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FedEx...what could it be?


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So Wednesday I found a tag on my door when I got home from work from FedEx with the usual "Sorry we missed you..." I called and said "Hey just hold on to it and I'll pick it up because nobody will be home when the delivery guy comes back tomorrow." "Ok. The pick up site is open 8-10 AM and 4-6 PM." "Oooookay...those are weird hours but I'll make it work."


A little later I was trying to figure out how to juggle my schedule so I could go pick it up the next day. I called back to double check the times because I didn't write them down. "Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 9 PM." "What? 30 minutes ago I was told something completely different." "I'm sorry for the confusion but it says right here that that site is open Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 9 PM." "Ok, that'll make things a little easier. Thanks."


The next day I get home from work to get my van (I take the subway to work) and go pick up the package but I see another tag on the door. "Sorry we missed you...2nd attempt." I called again and said "WTF? I was told that you'd hold it so I could go pick it up but now it's out somewhere on a truck." "I'm sorry if they didn't explain it to you but these requests can take 24-48 hours to fulfill." "Ok, so it'll be there tomorrow?" "There's no guarantee." "What???" "You can call tomorrow to make sure it's there before you go." "Ok, whatever...tell me the hours of the pickup site because there was some confusion yesterday." "8-10 AM and 4-6 PM." "WHAT?!?!? Nevermind...I'll make it happen."


Today I called from work before I left and it was being held. "What are the site hours?" "8 AM to 9 PM." "Whatever. Thanks."


I drove the 30 or 45 minutes to the rural site where it was being held because they told me they couldn't just transfer it to a local site (I have no clue why not). After waiting 20 minutes for them to search the place for it they came out and gave it to me. I'm home and I may or may not have opened it and I may or may not have pictures that I may or may not post in a little bit. It may or may not have to do with my amp downsize.

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Emeril told me to kick it up a notch...














An explanation is in order...

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So the answer to a cabinet that was waaaaaaay too heavy is one that's waaaay to heavy?


I'm sure it will sound nice, but that wasn't the problem.


Oh - I get it. You've moved to a bigger, ground floor place so that cabinet weight is not an issue. It's soooo not an issue that you have twice the AGroove as before?


No no no - this time I have it. Bill Dickens has agreed to carry the 2x12 since you are the only one who owns his sig cab.


OK - what's the explanation?




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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For now I'll say that it was part of a deal so the BD is on its way out. I just wanted a pic with them together.


The Tri112L is 39 lbs shipped so I'd guess about 34-35 lbs by itself. Not heavy by anyone's standards. Quite the one-hander.


Been doing too many things tonight and I'm about to hit the sack. More tomorrow.

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The Tri112L is 39 lbs shipped so I'd guess about 34-35 lbs by itself. Not heavy by anyone's standards. Quite the one-hander.


Goll durned whipper snappers . . . .

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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What do they sound like together?


And how much power does it take to heat them up?

No joke. I really am curious.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I've always been a wise-ass but I'm sure Boston hasn't made it any better (or worse, depending on how you look at it).


I don't know how they sound together because my head has a 4 Ohm minimum...and I would never have a use for such a monstrosity. As for power...I don't know yet. Ask Jeremy or Wally Malone. JC uses an SM900. Properly powered, the BD could handle ANY gig I would ever play. I've played it with a DB750 and almost wet myself.


Wow, Tom I've never seen you so seemingly disappointed by somebody's new gear (except possibly in certain cases of certain people who can't be happy with the gear they just bought). A bit disheartening, but I'll see what I can do to explain myself.


I say it's a one-hand jo...um, deal...because my current head weights about 45 lbs (~10 lbs more than this cab). If you remember, I was looking at 112s and/or 210s and one of my goals was to get cabs under 50 lbs...under 40 lbs is even better.


I made this decision for a number of reasons:


1) It was the right deal. Deals are hard to come by both because of the economy and because everybody and their mother is either looking to downsize their rigs or wants an SVT.


2) The person I made the deal with had access to a brand-new-never-out-of-the-box Tri112L. To me, new is better than sight unseen used. I still love the used market but I've been hosed on too many smaller things and this is a little too high on my priority list to screw up right now. One day when I'm acquiring additional cabs I can go out on a limb, but not when it's going to be my bread and butter for a while.


3) I've played a handful of AG cabs and I know what they sound like and what they can do. They work well for me.


4) I got a great deal.


5) Easy to get a second one (if I feel I need it) at a great price. Used/in great condish these bad boys are typically going for ~$600-$650.


6) Everything seemed to line up just right. I've been getting more and more calls recently for pick up gigs and this deal came at a very opportune time.


7) I've talked to Mark Wright on many occasions via phone, email and PM on TB and, regardless of what an individual may think of him, he provides exemplary customer service.


Also, I may or may not have another shoe to drop this summer and it may or may not have anything to do with anything you guys have seen before. :)

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davio, congrats on the new cab! I've used my Tri-112 many times with my Stewart 2.1 in bridged mode with the master volume all the way up. Of course the input volume was hardly moved. The Tri-112 is still my favorite cabinet.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Nah - I wasn't upset about the cab - just the secretive posting. At that weight it's a logical step. If you got a great deal, then it's a smooth deal.


Congratulations!! :thu:


Oh - and you're a peking duck.





Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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So here's the problem that I get to deal with until I can replace my head (the amp, dummy!):




...and futhermore...




The head is both heavier and longer than the cab.


So, currently, I'm considering making a wedge of some sort to tilt the cab back and just leaving the head to stand on its side like the second picture above. Either that or find a nice, overpriced amp stand.


Any thoughts?

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Head on stand, cab somewhere else.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Two milk crates and put a cover over them. You can also use the crates to carry other things.




So here's the problem that I get to deal with until I can replace my head (the amp, dummy!):




...and futhermore...




The head is both heavier and longer than the cab.


So, currently, I'm considering making a wedge of some sort to tilt the cab back and just leaving the head to stand on its side like the second picture above. Either that or find a nice, overpriced amp stand.


Any thoughts?

I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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I was thinking a little more along the lines of two small wedges of plywood (say, ~4"x12" or so from the right angle) with a hinge between them. It would fold up small enough to throw in a backpack or even a gig bag pocket and could be adjusted for almost any desired angle.


The milk crates idea would actually make load in and out more difficult for me since I currently only have to carry gig bag, backpack with cables and tools, head and cab. Once I swap out the head for one of these new-fangled bite-sized deals I can put that in the backpack too (used LMIIs will probably get really cheap once the LMIIIs hit the market). Effing sweet.

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