL .......... but to say the media hypes up black QBs is pre 1960 thinking. Limbaugh's racist remarks are simply stupid and misguided.
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[quote]Originally posted by ChristopherKemp: [b]I'm not trying to defend his statement, but I can see a minimal difference between saying that some group can take hot weather because they're more used to it (which is still ignorant, because white people live in hot climates too) and saying that they're stupid.[/b][/quote]it's symantics...now we're getting into shades of racism. The definition of racism clearly states that ANY difference in human character or ability that's associated with race is racism. Let's flip it around. If Tony Larussa said it's unfair that his team has mostly white players, because Dusty's team has mostly black players, and they're obviously better suited to play in the heat, HE'D BE FIRED BY NEXT MORNING!!! Dusty's a great coach (though homeplate during the worldseries isn't the best place to let your kid roam), he's a FLAT OUT RACIST...he defended what he said!!! "I'm not a racist, but my mom is a history teacher and she taught me this." well hell, since his mom is a teacher...for that matter, i'm sure the majority of my family wasn't killed in the Holocaust because there are University professors who are revisionists...wtf?!
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Its funny how some people call rush a racist and then SOMEHOW justify what Dusty Baker said. If one of the two comments is racist , its Mr. Bakers comment. Rush took a shot AT THE MEDIA. Figure it out. The large % of people calling him a racist for this comment would take rush down a notch for ANYTHING. BE CONSISTENT. :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by Philter: it's one thing if he actually had anything to support such a claim. Then it's the NFL who's looking bad.[/quote]Well...there's the rub. He's making a commentator's comment. He's raising the question. I guess a lot of people don't want it raised. [quote] No one needs to hire token African American athletes. Athleticism is extremely popular in African American culture and there are plenty of black athletes who excel based on merit, not on the fact that they're black.[/quote]He never said that the NFL was hiring "token African American athletes"...he said that he thought they were too eager to praise some of the black QB's. His point as I see it is... ...that IF the media or the NFL went out of their way to trash any black QB (even when he deserved it)...it would [b]instantly[/b] be turned into a racists event. The knee-jerk reaction then is to over-praise them. THAT is what he is getting at as I understood it when I listened to him several times on TV. Of course...you can consider that all his comments are cloaked in conspiracy, and that it really was a racist remark…your call. Also...black football players have been around for quite some time...there are many, many great ones. Some of my first football heroes were black players...like some the members of the famous Viking’s Purple People Eaters gang back in the 70's. So don't think my interpretation of Rush's comments has anything to do with a racists bias...it’s just the way I heard it and understand it.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Henry saith: [quote] Rush is a big fat fucking idiot. I know. He lived in this town for many years before he went national. I met him a few times. Nuff said. [/quote]I heard that he used to do a show in Florida where he was so lefty/liberal as to be totally obnoxious- his apparent strong suit is being totally obnoxious. I can't take him seriously.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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[quote]Originally posted by michael c: Miroslav, you must not be a football fan, or maybe you have been to too many Toastmaster seminars. :) Michael Vick (The NFL's future star) Donovan McNabb (2 years in NFC title game) Dante Culpepper (4-0 this year) vs Vinnie Testaverde (at this stage of his career) Mark Brunell (?) Drew Brees (?) No slam on all those other tremendous white guy talents @ QB in the NFL .......... but to say the media hypes up black QBs is pre 1960 thinking. Limbaugh's racist remarks are simply stupid and misguided.[/quote]I [b]used to[/b] be an NFL fan...but that was before it became such a cheap Las Vegas show. And please don't even mention that sack-of-useless-shit Testaverde!!! They should have put him to sleep a long time ago... like the lame old horse that he's been for the last few years...but instead, they make him the fucking starter...AGAIN!!!??? Hell...I also use to be a Jets fan too... :cry: Now days…I find a good movie to watch on Sunday afternoons if I should happen to turn the TV on… …it’s a lot more entertaining than anything “Las NFL Vegas” has to offer…maybe if the cheerleaders were topless just like the original Vegas showgirls use to be… :D

