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I may or may not....Compact has Arrived!!!!!


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Well I may or may not:



  • Have sold the Acme B2
  • rang Alex and ordered a Barefaced Cab
  • have it with me later this week


Lets wait and see what the end of the week brings.... :wave:






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I'll add to the game two people offered straight trades on the cabs below, and I politely had to decline the offers.


Epifani UL410 series 2 cab

EBS 2x12" NEO


I had to...


Davio I know you have been following this for a very long time, way back to the Talkbass days...




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Davo I may have ordered a Compact and reduced 18lbs in total in my rig. :)


Thus making it fully portable and one trip doable.


I have band practice next week and then a gig on Friday outdoors, the perfect enviroment to properly test it and I shall review it throughoutly.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Davo wouldn't that be overkill? Then none of us would have the volume to play with you.


Alex is designing a new set of PA speakers that may be suitable for that.


ps:did you get it in the end?




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Compact Specs:


Dimensions: 25.5" high x 19.5" wide x 13.5" deep

Weight: 32 lbs

Sensitivity: Similar to many 2x12" cabs

Frequency Response: Similar to the classic sealed 8x10" fridge

Recommended Amp Power: 100 - 500W RMS

Maximum Output: Similar to a quality 2x12" or 3x10" cabinet

Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Phil, a comparison from someone who also owns a UL112:


"Having had the Compact a few days now and used it for two rehearsals yesterday I can confirm that it is superb :)


Just has so much more depth that my Epifani 1x12, much fuller across the whole range, punchier, lighter and a lot louder (I know it's not a fair comparison but even so).


I've used the mid and treble eq on my Overwater in a way I never had before - the amp is set flat as usual but I can dial in mids and top end without it sounding all edgy and harsh. My new passive Fender Jazz sounds great through it too - so all in all extremely happy"


It is a bit bigger though so I'm not sure it's as tube friendly!



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So yesterday I went to pick up my new Compact. If you dont care to read scroll down to see the pics.


But before that a little bit of story. I had never met Alex before yesterday despite speaking to him on the phone or on email countless times.

Alex is a 5 star guy, when I got there we started chatting just to realize ten minutes later than we had never really met, funny moment. :)


Now the cabs, Alex had my cab there ready for me to take home, plus about 5 or 6 others ready to have the speakers placed and the grilles fitted.

Also there were two Big Ones ready to go, more on that later.


The Compact:

first impression is that the cab is really and Ill repeat really light. The wood used is very thin, thinner than expected. Alexs finish looks good and it will be easy to clean if needed, I was a bit worried about scratches but after having a closer look at home, that shouldnt be a problem, the finish looks though enough. This is the most straight forward cab I ever owned. One speaker 1x15, one speakon input and that is it, no bells or whistles. The cab looks much better in person than it does on the pics and the port and logo help to a very good look overall. The grille is something in between Trace Elliot grilles and the Ampeg ones it looks good as well, the whole cab is finished to a high standard with no rough edges.


How it sounds? Well I had only a chance of trying it out yesterday at Alexs garage and today at home at low volumes. This is a very well balanced cab, no harsh highs even when boosting the treble. That noise you ear when sliding your fingers down the strings from one chord to another its not so prominent so Ill guess that this cab will be a great choice for recording. The lows are much defined even with the B string and Alex boosting all the lows on my F1, the cab just performs. I saw the Eminence speaker Alex uses and they do look the business, they look like they can take lots and lots of lows and volume.

I can see this cab cutting through very easily without the need to boosting mids, I tried it today with both my basses and I managed to get a very old school sound out of my Jazz and a great growl out of my Spector. Im very excited about practice on Monday and then my gig next week, I want to see how it performs at a proper volume.


The Big One, well first thing, ITS BIG, seriously the cab is not small, but weights very little, very manageable with the recessed wheels and two well placed handles one on the side and the other right at the top, pushed back so it doesnt get on the way of you amp.

It sounds good too, but with more mids and a lot more highs than the compact, I can see it being a great choice for rockers who need tons of volume and a cab that cuts through a wall of guitars with ease. Thats the one. For me it is too big and it would be overkill, and plus it wouldnt fit my car. Oh and if you plan on buying one ask Alex to ship with the vintage look, instead of black he has a kind of grey/silver grille that looks ubber cool.


Ill let you all know how the cab did at the gig.












"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Thank you.


I should add that Alex has now someone that makes covers for this cab, a good touch, very valuable in rainy England.


Oh and I've tried the RIM bass Alex had someone built for him, it's stupidly light just like Davo's CB. Great sound too.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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