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Zinky amps?


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In my never-ending hunt for a nice, small all tube combo, I've stumbled upon a potential deal for a Zinky Velveteen 13 watt combo. I won't be able to audition this amp, and I can't find much on this particular model; but I have seen some reviews of the Blue Velvet (it's big brother). I know a store that has a Blue Velvet; but a) it's a bit of a drive, and b) it's more than twice the price of the Velveteen.


The video reviews of the Blue Velvet I've watched on youtube have one thing in common- hiss. How much of that is a matter of cheap video recording gear, and how much of it is the amp? I tried a Fuchs Lucky 7 combo last week, and the amount of hiss realy turned me off. The salesman tried to explain it away that it won't matter at stage volume; but I'm mostly using this for studio work, where it will be noticeable, and home practice. I also tried a Carr Raleigh, which was really nice; but again, outside my price range.


So does anyone have experience with Zinky amps (other than the Little Smokey)? Should I still consider this internet deal, or just buy a Blackheart?

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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A few years ago, one of the local stores had Zinkys for a short while. They were great sounding, but very expensive. They didn't move very well, so they stopped carying them.

I tried the ones they had, and I recall playing a smallish one that was covered in what looked like crushed velvet. I don't recall exceptional hiss coming out of them. But, unless I'm gonna buy an amp, I don't turn it up too loud if I can help it, so I don't know if I pushed it up to where it would start being a problem.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

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I vaguely remember trying one out about 4 years ago, myself. I was really testing the guitar (a Godin) for my son; so the guitar got more attention than the amp. I remember thinking "of COURSE they run me through the expensive amp- ANYTHING will sound good through this."

Anybody else got a more recent experience? Myles?

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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