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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[quote]Originally posted by miroslav: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Philter: it's one thing if he actually had anything to support such a claim. Then it's the NFL who's looking bad.[/quote]Well...there's the rub. He's making a commentator's comment. He's raising the question. I guess a lot of people don't want it raised. [quote] No one needs to hire token African American athletes. Athleticism is extremely popular in African American culture and there are plenty of black athletes who excel based on merit, not on the fact that they're black.[/quote]He never said that the NFL was hiring "token African American athletes"...he said that he thought they were too eager to praise some of the black QB's. His point as I see it is... ...that IF the media or the NFL went out of their way to trash any black QB (even when he deserved it)...it would [b]instantly[/b] be turned into a racists event. The knee-jerk reaction then is to over-praise them. THAT is what he is getting at as I understood it when I listened to him several times on TV. [/b][/quote]Quincy Carter and KORDELL...and Jeff Blake.......nuff said
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Does anyone remember Isaiah Thomas saying that Larry Bird would be considered just an average player if he were black? Seems like a somewhat similar comment except about ten times worse, and he never really got taken to task too much over it. Though I guess Bird did just fire him, so maybe he took matters into his own hands! Later, kc
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Ahhh but pills are LEGAL and purchasing them helps our economy keep a-chuggin' along lol [quote]Originally posted by TinderArts: [b]And now, reports are coming out that Rush is a pill whore. Interesting, indeed.[/b][/quote]

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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hmmmm, let's see..... rush criticized the sports media for overrating mcnabb becuase of their desire to see black qb's suceed. on the other hand, cali aclu used as their argument to stop an election, blacks are too stupid to figure out how to use a punch ballot. ....and everyone's criticizing rush?
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The thing that puzzles me about Mr. Limbaugh's comment is that it's based on fantasy. I listen to Phily sports radio on Sundays when I'm driving through Eastern Pennsylvania, sometimes right after an Eagles game. I have NEVER heard ANYONE in the sports media, in Phily or at the national level, praise McNabb unduly. When he wins, the reception is very matter of fact. He's a professional; he's supposed to be capable of leading a team to victory. When he loses, they rip into him like dogs. On what does Mr. Limbaugh base his perception that Mr. McNabb is a media darling? Do you see photos of McNabb in gossip rags (People)? No. He's not treated like a Dennis Rodman. He's not treated like a Joe Montana. He's not treated like Andre Agassi or Tiger Woods. He's just another football player. Michael Vick has become a media darling, but that's because he was the most exciting player in the game last year. The attention was well-deserved, and it had nothing to do with his complexion. But McNabb? I don't see that he gets any more media attention than, say, Mark Brunell or Trent Green. By comparision, Peyton Manning and Drew Bledsoe ARE media darlings and have much bigger exepectations on their shoulders than McNabb has ever had. In Manning's case, some of this probably comes from the fact that his dad was a great NFL player. I don't see that any of the media attention is based on skin color. Perhaps Rush is more color sensitive than the average sports fan? This isn't the Jackie Robinson era. Black quarterbacks are nothing new. People aren't watching their every move to see whether they "measure up" anymore. They're just players, and they're judged on their merits. Period. Mr. Limbaugh was out of his element on the show - he reportedly needed cue cards to remember the names of Steve Young and Michael Irvin - and I'm glad that he won't be casting his slimy shadow over the NFL any longer.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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[quote]Originally posted by Philter: [b]Miro, it's one thing if he actually had anything to support such a claim. Then it's the NFL who's looking bad. But he can't support it, because it's ridiculous. It's a crazy conspiracy theory. They don't need to go digging up token black players, because there are plenty of them with the real skills. You know, for a long time African Americans weren't allowed to even play. It's pathetic now, when they are, to complain that they're only playing because they are black. First their race was used to exclude them, and now it's used as a point of condescension. Black and white civil rights leaders and many Americans in general fought very hard to have African Americans included in society. Statistics on income and education by race show that the fight is still a fight to gain an equal footing, as opposed to correcting some sort of special treatment. Rush Limbaugh is a racist. That whole line of thinking is racist. The bad thing is that it's insidious and is white-cloaked in the disguise of reason. No one needs to hire token African American athletes. Athleticism is extremely popular in African American culture and there are plenty of black athletes who excel based on merit, not on the fact that they're black.[/b][/quote]I wanted to repost this whole thing. I worth another look. Boy I think a lot of folks need to sit back and take a look at themselves. Angry White Men. Sheesh. The aforementioned definition of racism is not quite correct. Racism deals with a majority who necessarily becomes an oppresser, who claims superiority over other people of other races. Not perceived differences between races. Perceived differences are trivial but some [b]DO[/b] exist. This type of logic is specious and isn't logical at all. Black people have dark skin because they have more melanin, ostensibly for the protection against the sun, as people who live in areas of great heat have more melanin, read [i]DARKER SKIN[/i], than their northern equivalents. People from European ancestry don't have as much melanin because living in higher climates and cooler weather, it's not required to protect the skin - read lighter skin. Certainly I know a lot of black people who I consider racist and whether Dusty Baker is or is not I couldn't tell you. But based on this statement being bandied about I don't see evidence of it. Whether there's any mereit to it, I have no idea. But the call for reverse racism is silly and stupid. What is called racist are those actions which cause harm to a group of people who are socially disadvantaged. Racism has for years been institutionalized, undercover, covert, eye wink and extremely harmful. You may see members from another race fighting back for self respect, in deep anger and act out in ways that might or might not be appropriate. But there's a big difference between fighingt uphill from a distinct disadvantage to holding one down from above. Rush apologists need to take a deep breath and look.

