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Why I love Craigslist


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I get GAS ALLLLLL the time...especially for FX pedals right now...I even made a list of the things I want!


But I am trying to be a fiscally responsible consumer. So yesterday I found out I nabbed a like new EHX Flanger Hoax for $125 off Craigslist!! Very freaking stoked


Other great buys I've had on CL: Line6 Echopark delay for $60 and a Crybaby 535 (NOT the Q model) for $30.


See and I can get carried away and spend more than I need to, so I always give myself a max price, so when I start haggling with whoever over the price, I don't go over my max price, not even by $1. I had one guy I was emailing about an EHX Deluxe Electric Mistress and he was asking $110 (the pedal is like $130 new!). I offered him $65 and he said no way and countered $100. Well I just figured oh well...then I get an email back a week or so later asking if I'll pay $85! ha. I guess he needed the money....I told him $75 was my highest and he said $80 was his lowest...so I didn't buy it. Even though it was only $5, I knew $75 was my max on that buy. I guess he didn't need the money that bad...



Anyone else have amazing buys on CL recently?

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Not on CL, but some great used stuff on e-Bay ("like new" Fulltone Clyde Deluxe, very clean/"very minor scratch" J. Everman Octave-X) and an "in-store pickup" deal on a brand-new MXR Blue Box from a website and a phone-call- these Blue Box pedals've dramatically dropped in price all across the board, but the guy shaved off a few more bucks than anyone else anywhere and I saved on the usual shipping, too.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I love Craigslist. I had bought my daughter a 3/4 scale and practice amplifier about 10 years ago and it was generally picking up dust (except for using it for open tuning slide at times). I answered one add and traded the amp for a mandolin. I answered another and traded the guitar for a Strat knockoff.


Now, neither of these was in the category of getting a great deal, but in each case both parties got something they wanted more than what they traded. I also found a good older Applause 6-string and case for $100 that suited my needs at the time.


I hate Craigslist. I see so much stuff that I'd really like to get at really good prices.


I'd have to say that one real side benefit is getting to meet and talk with other local musicians, especially ones like me who are struggling to get better and enjoy our little successes along the way.

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Craigslist is good but i'm with elrohir, I always see stuff I want but don't have trhe cash for - case in point, there's a guy in my area that's selling a Dean Leslie West Sig for $700 (oh man the GAS is killing me!)

Ask not what your guitar can do for you, rather ask you can do for your guitar without provoking a divorce or a visit from the police.

- with profound apologies to JFK

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I just picked up a very rare Yamaha AT-20 solidstate amp from the late 60s for $35 on Craigslist. It has a weird trapezoidal foam speaker and reverb and tremolo. It has a few minor electronic issues but nothing I can't fix. The main thing is that it's REALLY cool looking. I'll post a pic when I get a chance.
"You never can vouch for your own consciousness." - Norman Mailer
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I live in a small city.


So for gear, Craigslist is useless to me. Not much in the way of musical instruments for our town, period.


If I was in a big city like Nashville TN for example, that would be different.


But Craigslist is useless unless you live in the area you can go pick up the item you want to buy.


I just use Ebay, even though I only BUY on ebay now, I have quit selling because of their idiotic policies.



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