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Name my band!

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The Metro Gnomes


I love this one!


That came to me out of the blue like 10 at night.


I pictured a lawn gnome looking figure with highlights in his beard, waxed eyebrows and a mani-pedi...

"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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Lonesome Jack;a nickname my brother took to himself for a very short time when he was a teenager.


Ledbetter Hill;There is a history to that name for me. It's the name of a place in Arkansas that I heard about one time when my dad took me along while he was looking for Ford Model As and parts for 'em. A guy named Donald Heathcot, a typical Southern "good ol' boy" guy all the Model A aficionados looked up to, said it was badly infested with rattlesnakes, and it wasn't a good place to go looking for anything much but snakebite.


I kinda picture it in a stark, simple logo with a blocky, Gothic style font, in greys and umbers. It was probably the name of the band I was gonna be in, till the guitarist decided he wanted to resurrect his previous band instead of going with the three piece he, I and a drummer had been rehearsing for. We had narrowed it down to that one, or Lonesome Jack.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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