All the best,


Henry Robinett

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I knew Rush was a pussy back when he called Chelsea Clinton a dog on his TV show. That a grown man attacks a 12 year old to get at her father shows what kind of a boy he is. Notice I did not say man. [img]http://salon.com/news/sports/col/kaufman/2003/10/02/thursday2/cover.jpg[/img]
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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the problem with rush, is as was correctly stated, he was out of his element. in the venue of politics, race is often used as a tool to achieve partisan ends. this usually just does not exist in sports. your ability to produce is the currancy of sports. his world view is one of politics, not sports. and he was too arrogant to realize that he was *not* the master of his surroundings, unlike his radio show. do i think rush is a racist? after listening to him for over 10 years, no. what he is is not-pc. and that's why he got stung, ala jimmy-the-greek.
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[quote]Originally posted by Geenard Skeenard: [b]I knew Rush was a pussy back when he called Chelsea Clinton a dog on his TV show. That a grown man attacks a 12 year old to get at her father shows what kind of a boy he is. Notice I did not say man. [img]http://salon.com/news/sports/col/kaufman/2003/10/02/thursday2/cover.jpg[/img][/b][/quote]You've got to love a picture of a rich, racist white man sucking on a big, brown phalic symbol. Suck it, Rush! Suck! Suck!

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Rush uses illegal drugs? So that's how Geddy could sing, play bass, play keyboards, and use those Taurus pedals all in the context of one song... :idea:

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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Thanks Dan... that's the reality of it... That picture disgusts me!!! -------------------------- Mr. Wow said The large % of people calling him a racist for this comment would take rush down a notch for ANYTHING. BE CONSISTENT. -------------------------- Well that WOULD be consistent... so what???


My Band: http://www.fullblackout.com UPDATED!!! Fairly regularly these days...


http://www.logcabinmusic.com updated 11/9/04

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[quote]Originally posted by henryrobinett: [b]Would you care to show me a link to where the ACLU said blacks were too stupid to figure out a punch ballot? Or is that just your [i]spin?[/i][/b][/quote]While I don't know of anywhere the ALCU said sucj a thing, I don't see how if the puch card was good enough to elect Davis, that it shouldn't be good enough to try to recall him with.
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link? it's no secret. there's lots of info on this. to refresh your selective memory, the aclu argued that minority voting districts were subject to being disinfranchized becuause they were using punch ballots and not the more modern electronic ballots. in essence, in order to argue disenfranchizement based on using punch ballots implies that they were unable to successfully cast a vote using punch ballots. otherwise, they would not be disenfranchized. in other words, they were too stupid to use punch ballots. now, having explained that, care to answer my question.
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