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My three favorite words from UPS: Out For Delivery.


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I buy basses with the intention of keeping them, honestly. I would not post these basses here if I knew ahead of time I was just going to turn them over, but inevitably they are sold for various reasons.


I am not proud to say that I've been through 18 basses in 3 years. I still own 2 of those basses; my Stingray 5 gets the job done, and my modded SX fretless is just too fun to play.


Why, you ask, get another bass? Well, I would like to have 2 fretted basses, no other reason than that. If I didn't make a meager:modest profit on most of the sales, I would probably stop. My eternal quest for "bass #2" has led me to this beauty, which you will see when UPS arrives later today...

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You should try before you buy :D


I have two lovely fretted basses, but maybe i'm just not as picky. :)


oh and before I forget - You're a beauty!




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I am with you

Thanks. We say it as one word here, I'm-wich-you. :)


You should try before you buy

That is a good point. I think it's a combination of the ease of internet shopping and the lack of selection of new basses in stores. Most of my bass purchases are used, either from craigslist or eBay. The first couple of weeks are fine, then the honeymoon wears off.


oh and before I forget - You're a beauty!

It's a wee bit early to start drinking :D

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Okay here we go...










Just a 300 page book on Ibanez...



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I posted this in the "MusiciansFriend Stupid Deal of the Day" thread about a week ago, and I pulled the trigger. Being that this is a 2-year old model, I can understand why they want to ditch the rest of their stock at reduced cost (but why have the four string model going for full price?).


It came perfect out of the box, no setup needed (just a smidge out of tune). The neck feels great, even better than I remembered when I tested one out last year. The Barts kick all sorts of ass, and the couple of hours I spent with is so far have been unbelievable.


While this bass is severely marked down, I suggest giving it a whirl if you are looking for another fish. 'Elegant' would be my first word to describe it. While my Stingray is the club gigging, fire-spitting, whiskey-drinking, balls to the wall, take no prisoners type of bass, this Ibanez seems like the exact opposite, but in a good way.More to come.




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Always wanted to try one of the Prestige models, they're sweet. This one might become more than a mistress for you Anthony. Have fun with it. :thu:

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That's a keeper. I had an SR1005 before they came out with the prestige edition, and the sideways jack plug and it was a lovely bass. Play it in good health.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I posted this in the "MusiciansFriend Stupid Deal of the Day" thread about a week ago, and I pulled the trigger. Being that this is a 2-year old model, I can understand why they want to ditch the rest of their stock at reduced cost (but why have the four string model going for full price?).

Wow, they jumped the price back up to $1599. I'm feeling very good about this purchase right about now.

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I buy basses with the intention of keeping them, honestly. I would not post these basses here if I knew ahead of time I was just going to turn them over, but inevitably they are sold for various reasons.


I am not proud to say that I've been through 18 basses in 3 years.


Yet you don't get half the crap about it that I do/did.

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Nice, but why do they insist on that jack placement?

I like it for stringing the cable through the strap.


The case looks classy but heavy.

It's actually pretty light, with or without the bass.


I buy basses with the intention of keeping them, honestly. I would not post these basses here if I knew ahead of time I was just going to turn them over, but inevitably they are sold for various reasons.


I am not proud to say that I've been through 18 basses in 3 years.


Yet you don't get half the crap about it that I do/did.

Hahahaha, tis true :)

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Steve, the difference is that Rizzo doesn't agonize about it. He buys 'em, he sells him.

Some he plays, some he doesn't.


It's no big deal, no major decision for him.


The $700 bass that he just bought seems to have been bought on a whim, "oh, there's a good deal." And it was: the retail price just doubled.


If he likes the bass, he'll keep it; if he doesn't he'll sell it and make a few bucks and move on to the next bass (or dozen basses).

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I buy basses with the intention of keeping them, honestly. I would not post these basses here if I knew ahead of time I was just going to turn them over, but inevitably they are sold for various reasons.


I am not proud to say that I've been through 18 basses in 3 years.


Yet you don't get half the crap about it that I do/did.

Hahahaha, tis true :)


Well, here's a question for you Riz....


Do you always buy instruments without trying them out beforehand? I've only done that in a few instances and thankfully it's worked out. But with almost every other instrument I've ever bought, I had time to sit down with it in a store before plunking down my cash. So are the basses you're after just not available in stores?

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Do you always buy instruments without trying them out beforehand?

I rarely if ever buy in-store. Only 3 instances I can recall where I made a purchase at Guitar Center due to reduced price/used model, a MIM Fender Jazz V (sold to fund my Stingray5), a MIJ Fender 51 P (sold because of neck issues), and Peavey Zodiac Scorpio DE (sold as it reminded me of an ex-gf, who partially funded it. Great bass though :) ).


So are the basses you're after just not available in stores?

Pretty much. Rickenbacker, EBMM Bongo, Peavey Grind 6 string, etc.


I don't buy them on a whim however, I put the time in to research prior to the purchase, and pull the trigger when it makes sense financially.


In the end, it usually comes down to no sales tax combined with free shipping and a %-off coupon or 2.

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I love this bass! I was thinking about getting one similar to it since I couldn't find any Bongo 5ers I was really digging in my area...


I'll PM you for some deets about it. Looks great.

Give it a month or two. Maybe he'll give you a deal on it.

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Give it a month or two. Maybe he'll give you a deal on it.

I cannot dispute that statement, but I think she will be with me for a while.


I brought the Ibby out for a mini-jam with some friends, and whatever direction we went in (Blues, Rock, Metal, Funk, Country) I was able to dial in the sweet spot. Very versatile, more so than the Stingray, in that regard.

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Rizz - congrats - it looks nice. How is the weight? Lighter than your other bass I assume?


SteveC - along with Jeremy's point, you have a house, wife, and kids. Rizz is pretty much on his own, so the financial risk is smaller in his case. I have done my share to break his chops (so you don't feel so alone :rolleyes:).


Rizz - any dime-sized dings?




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Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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