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What Pickups should I get for my Sheraton II?


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So now that I am replacing the switch & pots in my Sheraton, it is making me think about changing the pickups...I have had it for 7 years and its done me well but I think it is time for an upgrade.


So what would you guys recommend?


I play my Sheraton thru a LOT of effects into a 65 Twin Reverb RI. The type of music I play ranges from shoegazey to indie pop to americana...my main thing is I want pickups that sound great clean AND dirty...I play clean probably more than I play distorted, and even then, I never play crazy driven fuzzy hi gain sounds (my OD pedal is a Blackstone). :love:


So what do you guys think? Gibson 57? Seymour Duncan? Give me your suggestions and WHY please.


Thanks!! :thu:

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Hmmmn, I was thinkin' SD Antiquities, except that their lack of potting and subsequent microphonic tendencies- a big part of what's good about 'em, actually- might prove to be troublesome with playing "thru a LOT of effects into a 65 Twin Reverb RI"...


lightbulb.gif I've got it- You want a pair of THESE (but probably in gold, to match your Sheraton II's hardware):



__________________ http://www.tvjones.com/images/TV%27TRON-mt.gif






__________________ http://www.tvjones.com/images/TV%27TRON-mt.gif



TV Jones Power'Tron Pickup in TV'Tron Humbucker Mount (standard humbucker sized)


Think Gretsch crossed with Gibson, with enough output power and fat fullness to push through all of your effects, without sounding muddy or dull. Definition and sparkly clarity with beef and teeth when you want it.


Either these, or- if you want lower output and more "vintage" Gretsch tones yet- the TV Jones Classic Neck and Classic-Plus Bridge in the HB-Mount/TV'Tron version, should suit your Sheraton II and your pedals-plus-Twin Reverb rig very, very nicely.


I'll probably get around to putting a pair of Power'Trons in my LP, to replace its stock ceramic 496R and 500T humbuckers. For me, for that guitar, it'll eventually be either Power'Trons or some WCR humbuckers.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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